Re: Boston's low-risk, high-reward strategy

看板RedSox作者時間15年前 (2009/01/26 01:48), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串12/12 (看更多) Nearly 100 major leaguers are still available in free agency, which, according to several baseball officials, could ignite a frenzy of cheap signings, and even minor league deals, from now until well into spring training. While some teams have set their budgets, there is some evidence that a few general managers have gone back to their owners and said something like, "We might be able to get an All-Star player for a low-risk, one-year deal if we wait." That feeling appears to be growing, especially among middle-market teams. ... "I think that's the way it might go," said one American League GM. "The prices certainly aren't going up." There's an unemployed top-shelf starter in Ben Sheets, who, according to one GM, "will be lucky now to get a one-year deal with incentives," though the Rangers were aggressively making a move late last week. ... "The teams who play this right are going to get an All-Star-caliber pitcher like Sheets for almost nothing, will get a premier hitter like Manny Ramírez for far less than what he's actually worth, and could wrap up a guy like Pettitte for 50 cents on the dollar," said a National League executive. "The market for these guys has plummeted faster than the real estate market. It's a buyer's market for sure." ... The prices have dropped so dramatically that a team could pick up a Gold Glove double play combination of Orlando Hudson and Orlando Cabrera for pennies on the dollar. A team could acquire decent middle to end of the rotation starters such as Jon Garland, Oliver Perez, Randy Wolf, and Braden Looper fairly cheaply. There are good plug-ins such as Nomar Garciaparra, Jay Payton, Emil Brown, and Jim Edmonds available. There are older players who would like to play another season - Frank Thomas, Ken Griffey Jr., Moises Alou, and Pedro Martí nez - who might get shut out. Blue Jays GM J.P. Ricciardi thinks if there's a year in which a substantial in-season free agent market could develop, it could be 2009. Veteran players, according to Ricciardi, "have made enough money in the game where they can sit it out until the season begins and then get signed if a team has a need." ========================================================================== 這些 GM 頭腦肯定有問題,竟然想等著球員降價後,簽下球隊可承受的低價一年約 還認為這是低風險! 天阿~他們有修過經濟學、懂風險的定義嗎? 不懂經濟學跟風險定義的我完全無法理解...上面哪些FA即使簽下小聯盟合約 也不能說是低風險,球團可以承受小聯盟約不代表合約是低風險阿!! 多唸點書吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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