Re: [新聞] 同志諮詢熱線協會是「公益團體」? 網友爆該協會舉辦多P講座

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※ 引述《microXD (XD)》之銘言: : Yahoo : : 同志諮詢熱線協會是「公益團體」? 網友爆該協會舉辦多P講座 又是風向新聞,一直貼基督教媒體還要裝是雅虎,歧視就不要在那邊裝中立 熱線的聲明稿: ---------- 熱線是電話諮詢起家,採同儕輔導的概念,認為同志最能理解同志的需求,因此由受過訓 練的同志義工接聽,陪伴來電者面對生活中所面臨到與同志相關的問題或困擾。我們的諮 詢專線主要提供的服務內容包含:自我認同、情感支持、感情困擾、愛滋諮詢、法律議題 、家庭壓力、同志父母諮詢、同志交友資訊、跨性別議題等 青春期本來就是身體發育並對性感到疑惑與好奇的階段,所以青少年時期,教導正確的性 教育是重要的。現行學校教育並不足以回應大部分青少年的疑惑,更遑論談論同性間的性 教育,導致許多青少年同志無法獲得對性的正確認識與理解。因此熱線在青少年同志聚會 中,讓青少年同志把心中的疑惑說出來,在令人安心信任的環境下討論,使參與的青少年 同志,對性有更多貼近現實樣貌的認識,並在過程中討論同志的安全性行為教育,對我們 而言,這才是有效且務實的性教育 ---------- 看一下美國兒科醫學會的說法: Children and adolescents should be shown how to develop a safe and positive view of sexuality through age-appropriate education about their sexual health. Sexuality education is more than the instruction of children and adolescents on anatomy and the physiology of biological sex and reproduction. It covers healthy sexual development, gender identity, interpersonal relationships, affection, sexual development, intimacy, and body image for all adolescents, including adolescents with disabilities, chronic health conditions, and other special needs. Developing a healthy sexuality is a key developmental milestone for all children and adolescents that depends on acquiring information and forming attitudes, beliefs, and values about consent, sexual orientation, gender identity, relationships, and intimacy. All children and adolescents need to receive accurate education about sexuality to understand ultimately how to practice healthy sexual behavior. It has been demonstrated that sexuality education interventions can prevent or reduce the risk of adolescent pregnancy HIV, and STIs for children and adolescents with and without chronic health conditions and disabilities in the United States. 兒童與青少年應該經由適當的教育而發展出健康正面的性/別面向 性/別教育除了生理之外,更涵蓋了性向發展、性別認同、人際關係、親密情感及身體形 像等;除了一般兒少,更應該包含那些有障礙或有特殊需求的群體 要發展出健康的性向,重要的關鍵是對於性傾向、性別認同、親密關係等建立正確觀念; 而性/別教育更可以避免或減少青少年懷孕或性病傳染的風險 至於宗教團體目前一直鼓吹的禁欲 (守貞) 教育 In that review, most comprehensive sexuality education programs showed efficacy in delaying initiation of intercourse in addition to promoting other protective behaviors, such as condom use. There was no evidence that abstinence-only programs effectively delayed initiation of sexual intercourse. In a 2005 study by Brückner and Bearman, a review of Add Health data suggested that many teenagers who take a "virginity pledge" and intend to be abstinent before marriage fail to do so and that when these teenagers do initiate intercourse, they fail to protect themselves by using contraception. In a review of the virginity pledge movement, these researchers found that 88% of teenagers who took the pledge had initiated intercourse before marriage, compared with 99% of those who did not take the pledge. They also found that teenagers who took the pledge were less likely to use contraception after they did initiate sexual intercourse and not to seek STI screening. At 6-year follow-up, the prevalence of STIs (Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and HPV infection) was comparable among those who took the abstinence pledge and those who did not. 