[外電] "我們期待很高":最後的比賽和季後目標

看板Pistons作者 (無奈小袋鼠)時間3年前 (2021/05/11 01:34), 編輯推噓11(1107)
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'The expectation will be high': Final games of Pistons season to guide offseason goals "還有很高的期待呢": 活塞最後幾場比賽還有後續的休賽季目標 https://reurl.cc/bzKVA3 With the memories of snow still fresh in mind and spring still easing its way in, it’s not too early to start thinking the summer. 雪季的印象還很清晰,而春天的氣息還正濃烈,但現在就開始為夏季做準備並不算早。 The summer means different things to different people, but for the Pistons, it means the end of the season, which concludes on May 16, and a quick respite to prepare for what will be an important period. The players will begin individual workouts, and each will have an improvement plan that will tie into a bigger plan for how he will fit on the team. 夏天對每個人來說都有不同的意義,但是對活塞來說,夏天的到來代表5/16賽季的結束 ,還有重要工作前的短暫喘息。球員們將會帶著不同的目標開始各自訓練,而這些訓練 目標都連結到接下來大家要怎麼融入這個團隊。 There’s still plenty more of the roster structure that needs to be figured out, including the draft and free agency, but for the players returning next season, there is a plan. 球隊的整體架構還有很多需要整理考量,包括接下來的選秀和自由球員市場選項。但對 下賽季將要回來的球員來說,是有個全盤的計劃的。 “A lot of things guys will work on (will vary) from their body to their nutrition — a little bit of everything: ideal weight, ball-handling, shooting, approach to practice, approach to games, the whole nine yards,” coach Dwane Casey said Monday. 凱西教練在星期一時說:"這些年輕傢伙們將有很多事情需要努力,從他們的體能到營養 ─每件事都需要一點進步:理想的體重、掌握球的能力、投籃、訓練的方法、比賽的方 法,每一件事!" “We’ve put together a formula that we want to make sure we sit down with guys at the end of the year, after these 11 games are over with, sit down and talk to about expectations for the summer, where they should be, what we want them to look at.” "我們已經有一整套計畫,希望能夠這個賽季最後11場比賽之後,和大家坐下來好好談談 ,討論球隊對休賽季的期待、大家各自該做的事還有球隊希望大家專注的目標。" Casey gives each player a “role card” early in the season, which helps each of them focus on particular aspects of his game and understand what his specific role will be. Now that the season is winding down and Casey and general manager Troy Weaver have had a chance to assess what the strengths and weaknesses are for each player — and what the team needs — they can piece together a plan to move forward and how they’ll proceed in the draft and free agency. 賽季初期,凱西教練給了每個球員一張"角色卡",幫助每個人專注在他們比賽中所處的 位置還有在場上發揮的角色。現在賽季逐漸進入尾聲,凱西教練和威佛總管有機會可以 評估每個球員的優缺點,以及球隊的需求。當一切都理出眉目,兩人就可以擬定一套繼 續向前的計畫,還有休賽季期間如何在選秀和自由市場上操作。 Some players will take long-awaited vacations or go back home before turning their attention to a workout customized and individualized workout regimen. 部分球員將可以享受久違的假期,回家好好放鬆,再回來專心吃為他們每個人量身打 造的訓練課表。 “Troy will talk to them. I will talk to them. The weight and conditioning coaches will talk to them. But there is a list of priorities that we’re going into summer with, goals we’re going into summer with, and expect our guys to come out at the end of the summer with,” Casey said. “So, it’s a big summer for a lot of players and so the expectation will be high, not only these last 11 games, but throughout the summer.” "Troy會跟他們聊,我也會跟他們聊,重訓與體能教練也~會跟他們聊。但今年夏天我們 還有一整個清單的優先事項、目標以及希望球員們能夠達成的事情。"凱西說,"所以,對 很多球員來說,這是個很重要的夏天。