Re: 關於小歐

看板PACERS作者 (Sarunas Jasikevicius)時間18年前 (2006/04/14 07:56), 編輯推噓2(201)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串6/6 (看更多)
※ 引述《gonzdevour (吞食)》之銘言: : : 比較訝異的是,Kravitz大竟然也寫得出有建設性的文章? : 這篇主旨是說戰警召集球員開了會,讓士氣回升。 : 然後小歐找高層談話,可能有談到他自己的去留問題。 : "Me and the front office had a long talk about everything,'' O'Neal said. : "The air needed to be cleared, and it was very constructive. We laid it : all on the line. We have a better understanding about each other, : and my future with the team.'' : Then he smiled. "I have a long future with this team,'' he said. : 看這個反應,大概已經掛保證了吧。 g大別太樂觀阿! 還記得Rose被交易前也是被告知不會被當成籌碼, 結果還是被換到芝加哥去了。 還蠻慶幸小歐找高層談話,這表示他也在乎自己的定位問題, 而不是那副理所當然我就是老大的心態, 最近他的打法也有所改變,即便有時候命中率欠佳,但是助攻開始出現, 近5場助攻平均為3.6次,高於本季平均的2.5次。 另外其實小歐也蠻多球隊想要, 除了尼克之外,他選秀年的母隊Portland也有意思爭取, Jermaine O'Neal, former MVP candidate of the Pacers, is hoping for a trade to the Trail Blazers, according to NBA moles. O'Neal played the first four years of his pro career with the Blazers and still makes his offseason home in Portland. Jermaine is set to make $18 million dollars in 2006-07, the Blazers could deal Theo Ratliff ($11.6 Mil) and Darius Miles ($7.7 Mil) to Indiana to match up salaries. 基本上這個交易組合很爛,Ratliff薪資到07-08,且都是1千1百66萬, Darius Miles這個高中飛人跳級生也沒太大進步,且還是SF, 我想這交易只有腦殘的人會做吧!! Zach Randolph簽下肥約後今年數據也下滑了, 該隊其實不適合成為交易對象。 不過Portland外國鄉民反而很High,拜託不要啊!! 另外哈寶寶看來暑假去定芝加哥了,討論的好像成真一樣。 還有戰警的發言讓人欣賞,下面這篇寫得不錯。 finally stepping forward. Austin Croshere says to "only worry about things you are able to control", and to "work hard to get them under control". He has been setting a fine example of this with his play in the last two games. Hopefully this is not a fluke, and his teammates can follow his lead. This is not meant to insult O'Neal, but some people are just not meant to be leaders. -- INDIANA PACERS #3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Sarunas 來自: (04/14 08:35) ※ 編輯: Sarunas 來自: (04/14 08:38)

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