研究發現,多元性/別教育對於延後發生第一次性行為的時間以及安全性行為確有功效 簽了守貞小卡的青少年有八成以上都有婚前性行為,而且較不會使用避孕措施,也較不會 進行性傳染病的篩檢;追蹤六年,簽守貞小卡的青少年性傳染病的比例確實較高 所以包括美國婦產科學會、青少年健康醫藥協會、美國兒科醫學會、美國公衛學會、美國 醫學會、國家教育協會等團體連署反對單一守貞教育,主張應該要有 (包含守貞教育與正 確知識的) 多元性/別教育 FoSE 提出的國家性/別教育標準工具: There is also a pressing need to address harassment, bullying and relationship violence in our schools, which have a significant impact on a student's emotional and physical well-being as well as on academic success. According to the 2009 National School Climate Survey, nearly 9 out of 10 lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) students reported being harassed in the previous year. Two-thirds of LGBT students reported feeling unsafe and nearly one-third skipped at least one day of school because of concerns about their personal safety. LGBT students who reported frequent harassment also suffered from lower grade point averages. Similarly, teen relationship violence continues to be a pressing problem. Although frequently under-reported, ten percent of teens are physically harmed by their boyfriend or girlfriend in a given year. 除了青少年懷孕及性傳染病之外,還有校園攻擊、霸凌及關係暴力等問題,除了課業成就 外,也會造成些青少年情緒及生理上的傷害 (雖然同志族群有較高比例遭受校園暴力,異 性戀青少年也有一成曾遭受關係暴力) CDC 對於同志青少年族群健康的建議: Students who were questioning their sexual orientation reported more bullying, homophobic victimization, unexcused absences from school, drug use, feelings of depression, and suicidal behaviors than either heterosexual or LGB students All students, regardless of sexual orientation, reported the lowest levels of depression, suicidal feelings, alcohol and marijuana use, and unexcused absences from school when they were in a positive school climate and not experiencing homophobic teasing. Exposure to violence can have negative effects on the education and health of any young person. However, for LGBT youth, a national study of middle and high school students shows that LGBT students (61.1%) were more likely than their non-LGBT peers to feel unsafe or uncomfortable as a result of their sexual orientation. The stresses experienced by LGBT youth also put them at greater risk for depression, substance use, and sexual behaviors that place them at risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). 多元性/別教育可以減少校園霸凌事件的發生、促進青少年身心健康、提升學業表現;更 可以減少同志青少年族群可能面臨的憂鬱、物質濫用、性傳染病的威脅 最後讓我們看一下台灣: ---------- 「性」其實不是只有性行為,還包括對自己身體的認識、性對關係的影響,如果規定這些 不能在課堂討論,那麼學生會轉向網路去得知。在網路發達、社交媒體蓬勃的年代,家長 沒有辦法完全禁止孩子透過其它管道,去接觸課本沒教的事,「最好的方式是老師也準備 好了,跟著孩子一起學習。」 無關乎一個人的宗教信仰或性別認同,保障每個孩子在學校的安全是國家的責任,也是學 校教育必須提供的。性平教育屬於國家責任,國家不能躲在反對聲音的後面。 性平教育中「解放」的概念,並非像許多家長聯想的「無止盡地做愛」,性平教育是一種 解放性的教育,這裡的解放指的是,從一元、一種觀點的窠臼中掙脫出來,她認為性平教 育是欲使人「自由的」,但自由並非為所欲為,而是能看到更多的可能性。 同志教育還包括討論什麼是同志、同志生活處境、同志所受的歧視與壓迫,共同討論這個 社會如何讓每個人在追求更好未來的路上,能不因性別、身分受到歧視與限制。她說,「 同志教育是孩子認識社會現象的一環,而對於許多孩子來說,也可能是能夠肯認他們生命 的重要機會。」 ---------- 多元性/別教育的目的是提供一個安全的校園環境,讓這些兒童青少年在其中能夠了解自 己、學會尊重差異,對性/別建立正確觀念,進而更知道如何愛護自己保護他人 要討論性/別教育與兒少權益,麻煩用正確的態度跟觀念,而不是抓個雞毛當令箭,見獵 心喜的斷章取義,整天在那邊放某種氣,搞的環境臭不可聞 打著兒少名義,講出來的全都是抹黑造謠,隨隨便便就想毀了一步步建立起來的性平教育 ,最不在乎而兒少權益的就是你們這種人 歧視會殺人,到底還要有多少兒童青少年受傷甚至失去生命,你們才甘願 -- We're here. We're queer. Give us a light beer. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: RayBoku (, 12/19/2016 21:14:34

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