Re: [問題] 請問分離變數法和group theory 有關係嗎?

看板Physics作者 (cc)時間14年前 (2010/07/25 15:54), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《kuromu (kuromu [30mN)》 : spherical polar coordinates upon substituting the eigenvalue l(l+1) for L . : ◎For cylindrical coordinates the PDE is invariant under rotations about the : z-axis only,which form a subgroup of SO(3),This invariance yields the generator : Lz=-i(∂/∂φ) and separate azimuthal ODE LzΨ=mΨ as before.Invariance under : translations along the z-axis with the generator -i(∂/∂z) gives the separate : ODE in the z-variable provided the boundary conditions obey the same symmetry. : The potential V=V(ρ) or V=V(z) depends on one variable,as a rule. : ◎In general,there are n mutually commuting generators H with eigenvalues m : i i : of the (classical) Lie group G of rank n and the corresponding Casimir : invariants C with eigenvalues c ,which yield the separate ODEs : i i : H Ψ=m Ψ C Ψ=c Ψ : i i i i : in addition to the radial ODE HΨ=EΨ. 這是說,方程式原來是一個PDE,但透過觀察,我們發現方程式的解有一種對稱性, 柱座標下對Z軸對稱,所以方程式invariant under rotations. 把那些rotation,也就是座標變換矩陣收集起來,就形成一個SO(3)群. 又因為解是對稱的,固定Z座標後,解就是一個radial function. 於是原來的PDE就可以化為兩個ODE求解 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #1CJ5uodv (Physics)