Boston's low-risk, high-reward strategy

看板RedSox作者時間15年前 (2009/01/20 17:04), 編輯推噓46(46043)
留言89則, 25人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/12 (看更多) Economy prompts Red Sox to adapt a low-risk, high-reward contract strategy BY DANIEL BARBARISI Journal Sports Writer The faltering economy isn’t only evident in unemployment lines and on televised bailout hearings. Just look at the Red Sox roster, and the signs are there, as well. The types of free agents the Red Sox have pursued this offseason, and the structures and lengths of the contracts they have offered, have been strongly dictated by the state of the economy. Leaving their pursuit of first baseman Mark Teixeira aside, the Red Sox have been loath to commit money without guarantees of a positive result, and they have largely refused to sign deals longer than one year. These free agents have also been given heavily incentivized contracts, and most are players who are either injury risks or are otherwise undervalued. These short-term, low-risk deals are a hallmark of general manager Theo Epstein — similar deals once lured players such as Kevin Millar and Bill Mueller — but this winter he has doled them out at an unprecedented rate. Epstein said it’s a conscious effort directly tied to the state of the economy. “The uncertainty surrounding the economy is a factor in our strategy,” Epstein said. “In a sense, if there’s uncertainty, it makes sense to keep our commitments as short as possible, and as small as possible.” In terms of guaranteed money, it’s a lot of players, with very little commitment, for very little cash. So far, the one-year deals include: John Smoltz at $5.5 million; Josh Bard for $1.7 million, non-guaranteed; Rocco Baldelli for $500,000; Takashi Saito at $1.5 million. Mark Kotsay for $1.5 million. And there’s also Tim Wakefield ’s recurring $4 million club option. All told, including Bard, the Red Sox are on the hook for $14.2 million for those players. But if those players reach their incentives, that figure balloons to $40.5 million. That’s unlikely, of course, but in most offseasons, the spread between the guaranteed money and the maximum outlay is not nearly as dramatic. The strategy stands in stark contrast to the rival Yankees, who spent the winter doling out huge dollars to sign marquee free agents, including $423.5 million for Teixeira, CC Sabathia and A.J. Burnett alone. Of course, the Yankees are opening a new ballpark this spring, and any baseball evaluator would say that the Yankees scored significant talent for their money. Epstein however, said that his strategy has given the team the kind of financial structure that will allow it to adjust no matter which way the economy turns. “Compared to the other big-market teams, we have tremendous flexibility,” said Epstein. “But at the same time, we have a lot of talent under control for a long time, a lot of young talent.” That young talent includes A.L. MVP Dustin Pedroia and third-place finisher Kevin Youkilis, who both signed below-market deals this offseason to stay with the Red Sox long-term. Those deals were likely heavily influenced by the general free-agent market, which was lucrative for the elite and tough on most everyone else. Pedroia signed for six years and $40.5 million, and his contract is back-loaded such that his next two years will cost the team $5-million total. Youkilis signed for four years, and $41.1 million, but he has more major-league experience than Pedroia and the team was able to buy out more of his free-agency years. At the same time, the Red Sox are adjusting to the downturn in other ways. Analysts have speculated this winter that sports may finally lose its immunity to the swings of the larger marketplace. And beyond the roster, the Red Sox have responded in a manner that shows they may agree. This offseason marked the first time in 14 years that the team has not raised ticket prices, and team president Larry Lucchino said the Red Sox are concentrating on marketing in a way they never have before. After more than 700 straight sellouts, it may seem like gospel that the team always fills Fenway Park — but ownership is taking nothing for granted. “We have made a concerted effort to more aggressively market the team well, and to more intensely focus on the expense side of the equation,” Lucchino said. Last weekend, for instance, the team kicked off a multi-state “road trip” to drum up interest in general-admission tickets, which go on sale Saturday for the 2009 season. The event featured the standard mall appearances and memorabilia giveaways, but for the first time, the team offered up 6,500 ticket vouchers to attendees, which ensured that anyone who came to an event would be able to buy a ticket in advance of the start of general ticket sales on Jan. 24. Normally, fans are all lumped together and forced to contend with one another the moment the ticket sales open. Lucchino also said the team is cutting back on “small-ticket items” internally, hoping they will add up to real savings. “We have, in our internal deliberations, discussed the economic conditions of the time and the impact they are likely to have on baseball as a whole, and the Red Sox in particular,” Lucchino said. “This year is obviously dictated to some extent by the economic times.” Still, the fan base shows a remarkable willingness to close its eyes and spend. Sales at the team’s Christmas at Fenway event in December were up over 2007, and spring-training ticket sales are also up. The sporting world as a whole is clearly not immune to the laws of economics, but the Red Sox may be playing an entirely different ball game. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/20 17:09, , 1F
天底下哪有這樣的事?? low risk low reward才對
01/20 17:09, 1F

