[情報] Granger & Redick

看板PACERS作者 (哉哉)時間11年前 (2013/02/11 20:21), 編輯推噓11(1103)
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http://tinyurl.com/ay33a5r Source: Rockets Not Interested In Granger The Houston Rockets have been linked to a potential trade for Danny Granger. But one source said the report is inaccurate about their interest in acquiring Granger, who has a large contract. Via Marc Stein/ESPN 之前火箭對 Granger 有興趣的傳聞被 Marc Stein 消毒囉... http://tinyurl.com/akktg6m Pacers come together on offense, could get Danny Granger back this week Granger, out all season with a left knee injury, went through his first full-court practice Sunday. The Pacers must decide if it's important for Granger to play before the All-Star break next weekend or wait until Feb. 20 against the New York Knicks. 小葛如果沒在明天對上籃網出賽的話,大概就是在山貓或是明星賽後的尼克之戰上場 Indiana's "Batman Return" ?! https://mobile.twitter.com/AlexKennedyNBA/status/300428887744192512?p=v Source says the Indiana Pacers and Chicago Bulls are among the teams pursuing Orlando Magic guard J.J. Redick. https://mobile.twitter.com/AlexKennedyNBA/status/300820162347679744?p=v If the Magic trade J.J. Redick, they'll want an expiring contract and first-round pick. They'd also like to dump a bad contract in the deal. Redick 的確能幫助溜馬的板凳火力,但是溜馬除了首輪好像沒有足夠的吸引籌碼 -- Every man suffers pain. Either the pain of hard work, or the pain of regret. -- from IND Pacers gym -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/11 20:24, , 1F
我還滿喜歡J.J. Redick的說! 不過千萬別亂交易呀…
02/11 20:24, 1F

02/11 20:55, , 2F
02/11 20:55, 2F

02/11 21:06, , 3F
如果漢堡+首輪簽換Redick... 我可以接受
02/11 21:06, 3F

02/11 23:00, , 4F
02/11 23:00, 4F

02/11 23:11, , 5F
02/11 23:11, 5F

02/12 00:02, , 6F
不大可能丟漢堡吧 除非要用埔里頂C
02/12 00:02, 6F

02/12 00:16, , 7F
而且會變SG太多 不然蘭斯要打到SF?
02/12 00:16, 7F

02/12 01:40, , 8F
恩 只好忍痛送個中鋒了...
02/12 01:40, 8F

02/12 10:33, , 9F
漢堡加第一輪換 JJ 是個不錯的主意
02/12 10:33, 9F

02/12 10:42, , 10F
02/12 10:42, 10F

02/12 10:46, , 11F
小葛+希伯<=>jj+大v 這樣魔術應該才會換 可是我們好虧
02/12 10:46, 11F

02/12 10:46, , 12F
不過如果jj換阿福羅感覺就很ok 不過又變魔術小虧
02/12 10:46, 12F

02/12 10:49, , 13F
要照上面那樣換 魔術還得塞2,3隻球員吧
02/12 10:49, 13F

02/12 10:51, , 14F
唉呀 忘了薪資 = =
02/12 10:51, 14F
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