Re: [EU4 ] patch 1.2 change list

看板Paradox作者 (虛空雷神獸)時間11年前 (2013/09/23 21:08), 編輯推噓11(1109)
留言20則, 9人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
擴張相關 1.2: Expansion changes 宣稱 Claims - Claims now only reduce peacecosts by 10%. 現在簽停戰有宣稱的土地只會折價10% (有差嗎?反正都丟給小弟) - Being discovered while fabricating claims now gives 10 AE 偽造宣稱被抓包現在會給10點AE(侵略擴張) - Fabricating claims no longer gives AE unless discovered 但是沒被抓包的話就不會加AE了 (以前是造好的時候一定會加) - Can no longer fabricate claims on your vassals 不能偽造自己小弟的宣稱了 (感覺像是nerf了什麼怪招? 偽造自己的小弟有什麼好處嗎?) - Can now only be discovered once while fabricating claims 現在偽造宣稱只會被抓包一次 造核心 Gaining Cores - Size penalty on coring is now reduced by about 0,2% each year, down to basically 0 at 1800. 現在造核心受到的領土過大懲罰每年都會減少0.2% 到1800年的時候不再有領土過大的懲罰 - Default core time modifier from size of country reduced by 20%. 領土過大懲罰調降20% - Coring colonies you colonized now takes 50% of the time & coring provinces of your own culture is now quicker. 幫殖民地造核心加速50%,幫同文化的省份造核心速度也更快了 - The russian idea Subednik is now 15% cheaper cores instead of +10% tax income. 俄國人的Subednik理念效果從+10%稅金變成造核心-15%造價 - Coring a province can no longer take more than 20 years, no matter what. 現在造核心的時間最長不超過20年 - Claims no longer have any major impact on coring time, its just a 10% bonus. 現在宣稱只能降低造核心的費用,已經不影響造核心的時間 - You now only get cores on your vassals/unions if they have cores on those provinces. 現在吃小弟只有在小弟有核心的領土你才能拿到免費核心 (最強的imba招被nerf了 QQ) - Making a province you colonized into a core now costs the same anywhere in the world. aka, Russia gets Siberia for same price as Spain gets south america. 幫殖民地造核心現在均一價,不再區分海內外 掉核心 Losing Cores - Countries that have been annexed will now lose their cores over time 現在被併吞的國家隨著時間過去會開始掉核心了 - When forming a nation, the previous nation's cores will now be wiped 國家改制的時候之前的核心就沒了 - Cores in the same culture group can now be lost after 150 years (300 years if the country is the culture's primary tag) 現在同文化組的核心過150年之後會消失,同文化則是300年 - All province owner changes resets timer for "loss of core" 現在一塊領土換人統治的話,掉核心的時間會重新計算 過度擴張 Overextension - You no longer get new nationalism in colonial territory you are busy coring or havent cored yet when switching tags.. 正在造核心的領土不會噴出民族主義叛軍了 (switching tags是啥? 看不懂) - Non-Pagan countries no longer get overextension for conquering the provinces of Pagans, unless those provinces have cores from other Non-Pagan countries 文明國家(非pagan)吃pagan的地不會加OE了,除非那塊地上有其他文明國家的核心 (可以爽吃瓦刺、阿茲特克、印加這些國家了) 經濟相關 1.2: Economical Changes Economy - You can never store more than 1000000 ducats now. 金錢上限一百萬 (十萬就快花不完了) - Tweaked tariff rates, making them slightly better, while at the same time making overseas goldmines useful. 關稅算法改了,讓海外金礦變比較有用一點 - Refactored internal code for estimated monthly income, so there are no more weird spikes after some things. 預估收入的程式改了,讓遊戲不會出現一些很奇怪的預測數字 (HOI2,CK2,EU4都有這種現象,有時候要讓遊戲跑個幾天那個數字才會正確) - Income from loot is now classified as spoils of war instead of tax. 掠奪來的錢現在被歸類在戰爭收入而非稅金 (EU4有掠奪這種事?) 通膨 Inflation - Bankruptcy now only reduces inflation by 25%. 現在破產只會降低25%的通膨 (沒破產過,不知道以前降多少) - Halfed inflation impact from goldmines 金礦對通膨的影響力減半 (金礦收入超過總收入的10%會造成通膨) - Taking gold in peace now gives you 0.02 inflation for each monthly income worth of money taken 戰爭賠款現在會造成通膨,一個月收入的賠款會增加0.02%通膨,以此類推 (以後不能爽爽勒索土人了嗎...) - You can now always reduce inflation if you got admin power & basecost for reducing inflation is now 75 ADM for -2 inflation. 現在不用理念也可以用內政點數消通膨了,75點內政消2% - The Bonus for economy group is now 33% cheaper inflation reduction. 經濟理念全點的功能變成消通膨減價33% - Resilient state is now -10% inflation reduction costs, instead of +25% spy defence. 內政理念的第六項Resilient state效果從+25%間諜防禦改成消通膨減價10% - The dutch idea revenuestamps now reduced inflation reduction cost by 15%, instead of adding 10% tax. 荷蘭的國家理念revenue stamps(印花稅)效果從+10%稅金變成-15%消通膨費用 (嗯...印花稅跟降低國內通膨有關係嗎?) - Bavaria now starts with 10% cheaper inflation reduction. 巴伐利亞內建消通膨折價10% (這又是什麼典故?) - Aragons reformed administration is now reduced inflation reduction cost by 15%, instead of adding 10% tax. 亞拉崗的某個理念從+10%稅金改成-15%消通膨費用 (一堆國家+10%稅金收入的理念被砍,哭哭) 貿易 Trade - Trade ships that are withdrawing to a friendly port to repair will no longer path through enemy fleets 巡邏中的輕船如果受損會自己開去修,現在他們不會笨到跑去撞敵人的艦隊了 - Reduced outgoing trade value increase from forwarding merchants to prevent absurd value accumulations of thousands of ducats in home nodes 在貿易轉錢被nerf,現在沒辦法月收入破千了 - Can no longer maintain patrol ships where you do not have either province power or a trader 現在輕船在沒有省份沒有商人的貿易點無法維護了 (不很懂,是壞掉不會自己開去修還是怎樣?) - Ships patrolling trade nodes should now never enter open water provinces unless travelling to a new node 輕船不會自己笨到跑去open water扣血了 - Trade fleets will now only try to repair in your own ports 輕船現在只會開回自己家的港口維修 (我遇過,自己的輕船隊停在奇怪的地方,然後因為一輩子修不好所以永遠不會開出去) - Trade fleets will no longer stray from the coasts next to their node unless they are travelling to a different node (aka no more red sea - alexandria via cape patrol) 輕船現在不會迷路了 - Ships on trade patrol will patrol at slightly further ranges, so that fleets patrolling nodes like Novgorod isn't constantly bouncing in and out of port 輕船現在會開得比較遠一點 - Improved setup logic for trade fleet routes 輕船變聰明了 - Trade fleets can now always patrol sea provinces adjacent to their country's controlled territory 輕船不會再去巡邏那些跟你領土無關的海域了 - Reduced England's blockade bonus to sane levels 英格蘭的海上封鎖能力被nerf - Trader in bonus only updates on monthly basis (reduces message spam when it changes often) 商人現在不會洗頻了 (很少看log,不太清楚本來有多洗) 戰爭稅 Wartaxes - War Taxes now last for a fixed period of 2 years and have a one-time cost of 50 military power 戰爭稅現在要花50軍事點才能徵收,效果存在兩年 - War Taxes no longer have any negative effects 現在戰爭稅沒有負面影響 (沒徵過戰爭稅,不是很確定這兩段到底在講什麼) 好懶喔,忽然發現我翻不完,有沒有人要接手啊? 