不只是接下來的11場比賽,還有後面的一整個夏 天。" The Pistons have a dedicated group of development coaches and staff to devote to helping players, whether they end up staying in the Detroit area to work out in the summer, or in other areas, closer to their homes or other parts of the country — or even internationally, as it was with Sekou Doumbouya, to help his onboarding process after he was drafted. 活塞有一整個教練團全心投入幫助球員,不論球員們會待在底特律、美國其他地方甚至 是國外─例如Dounbouya,他們都會協助加入活塞的球員逐步融入球隊。 Time to tinker 該來補補洞了 Before they get to the offseason, there are some things that Casey would like to see and implement in the final stretch of the season. That includes some lineup permutations and some additional minutes for some players who could have a role next season. 在賽季結束前,凱西沒打算浪費這最後的時間,希望能夠在球隊中再加入一些元素。包 括嘗試不同的陣容組合,還有給下賽季仍有發揮空間的球員多一點上場時間。 With the playoffs almost out of reach mathematically, there’s more opportunity to tinker with some subtle nuances and get more minutes with unconventional lineups. That might include some smaller groupings, and some looks at younger players for extended minutes at the end of games. 在進入季後賽的機會連從數字來看都幾乎不可能的現在,現在有更多機會去修補一些球 員和陣容上的小細節,還有用比較多的比賽時間來嘗試非傳統的場上陣容。比如一些更 小的陣容,或是觀察年輕球員如果在比賽末段有更多上場機會時的表現。 “The three-guard lineup, I think, will happen at some point. We’ve already been playing our young guys, different combinations, mostly out of necessity as much as we’ve had guys out,” Casey said. “I’d like to play a little more zone to see what that looks like. We haven’t gotten a chance to do that. There are a few more things we’d like to look at, mainly the three-guard lineup, just to see what that looks like, but again, that’s not something I wake up in the morning ready to worry about. "我想,也許我會擺上三衛陣。我們已經讓年輕小夥子們多上場、嘗試不同陣容,主要是 看比賽需求,但也是看我們有哪些可用的球員。"凱西說,"我還想看看現在區域聯防打起 來的感覺如何,還有一些其他想做的,主要包括三衛陣。但這不太是我每天一起床就需 要煩惱的事情。" “I just want to make sure we get Sekou some more looks, Tyler Cook some more looks, get Dennis (Smith Jr.) back and get some time on the court to evaluate him.” "我只是想確定Dounbouya和Cook有多一點上場機會,DSJ回來後還能夠給他一點上場時間, 來看看他的狀況。" 心得: 所以凱西真的還滿重視燉補鴨的發展耶,還是說只是希望最後這幾場他有些好數據賣相 比較好... 這篇是4/26打完溜馬之後的文,翻之前沒仔細看內容,本來以為是討論跟季後操作相關 的事情。不過既然都翻了就大家隨意看看吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Pistons/M.1620668075.A.4D0.html

05/11 08:15, 3年前 , 1F
05/11 08:15, 1F

05/11 08:16, 3年前 , 2F
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05/11 09:08, 3年前 , 3F
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05/11 09:28, 3年前 , 4F
因為兩個美其名都雙能衛 其實一二號都沒打特別好
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05/11 11:17, 3年前 , 5F
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05/11 11:57, 3年前 , 6F
hayes最近感覺有試著從右邊切入 下季應該可以期待
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05/11 12:06, 3年前 , 7F
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05/11 12:07, 3年前 , 8F
我覺得像Hayes 的右手應該也是夏天訓練目標之一
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05/11 12:08, 3年前 , 9F
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05/11 12:43, 3年前 , 15F
有幾次看到Doumbouya喘到像是快死掉的鏡頭 亂恐怖的
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05/11 17:45, 3年前 , 16F
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05/11 20:33, 3年前 , 17F
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05/13 01:44, 3年前 , 18F
05/13 01:44, 18F
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