Re: [問題] Book Chapter

看板PhD作者 (abyssa1)時間15年前 (2009/03/26 16:10), 編輯推噓1(100)
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網路上看到的網誌 -- 2009年3月24日 星期二 我要出書了!(大誤) 難道說,這是學術界的詐騙集團!? 我剛剛收到一個email,其實上禮拜就收到了,不過我以為是無聊的信件,所以看也沒看 就把它刪了,剛剛看了一下,哇!我獲得提名要角逐奧斯卡!!(大誤) Dear Dr. Lee,(誤) last week I have sent you the following email, please answer me. My name is Aleksandar Lazinica and I am contacting you regarding the In-Tech new book project under the working title "Radio Communications", ISBN 978-953-7619-X-X. Based on your paper "Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction of Space-Time Codes That Achieve Diversity-Multiplexing Gain Tradeoff" you are nominated to submit proposal for the book chapter. You are however neither limited to the paper topic nor we are asking you to republish the above paper. This paper served as a proof that you are doing a high quality research.(心虛,他有看懂我 那篇嗎…是proof I am dumb吧) The book will be published by IN-TECH, worlds first advanced technologies open access platform. All IN-TECH books are published as hard copy (with ISBN number) and online as open access. The publishing fee per chapter is 470 Euro(偷偷算一下21620台幣XD). Publishing fee covers all steps in the book production as well as one hard copy of the book. Please note that all IN-TECH books are downloaded averagely 1000 times per month, with classical selling of hardcopy books such number of potential readers is not possible. 結論: 還是不要花時間在這種東西,自high一下就好了,我太弱了>"<,還寫書咧Orz.... 好忙好忙,沒時間回家… 4/7號,我要去大二小朋友面前考後上台一一解題複變,囧,要被他們的書卷電了… 傷心… 張貼者: silentspy 位於 下午 7:47 ※ 引述《OnepieceZoro (XD)》之銘言: : 幫朋友代PO.. : 因為他權限不足 : --------------------------- : 本身是IC設計領域的,去年發表短篇後,有國外(In-Tech)網站邀請寫一章 Book Chapter, : 是關於發表的那篇。 : 因為現在也還在寫長篇中,事情也是一堆,還要付費 470歐元。 : 不知道寫那種東西有沒有credit。 : 而且老實說,自己本身在作研究時根本沒有注意到這網站的東西, : 一般Conference、Journal 就讀不完了。 : 附上網站: : : Solid State Circuits Technologies : 老闆是回: 那是什麼東西阿!不用浪費時間在那裡。 : 想請教一下各位的經驗,遇到這種事的處理方式。 : 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: abyssa1 來自: (03/26 16:20) ※ Scwen:轉錄至看板 UFO 03/26 22:48

03/29 19:39, , 1F
03/29 19:39, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #19opXcvg (PhD)
文章代碼(AID): #19opXcvg (PhD)