01/20 17:21, , 2F
01/20 17:21, 2F

01/20 17:21, , 3F
01/20 17:21, 3F

01/20 17:23, , 4F
01/20 17:23, 4F

01/20 17:30, , 5F
我猜是 不會用到~~~~
01/20 17:30, 5F

01/20 17:46, , 6F
你當然猜不會用到 那你猜的到209M只能去打高爾夫嗎?
01/20 17:46, 6F

01/20 18:10, , 7F
01/20 18:10, 7F

01/20 18:11, , 8F
有那一隊簽約要求的是low reward?
01/20 18:11, 8F

01/20 18:12, , 9F
Carl Pavano 都算是 low-risk, high-reward 的合約了
01/20 18:12, 9F

01/20 18:13, , 10F
01/20 18:13, 10F

01/20 18:54, , 11F
01/20 18:54, 11F

01/20 19:47, , 12F
就是low risk,high reward 所以才說就簽得好
01/20 19:47, 12F

01/20 19:48, , 13F
low risk low reward 或 high risk high reward都沒啥出色
01/20 19:48, 13F

01/20 19:49, , 14F
簽到high risk low reward就是腦殘經理
01/20 19:49, 14F

01/20 22:08, , 15F
J大自己都說過嗎 要去國外念研究所才是high reward 科科
01/20 22:08, 15F

01/21 00:00, , 16F
科科 保證賺得比醫生還多~~
01/21 00:00, 16F

01/21 00:01, , 17F
anyway 希望紅襪 今年能奪回 世界大賽冠軍~
01/21 00:01, 17F

01/21 00:04, , 18F
01/21 00:04, 18F

01/21 00:20, , 19F
01/21 00:20, 19F

01/21 00:36, , 20F
01/21 00:36, 20F

01/21 11:44, , 21F
我看不懂中文 樓上在寫什麼? 不過我改邪歸正 支持紅襪
01/21 11:44, 21F

01/21 11:44, , 22F
我沒有喜歡戰 我只支持紅襪
01/21 11:44, 22F

01/21 11:45, , 23F
這裡誰有 超過 50 張 紅襪主場的票根阿?
01/21 11:45, 23F

01/21 13:55, , 24F
01/21 13:55, 24F

01/21 14:36, , 25F
01/21 14:36, 25F

01/21 15:16, , 26F
01/21 15:16, 26F

01/21 17:55, , 27F
呵呵 口說無憑 先拿出來大家看看再說吧
01/21 17:55, 27F

01/21 18:32, , 28F
好阿 我們約時間 來比看看~
01/21 18:32, 28F

01/21 18:32, , 29F
不過輸了 不傷和氣 那家都是 紅襪 fans
01/21 18:32, 29F

01/21 19:40, , 30F
急的不是我 是板上的大家 如果拿不出來 會被砲轟很慘的..
01/21 19:40, 30F

01/21 20:27, , 31F
真的假的 我要怎麼證明? 我有報稅的扣繳憑單
01/21 20:27, 31F

01/21 20:27, , 32F
還有存摺 證明海外所得...板主 你來幫我見證吧
01/21 20:27, 32F

01/21 20:50, , 33F
50張擺一起拍張照不就解決了 扣繳憑單....
01/21 20:50, 33F

01/21 20:53, , 34F
我沒有留票根 我看過 就丟了 沒有要比這一~~ 不過我有錢
01/21 20:53, 34F

01/21 21:02, , 35F
01/21 21:02, 35F

01/21 21:15, , 36F
只是回應 IronChef的 high reward而已
01/21 21:15, 36F

01/21 21:32, , 37F
01/21 21:32, 37F

01/21 21:37, , 38F
01/21 21:37, 38F

01/21 22:05, , 39F
01/21 22:05, 39F

01/21 22:06, , 40F
01/21 22:06, 40F

01/21 22:07, , 41F
01/21 22:07, 41F

01/21 22:28, , 42F
01/21 22:28, 42F

01/21 22:30, , 43F
01/21 22:30, 43F

01/21 22:30, , 44F
01/21 22:30, 44F

01/21 22:32, , 45F
廟語如珠太經典了XD ㄇㄩㄖㄓ
01/21 22:32, 45F

01/21 22:33, , 46F
很經典+1 害我把咖啡吐在摸泥特上
01/21 22:33, 46F

01/22 01:03, , 47F
賺得多就可以稱呼人"窮鬼"? wow~ 了不起喔~
01/22 01:03, 47F