宗教相關 1.2: Religious Changes Religion - Popery Act is now only good. - Unam Sanctam has been renamed to Deus Vult, is no longer worthless after 1650, and any religion can use it. - Orthodox countries now gets +2% missionary strength from full patriarch authority. - Provinces converting to protestand and reformed at the spawn of the religion will now get zeal as well. - Rebalance neo-confusianism. - Ottomans now get Ottoman tolerance much faster - Converting to protestant or reformed the first time, also converts a random province. Papacy - Papal Influence cap now goes up full five years of growth and its properly explained. - Cardinals no longer give you more papal influence, and their effect on legitimacy is scaled down to same level as prestige. - Its now possible to invest in cardinals even if you don't take full control over them. - Influencing cardinals no longer breaks apart if the previously highest controller has been annexed. - You can now see what everyone have invested in a cardinal, in a tooltip over the votes. - Cardinals now have a far higher likelihood to die as they grow old. - Cardinals not yet in the curia can now die. - Changing country tag no longer makes you lose investment in cardinals. - Papal influence no longer blocks excommunication, but papal opinions must be below -50. - There is no longer any distance limit to crusades. 外交相關 1.2: Diplomacy Changes Diplomacy - Revolutionary war CB no longer has double wargoals - Claim throne now only gives a CB if you are in the same dynasty - CBs now properly updated after executing claim throne - Shogun now has a CB against Daimyos that hold at least 10 provinces or have become independent - Improve Relations: Now ticks correctly. - The change government CB is no longer valid if you or your target has a government form that cannot be force-converted - When an overlord ally is called, it will now allways be possible for it to replace its subject as warleader Unions - Unions breaking due to rebels in a lesser partner should no longer kill your heir. - Unions breaking from rebels by a government change now creates a new ruler. - Forming a union breaks any alliance between union partners (without penalty) - When a nation that has lesser union partners gets absorbed in a personal union, the lesser partners gets transfered to the new union War - Should an overlord find itself in a war with its subject as overlord, the tables will now be turned - Refactored call for peace, so it slowly ticks up when valid instead of instant cripple in a long war. Peace Negotiations - War of independence white peace no longer breaks union - Force conversions now scale with the size of the target country. - Annexing a province will now only destroy the highest level building in each category. Unique buildings, manufacturies, and level 5 and 6 buildings will always be destroyed. - You can no longer revoke a core from a province with the same culture as that core's primary culture. - Government changes can no longer be given away by an attacker in a war. - Target of wargoal can no longer choose to not have warleader negotiate for them - Large countries can now be instantly annexed in a revolutionary war. - Revolution & Counter-Revolution wargoal now reduces badboy by 50% rather than 75% - Tweaked some wargoal peace cost modifiers - Can now always demand releasing of countries from wargoal target. - Having a wargoal to vassalize means that only the originalattacker can vassalize the target country, no matter who occupies the capital. - CB against wargoal target you are unable to negotiate with separately will now be applied against enemy warleader - Can now always demand vassalization of wargoal target if you're unable to negotiate with them separately - You can no longer do release nation on a province that neither you nor any of the takers controlls. - You can no longer release and take the same province in a peace settlement. - Cancel building constructions on province conquer - A country will now lose all claims as they get annexed. - If a conquered province is a capital, move the capital and the spy actions along with it - When making someone your vassal he will join your wars and you will join his. - An ally that is not the warleader that makes an individual peace deal is no longer limited to the warleaders influence over its peace deal. - Reduced the warscore cost reduction against large countries so that you can't dismantle Russia in one war - When enforcing peace against a country attacking your vassal, allies will no longer automatically be called - Forceing a vassal or a lesser union partner will now call you to war with their enemies - Fixed several issues with the War for the Emperor CB and annexation logic - Concede defeat is now 10 warscore & 10 prestige Coalitions - When fighting a large coalition, you no longer get 100% warscore just for occupying coalition leader - Countries that are already in a coalition war can no longer be targeted by a coalition CB - Subject countries will no longer join coalitions - When attacking a subject country whose overlord is in a coalition against the attacker, their overlord's coalition will now be called in - In offensive coalition wars a larger power can now always take over as warleader - In coalition wars the leader can no longer demand provinces unless those provinces are the wargoal or a core or claim of theirs - Coalitions can no longer form against non-existing countries. Opinions - 'Enemy of my enemy' relation now ticks up over time - Increased opinion bonus for returning cores to a country. - Added an opinion penalty for breaking a royal marriage. - Increased AE reduction for losing provinces in war. - A guarantee is now a +10 opinion towards the one guaranteeing. - Increased AE impact for Daimyos conquering other Daimyos. - Tweaked AE impact of some CBs - refusing alliance calls now gives the bonus opinion properly. - Canceling fleet basing, and declining an offer about fleet basing/military access does no longer give relation penalties (revoking and refusing access still gives penalties as it should). - Will no longer get 'Competitor for world domination' against vassals - Toned down AE multiplier effects a bit - When a country is annexed, all its temporary opinion modifiers will now be cleared -- ╔═ ═╦╦═════╦═════╗ ◤◤◤ ╠╣飛鳥ももこ╠═╗ ║ ║╚═════╝ ╚═╦═╣ ║╔══════╗╔═╩═╣ █◤ ╠╣Momoko Asuka╠╝ ║ ◣◢◣◢╩╩══════╩════╝ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: gasbomb 來自: (09/23 21:08)

