Re: [AI. ] 如果你想知道Jason Castro的後續消息

看板Realityshow作者 (馬爾波洛)時間16年前 (2008/05/31 00:24), 編輯推噓8(805)
留言13則, 7人參與, 最新討論串2/4 (看更多)
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- : ★ MySpace :  這個才是最重要的,捲迷可密切關注捲頭的動態,順便貼上他的第一篇文章: : A word for my people yo! : hey guys! : im so excited to have mySPACE back! although it is a bit overwhelming... : ive been approving friends for 2 days now and still havnt made a dent in : the pile that has ammased! this is awesome! haha so as soon as i get done : with the moving on to messages... thank you all that have : written me here and those of you that wrote to me in LA! i hope someday : i can return all of your letters...ill do what i can! just know that i am : thankful and you are all in my heart :) SO! where to go from here... im : sure you are all wondering what the future holds...all i know right now : is that im going on tour baby! woohooo! and ill keep you guys posted on : anything and everything you should now about me and my music.well once : again thanks for being here and WELCOME!!! : <3 : jasonnn. :   : 為了看到這篇文章,讓眾多師奶申請了生平第一個MySpace (笑) : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 以上,再補一個捲弟工作照(?) :   分享一些捲頭Jason Castro的資訊: 我有在用這個myspace,也有上去留言給捲頭 ,還附上一個手寫的中文圖片,讓他知道遠在海外的台灣也有人祝福他。 他的朋友連結有他女友Mandy,他妹,還有他大學室友等等。 有人知道他兩年前是地下樂團的鼓手嗎?團名叫Keeping Lions。 Check it out:(注意帳號)小心別被燒到~hot hot hot Keeping Lions在Dallas的indi-music界小有名氣,想聽捲頭打鼓可以來這裡: (也是myspace) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/31 00:35, , 1F
05/31 00:35, 1F

05/31 01:01, , 2F
05/31 01:01, 2F

05/31 08:29, , 3F
哈 原來是你~看到捲的comment出現中文覺得很親切 XD
05/31 08:29, 3F

05/31 11:10, , 4F
這個時候就完全看出,哪些人是忠實的捲迷了 :PPP
05/31 11:10, 4F

05/31 13:10, , 5F
05/31 13:10, 5F

06/02 00:19, , 6F
捲頭tour會打鼓 --shirtless!! 我好羨慕L師奶喔 > <
06/02 00:19, 6F

06/02 02:54, , 7F
06/02 02:54, 7F

06/02 02:55, , 8F
06/02 02:55, 8F

06/02 02:55, , 9F
06/02 02:55, 9F

06/03 01:47, , 10F
他終於要在AI脫了 請L師奶幫我們偷拍個近照> <
06/03 01:47, 10F

06/03 21:59, , 11F
打鼓一定會脫嗎?He's really hot!!
06/03 21:59, 11F

06/04 23:42, , 12F
是說會有shirtless drumming 現在可能打鼓都會取消了
06/04 23:42, 12F

10/07 19:30, , 13F
10/07 19:30, 13F
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