[運勢] 12/13 The Daily Horoscope

看板Pisces作者 (Solar)時間5年前 (2018/12/12 22:54), 編輯推噓8(800)
留言8則, 8人參與, 5年前最新討論串4/4 (看更多)
The way you relate to and communicate with a certain person in your life often leads to less-than-harmonious results. In fact, Pisces, you have had more than your fair share of arguments with this individual, and it doesn't ever seem to change. But it can be better if you pay attention to where things go wrong, as there is probably a common pattern that applies. So, the next time you're together, pay attention to the way you interact. You can make it much better if you want to. -- 目前與某位你生活中有關並交流的人物,近來有著不太和諧的結果。實際上,你己經 與這號人物有過多爭論,並且目前看似是不會改變的。但是,當有適當的共處機會存 在,如果你能注意到問題出在哪裡的話,那就太好了。所以,下一次你們有機會一起 互動,注意一下你互動的方式。如果你想要的話,你可以讓事情變的更好。 -- Copyright ?? Daily Horoscope. Download it now 〞 http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pisces/M.1544626455.A.48D.html

12/12 22:58, 5年前 , 1F
12/12 22:58, 1F

12/12 23:04, 5年前 , 2F
12/12 23:04, 2F

12/12 23:27, 5年前 , 3F
12/12 23:27, 3F

12/12 23:27, 5年前 , 4F
12/12 23:27, 4F

12/12 23:46, 5年前 , 5F
12/12 23:46, 5F

12/13 09:03, 5年前 , 6F
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12/13 09:03, 6F

12/13 10:40, 5年前 , 7F
12/13 10:40, 7F

12/13 12:02, 5年前 , 8F
12/13 12:02, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1S4I4NID (Pisces)
文章代碼(AID): #1S4I4NID (Pisces)