
看板Nuggets作者 (寬闊的心)時間19年前 (2005/05/09 23:29), 編輯推噓4(401)
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http://www.denverpost.com/nuggets/ci_2721814 Denver lacks big money to spend in the offseason, so don't expect the likes of Seattle's Ray Allen, Milwaukee's Mich- ael Redd, Phoenix's Joe Johnson or Washington's Larry Hughes to be in a Nuggets uniform next season, unless there is a blockbuster trade. 大意==>沒交易就不會有這些大魚 There could be some talented free-agent shooting guards who won't cost a fortune. Minnesota's Latrell Sprewell wants out and is close to Nuggets center Marcus Camby, but he has a history of creating turmoil. The Memphis Grizzlies are expected to opt out of the last year of troubled Bonzi Wells' contract. The Los Angeles Clippers' Kerry Kittles only played in 11 games because of injury last season but could be a steal if healthy. 還不錯的又不會太佔薪資空間的Latrell Sprewell,Bonzi Wells,Kerry Kittles Other free-agent shooting guards include the Clippers' Bobby Simmons, the 2005 NBA most improved player, and Marko Jaric, Philadelphia's Kyle Korver, Charlotte's Kareem Rush and Keith Bogans, Indiana's James Jones, Seattle's Ronald Murray, Miami's Shandon Anderson and Qyntel Woods, New Orleans' Casey Jacobsen and Bostjan Nachbar, Sacramento's Maurice Evans and San Antonio's Devin Brown. While the Clippers are expected to re-sign Simmons, they are the Clippers and known to make bonehead moves. It might be worth the gamble for the Nuggets to make a strong run at this budding star with the midlevel exception. 其他的(嘿嘿...Jacobsen來吧),Bobby Simmons,Kyle Korver兩個母隊應該會留住, Ronald Murray去年R.Allen不在打的不錯,Kareem Rush應該算有潛力,Devin Brown 也還不錯啦 While the 20th and 22nd picks in the NBA draft wouldn't seem like much in most years, this year is an exception. The potential age limit coming in 2006 is expected to result in many prospects entering the draft early. And, good news for the Nuggets, this draft is expected to be loaded with shooting guards. Potential prospects who could be available when Denver picks include North Carolina's Rashard McCants, Texas A&M's Antoine Wright, New Mexico's Danny Granger, Alabama's Kennedy Winston, Louisville's Francisco Garcia, North Carolina State's Julius Hodge, Georgia Tech's B.J. Elder and Indiana's Bracey Wright as well as Rudy Fernandez from Spain. And, if the Nuggets are looking for a shooting guard to groom for the future, there could be such prep stars as Martell Webster, Louis Williams and CJ Miles and Turkey's Ersan Ilyasova available. 這些是選秀有可能的,我只認識Rashard McCants@@ --- 我只擷取了一部份,加減看吧^^ 最後,作者認為,我們雖然沒辦法得到最好的,但找到一個品質不錯的應該是可預期的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: albibbyan 來自: (05/09 23:43) 05/10, , 1F
那個蝴蝶頭就不要來了...-.- 05/10, 1F 05/10, , 2F
怎麼都沒提到R.Bell應該算便宜裡很好用的 05/10, 2F 05/15, , 3F
spree不會佔薪資空間? 一千萬簽他他都嫌少勒 05/15, 3F 05/15, , 4F
他可是要養家活口的 05/15, 4F 05/18, , 5F
呵呵 推樓上 金塊應該需要射手型或砲塔sg是嗎? 05/18, 5F
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