Re: [國際] 為在自家門口泊車 印度愚公移山14年

看板Road作者 (青春18きっぷ)時間15年前 (2009/12/03 03:39), 編輯推噓0(000)
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因為想看照片跟想知道隧道長度和地質 跑去google新聞 發現這個人花了14年時間 開了10米長 4米寬的隧道 更屌的是啟發他挖隧道的故事。 之前有個叫 Dashrath Manjhi的鄉民,妻子因交通不便就醫困難而過世 之後花了22年(1960~1982)的時間挖了120米長,10米寬,八米高的手工隧道! Atri 跟 Wazirganj blocks of Gaya district 間的路程從原來的75公里縮減到1公里 這比前篇新聞那位印度愚父提到的更驚人也偉大太多了 !! 以下是找到的新聞 Indian villager takes 14 years to dig tunnel through mountain Truck owner Ramchandra Das used hammer and chisel to carve 10m-long short-cut Randeep Ramesh in Delhi An Indian villager burrowed for 14 years with a hammer and chisel to cut a tunnel through a mountain so that his neighbours could reach nearby fields and he could park his truck outside his home. Ramchandra Das, 53, who lives in eastern Bihar state, carved a 10m-long, 4m-wide tunnel through the hill range from his village of Kewati. Das took up the Herculean task after villagers found the 7km trek over the mountain increasingly arduous. When the authorities refused to help to cut the journey time, Das began carving his way through the earth in the direction of the nearest big town, Atri. The job became more pressing when Das became the first man to own a truck in the village and was unable to drive it to his home. "I could not park my truck near my house since the mountain blocked my path," he told Reuters. Das said he was also afraid of bandits stealing his truck. "I had to leave my truck miles away, so I decided to do something about it myself," Das said by telephone. Local villagers, who previously had to trek around the mountain, are now using the tunnel to get to work. Das was inspired by another Bihari villager, Dasharath Manjhi, who cut a 120m-long, 10m-wide and 8m-high passage so that villagers could reach a local hospital. Manjhi's labour, which lasted 22 years, began after his wife died when she was unable to get to the hospital. He was feted by the Delhi government for his work and died two years ago. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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