[翻譯] Iced Earth《Night of the Stormriderꄠ…

看板RockMetal作者 (早安,黑色星期五)時間13年前 (2011/04/02 19:24), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Angels Holocaust 天使大屠殺 Iced Earth As I walk through the blackened forest Thoughts of hate and anger fill my soul The charred remains of the holy rollers Scream repentance though it's far too late 當我穿越昏暗的森林 仇恨與憤怒的思緒填滿我的靈魂 教徒們的焦黑屍骨 吶喊著悔改,儘管為時已晚 I fight back the laughter at what I see The suffering healers false destined prophecy 眼見此情此景,我強忍笑意 受苦的治療者,還有虛假的預言 He didn't think yesterday of the end of his life The brainwashed fools born again of a thousand lies 他可沒想到昨天便是他的死期 那票被洗腦的愚人們,自成千上百的謊言重生 Hate filled screams break the silence Terrifying dreams filling up your head Blasphemy thrusting out, in the masses it reigns The mask of hypocrisy is slowly unveiled 充滿仇恨的尖叫,打破寂靜 恐怖之夢佔滿你腦海 在它所統治的群眾之中,褻瀆的勢力迅速擴張 偽善的假面具被緩緩揭起 Fear the angels holocaust, they're screaming Dreams of pain forever entering your head Death and hatred loathing, on mankind it feeds Earth is dead and gone now, we've brought it to an end 恐懼那些天使遭遇的屠殺吧!他們尖叫著 苦痛之夢接連進入你腦海,永無止盡 死亡與憎惡,以人類為食糧 世界已然消亡,是我們將它帶入末日 For the last time I've been betrayed Never again will I subject myself to this hypocrisy Something is drawing me to the other side Only time will tell my true destiny 打自最後一次遭到背叛 我便再也不臣服於這虛偽的善 某樣事物將我拖往了另一陣營 只有時間能斷言我真實的命運 (高仕艷 譯) -- I had nothing but the embittered sun... 我一無所有,除卻那怨毒的太陽…… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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