Re: [閒聊] 開季10敗達陣與offseason move隨談

看板Phillies作者 (殘劍狂千秋)時間10年前 (2014/04/21 22:13), 10年前編輯推噓5(501)
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※ 引述《Fukudome (殘劍狂千秋)》之銘言: : 2.我在兩年前的主板就說過 #1FbhhSjS 25M在受傷之前就有退化跡象,後來的傷勢只是在 : 加速退化而已,我更敢說今年他如果HR>20發,我到他這爛約結束之前都不會再酸他25M : 比起打擊...他的守備更是爛到讓我很度爛...-_- 連Sandberg也看不下去了 科科 Sandberg willing to replace Howard for better defense Ryan Howard’s glove has hurt the Phillies in the early part of the season. As recently as Saturday night, he failed to make a play on a ball off the bat of Colorado’s Carlos Gonzalez in the fourth inning. Though it was scored a base hit, Phillies manager Ryne Sandberg acknowledged that Howard should have made the play. Two batters after Howard’s non-error error, Justin Morneau belted a two-run home run in what ended up as a 3-1 Colorado win. 25M昨天對落磯系列戰第二場3:1輸球的那個隱形失誤實在太關鍵,我現在還想不透紀錄組 怎會算安打...頗呵 So Sandberg wasn’t taking any chances Sunday afternoon. With Howard’s help -- he had a four-hit, three-RBI day -- the Phillies took a two-run lead into the bottom of the eighth inning. Sandberg wanted to protect that lead so he removed Howard from the game and replaced him with John Mayberry Jr. It didn’t matter that he was risking losing Howard’s bat if the game was extended. Sandberg wanted Mayberry’s glove in the game. And though it might have been a double-switch on paper, the move was done entirely for defensive reasons. 今天這場Sandberg為了守住2分的領先,在八局下換上他認為守備較好的五月莓鎮守一壘 即使25M這場打得很好,但Sandberg更不想再落後或被追平再讓25M在只剩2局的這場比賽 還有貢獻火力的機會,他要五月莓的手套守住領先 So said Sandberg after the Phillies completed their 10-9 win. Reporter’s question: Were you thinking defense with Mayberry? Sandberg’s answer: “When the move is made, yes.” The manager looked wise for making the move when Mayberry scooped Freddy Galvis’ low throw out of the dirt to end the game with two runners on base. Had Mayberry not pulled the ball out of the dirt, the Rockies would have tied the game and there might have been no holding them back after that. “Hell of a play by Mayberry,” Sandberg said. “A lot of guys might score if that gets by him.” The play was so close that it had to be reviewed on replay, but the umpires got it right. “I had a pretty good feeling we got him, but you never know till it’s official,” Mayberry said. 這段就直接用五月莓的這個關鍵的Nice Catch來翻譯吧 這個慢斗要是沒撈到...這場大概就又要居居了XD With his four-hit day, which included a triple and a homer, Howard took his batting average from .217 to .262. In 18 games, he has four homers and 10 RBIs. He is slugging .508 and has a .360 on-base percentage. It’s a small sample size, but Howard is on pace for 36 homers. “He does that in his sleep,” Jimmy Rollins said. “I’m joking. He’s getting his swing. That’s the work. It hadn’t shown up for about four games in a row, but hopefully everybody gets going and we become sick with hitting. ” Rollins was referring to the fact that the Phils went four games without an extra-base hit before clouting seven on Sunday. They had scored just three runs in the previous four games before erupting for 10 on Sunday. 以上這段在說25M這場的功勞 Interestingly, Howard would not admit that he was replaced for defensive reasons Sunday. He saw it more as a double-switch and said he was not troubled by it. “I wasn’t disappointed at all,” he said. “It was just the flow of the game. I've come out before because I've been pinch-run for. I don't think it's a defensive thing. It's in the flow of the game. Now if I'm out there and they say, 'Hey, Ryan, come in,' then that's a defensive change.” 這段太有趣了XD 因為25M表示︰我不認為自己是因為守備被換下場的 (堅定) Whatever the case, one has to wonder whether Sandberg will continue the practice of protecting leads with a defensive upgrade at first base late in games. “Possibly,” he said. 不管怎樣啦~Sandberg表示︰以後還是會在比賽後半段為了提升一壘的防守將25M換下場 It worked Sunday. Might even have saved a game. 這場勝利真的是因為Sandberg這個調度而守住 Good Job! Sandberg -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

04/21 22:15, , 1F
美聯強權有缺DH的話 可以喔
04/21 22:15, 1F
※ 編輯: Fukudome (, 04/21/2014 22:18:37

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