Re: [問題] 有人遇過這一類型的的老師嗎 (好尷尬)

看板PhD作者時間19年前 (2005/12/14 06:53), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串10/11 (看更多)
※ 引述《 (沙漠的響尾蛇)》之銘言: : 最近在跟指導教授談題目方向(我是博一) : 他現在跟我說 你的題目要做創紀錄的東西 : 先前10年內前仆後繼沒人成功過 : 只要你做出來就是世界級的研究 : 但你也有可能七年畢不了業 : 埃埃 害我陷入長考 To be honest, it is pointless to get such a project for your PhD. Never ever think of a very world leading project for a PhD thesis. PhD students are just students learning how to do research. (If you can find out my earlier article about 'castle-building', it might help.) Good examples: Einstein's PhD thesis was about a sensible contribution to Brownian motion theory. We all know the theory pushing the name on the top or the world is not merely Brownian motion theory. Similarly, Das Kapital was not in Marx's PhD Thesis. : 我當初只是想認真做研究 然後走比較穩的路線 : 現在好像要賭大的 已經在想不知道該不該換老師之類的 : 不知道有沒有人遇過 這種問題 : 因為知道自己的狀況 應該是沒有這種能力的 : 所以很猶豫 埃很怕幾年後 什們都沒有 只有休學下場 : 還是這是一般老師希望學生努力手段阿 : (先前有人畢業了但是是拿聯x科獎學金的高手) : 請各位學長姐給一些建議吧 謝謝 If you are just starting to do your project, it is OK you don't know what it will go. However, your supervisor must absolutely know and can see the 80% of the results. Is it not only for him, but for yourself. I would suggest you to test his knowledge by asking him more questions... Remember, to get 'practical and realistic' answers but not 'castle in the air'. Remember, several years later, if the project or the idea is proved to be unsuccessful, and if even worse, repeat another unsuccessful story ---- it could hurt your PhD! In this case, your supervisor is still a lecturer paid during your study. How about you? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢參( ◆ From:

12/16 00:37, , 1F
Ican not agree with you
12/16 00:37, 1F

12/16 20:24, , 2F
樓上您就別費力啦XD, 大神他不會理妳的XD
12/16 20:24, 2F
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