01/22 01:27, , 48F
廟語如珠 XDDD 這跟前幾天笨板的瘦鐘正寢有得拼喔 XDDD
01/22 01:27, 48F

01/22 04:20, , 49F
01/22 04:20, 49F

01/22 10:48, , 50F
我承認我是紅襪迷 我哪裡不敢承認?
01/22 10:48, 50F

01/22 10:48, , 51F
我哪裡有罵人窮鬼? 我也沒有嗆我有票根 我只是問誰有?
01/22 10:48, 51F

01/22 10:49, , 52F
我中文不好 讓大家誤會嗎?
01/22 10:49, 52F

01/22 10:49, , 53F
還有 神廟信眾 不要來亂 好嗎?!
01/22 10:49, 53F

01/22 10:50, , 54F
最後一句 紅襪萬算 鐵廚不敢來PK我就不囉唆了
01/22 10:50, 54F

01/22 12:29, , 55F
科科 Jil不愧嘴砲無敵艦隊的司令 嘴砲指數破表 硬拗指數ㄇ
01/22 12:29, 55F

01/22 12:31, , 56F
ㄩㄖㄓ 戰鬥值不下戰神AGOD XD
01/22 12:31, 56F

01/22 12:34, , 57F
第一句:這裡誰有 超過 50 張 紅襪主場的票根阿?
01/22 12:34, 57F

01/22 12:34, , 58F
有人問: 推 mrkey:呵呵 口說無憑 先拿出來大家看看再說吧
01/22 12:34, 58F

01/22 12:36, , 59F
第三 推 JilSander:好阿 我們約時間 來比看看~
01/22 12:36, 59F

01/22 12:36, , 60F
再來 → Belladonaa:50張擺一起拍張照不就解決了
01/22 12:36, 60F

01/22 12:36, , 61F
最後 推 JilSander:我沒有留票根 我看過 就丟了
01/22 12:36, 61F

01/22 12:37, , 62F
01/22 12:37, 62F

01/22 12:47, , 63F
01/22 12:47, 63F

01/22 12:47, , 64F
找ㄊㄔ去寶山就好啦,他又跑不掉 ㄏㄏ
01/22 12:47, 64F

01/22 12:47, , 65F
01/22 12:47, 65F

01/22 13:25, , 66F
沒罵過是吧(煙) 那我只好跟大家說我的水球紀錄還留著
01/22 13:25, 66F

01/22 13:31, , 67F
01/22 13:31, 67F

01/22 14:59, , 68F
科~我也是這樣想 說不定先發還是特定某位
01/22 14:59, 68F

01/22 15:01, , 69F
01/22 15:01, 69F

01/22 15:14, , 70F
01/22 15:14, 70F

01/22 16:37, , 71F
01/22 16:37, 71F

01/22 16:49, , 72F
要怎麼嘴都隨你 但請不要反串好嗎?
01/22 16:49, 72F

01/22 18:01, , 73F
媽的你在王版的豐功偉業誰不知道 裝什麼破襪迷
01/22 18:01, 73F

01/22 20:05, , 74F
樓上警告一次....calm down calm down :)
01/22 20:05, 74F

01/23 04:49, , 75F
神廟信眾說神廟信眾不要來亂 真好笑
01/23 04:49, 75F

01/23 09:19, , 76F
ㄍㄍ迷假裝我們破襪迷 這個我們可承擔不起 ㄎㄎ
01/23 09:19, 76F

01/23 11:28, , 77F
01/23 11:28, 77F

01/23 16:38, , 78F
廟語如珠 XDDD
01/23 16:38, 78F

01/24 02:43, , 79F
果然不腦殘是不能當記者的 連RISK的真義都不知道就發表大論
01/24 02:43, 79F

01/24 02:44, , 80F
smoltz的約就是標準的高風險高報酬 還low risk咧
01/24 02:44, 80F

01/24 02:45, , 81F
01/24 02:45, 81F

01/24 08:21, , 82F
你才把 risk 的真義搞錯吧,要知道什麼叫高風險就是 Burnett
01/24 08:21, 82F

01/24 08:22, , 83F
那張約,Smoltz 的約才一年,高風險在哪呀?
01/24 08:22, 83F

01/24 11:19, , 84F
ㄐㄐ板來的?科科 那裡連Garcia的小聯盟約都有風險了
01/24 11:19, 84F

01/24 11:20, , 85F
最沒風險的是 7/161, 6/182.5, 8/180 這種吧
01/24 11:20, 85F

01/24 11:20, , 86F
01/24 11:20, 86F

01/24 12:57, , 87F
01/24 12:57, 87F

01/24 13:15, , 88F
01/24 13:15, 88F

12/28 20:29, 5年前 , 89F
你才把 risk 的真
12/28 20:29, 89F
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