09/23 21:12, , 1F
丟給小弟的 請參照AI改變這篇 咈咈咈
09/23 21:12, 1F

09/23 21:13, , 2F
Switching tag 是指成立西班牙等改變國家代碼行為
09/23 21:13, 2F

09/23 21:13, , 3F
09/23 21:13, 3F

09/23 21:15, , 4F
09/23 21:15, 4F

09/23 21:19, , 5F
09/23 21:19, 5F

09/23 21:21, , 6F
通膨數量 = (賠償金/月收入)*0.02
09/23 21:21, 6F
感謝 ※ 編輯: gasbomb 來自: (09/23 21:23)

09/23 21:27, , 7F
現在是要一人一篇XD 我也來共襄盛舉好嗎?
09/23 21:27, 7F

09/23 21:33, , 8F
要共襄盛舉也不要重複阿XD 我現在在翻新功能那篇
09/23 21:33, 8F

09/23 21:33, , 9F
翻之前先協調啊 不然翻好出來發現人家也翻了簡直痛不欲生
09/23 21:33, 9F

09/23 21:35, , 10F
哪一段懶得翻我可以代勞XD 當然坐著等結果也不錯(?)
09/23 21:35, 10F

09/23 21:39, , 11F
09/23 21:39, 11F

09/23 21:45, , 12F
09/23 21:45, 12F

09/23 21:50, , 13F
09/23 21:50, 13F

09/23 21:55, , 14F
09/23 21:55, 14F

09/23 21:56, , 15F
原本代價是每月厭戰+0.12 降低厭戰+10%
09/23 21:56, 15F

09/23 23:17, , 16F
09/23 23:17, 16F

09/23 23:18, , 17F
09/23 23:18, 17F

09/23 23:19, , 18F
Can no longer maintain是指在沒有省份沒有商人的貿易點不能
09/23 23:19, 18F

09/23 23:20, , 19F
09/23 23:20, 19F

09/24 01:28, , 20F
09/24 01:28, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1IG3rLoV (Paradox)
文章代碼(AID): #1IG3rLoV (Paradox)