Re: [分享] Here's A Candle

看板Oasis作者 (SL)時間8年前 (2015/10/29 23:19), 編輯推噓3(303)
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※ 引述《lgng66133 (Dream On!!!)》之銘言: : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: : ※ 文章網址: : 推 BerwickSt: The Dying Of The Light 也在前幾天發行單曲 最愛的歌 10/25 21:52 : → BerwickSt: 不知道會不會有mv 10/25 21:52 : 推 BerwickSt:
10/25 21:54 : → BerwickSt: 補上近日訪談 mv看來是完成了 期待 <3 10/25 21:55 : → BerwickSt: 另外有大大能說明這訪談大意嗎?小弟聽力不是很好 10/25 22:02 剛剛看了這段Noel上Soccer AM的近日訪談影片 想說幫忙大概說明這段訪問一些部分好了 不過聽英國腔的功力還不是很夠 有錯歡迎指正XD (另外附個關於這次訪問的tweet: 影片中從左到右分別是Soccer AM的主持人 John Fendley, Helen Chamberlain, 前ManUtd 首門員 Peter Schmeichel, Noel Gallagher 一開始就是寒暄 然後Noel說他之前和Peter在Upton Park見過 (跟某場West Ham有打的比賽有關 不過這部分我聽不太清楚QQ) 接著講到最近的新單曲Dying of the Light 說道目前MV還沒拍好 接著Noel就說他很討厭拍MV XD "Loathe it, hate it, can't stand it" "Those videos you just shown, I look furious in all of them" (全場大笑) (猜測這段youtube影片沒錄到的地方有主持人播之前Noel的歌的MV) 然後說這僅管討厭還是得做 "It's a necessary evil but I can't stand it" XD 接著Helen問他討厭哪一點 Noel就說"They take all day and the directors are usually pretentious" "the ones that are outside are the worst" "and I wasn't born to be in front of the camera" 大概就是很花時間 導演很做作 他不擅長應付鏡頭(?) 等等 然後在互外拍的特別難熬 尤其是The Ballad of the Mighty I 是11月拍的 超級冷XD 然後講道關於科技對於音樂體驗的影響之類的 會讓一些神祕感消失XD John: "You fought technology for a while, haven't you, but now you've got a website, you got instagram and twitter and all that stuff. Have you kind of given up and accept that is part of your industry?" Noel: "Well, I'm not on twitter, life's too short for that. But you've got to use this to connect with these young people, whoever they are" John: "But you think that's kind of taken the mystery out of music" Noel: "Yeah, of course. I think it's ... you know, when we started -- when Oasis started, if you've heard about Oasis and you wanted to see them you have to go and see them. Now it's very easy for you to tap into a computer and go on Youtube and you can instantly write an opinion about them within 30 seconds. Whereas back in the day when we were all young you have to kind of to go ____ don't you" (我聽不出來空格是什麼QQ 然後就借由神秘感這個話題John問到槍與玫瑰的事XD Noel回答的Blue Man應該是指這則新聞 ( John: "Speak of mystery, any idea what's going on of the Roses?" Noel: "Yes." (觀眾發出驚嘆) Noel: "I know exactly what's going on. That Blue Man." (全場大笑) 接著講到Noel他自己的近況 包括Live Show, 正在準備的新專輯等等 還有他下一個Live Show還來不及有新的東西完成 所以都會是舊歌 "I won't have finished my next magic trick until.. after that, so it'll just be the old stuff." 問他還享不享受巡迴演唱會 他說當然XD 除了吉他以外最重要會帶的是什麼? Noel:護照XD Helen: "Still enjoy touring?" Noel: "I love it. Yeah, it's the best thing about it." Helen: "As much as the old days? More than?" Noel: "I like it as much. I wouldn't say I like it more. Back in the Oasis it was great because it was like HUGE, massive in a big band. The chaos was kind of brilliant. Now it's kind of a bit more ______ (聽不出來QQ), but I do like it. I love it." Helen: "What's the most vital thing, apart from the guitar or stuff like that?" Noel: "It's the .. the passport. (全場笑鼓掌). Unless you just tour in the UK, whereas you don't need one then." 然後John問他有沒有pre-show routine之類的 Noel說沒有XD 不過這一段我聽不是很清楚 大概Noel說他很討厭某種樂團的pre-show routine之類的 他覺得就"finish your drink, get on, bang it out" 就好XD 然後在台上要用75%的精力 因為aftershow 保留一些 最後講到曼城隊和歐冠 Noel就批評歐冠的league anthem 說歌詞很爛XD 再問到對工程師Pelligrini的看法 說他在英超這方面做得"amazingly well, and not really been given the recognition he deserved" 但是在大一點的像是歐冠之類的比賽還有很多需要學習的XD 接著稍微討論了一下他覺得誰有可能接工程師的位子XD 大致上是這樣XD 總結一下 有講到討厭拍MV, 最近有在弄新專輯, 現代科技影響音樂產業, 演唱會要帶護照 很重要(?), 佩帥在英超表現得很讚但對於歐冠那種大場面還不夠熟 等等的XD 打得還蠻亂的 感謝大家看完 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

10/29 23:24, , 1F
10/29 23:24, 1F

10/29 23:24, , 2F
10/29 23:24, 2F

10/29 23:27, , 3F
10/29 23:27, 3F

10/30 00:02, , 4F
感謝b大補充!!所以mv還沒好就是了 那我誤會了T_T..
10/30 00:02, 4F

10/30 00:26, , 6F
剛剛逛到的分享給大家 2個都是我最愛的主唱
10/30 00:26, 6F
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