[翻譯] Sanctuary - Future Tense

看板RockMetal作者 (]v[EGADET]-[)時間13年前 (2011/10/18 00:11), 編輯推噓7(700)
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MV+中文字幕 http://vlog.xuite.net/play/cHB3enBhLTM5MzgxNzUuZmx2 Future Tense 未來式 Sanctuary What do you see on the news when you watch T.V. War in the name of God, or a playground killing spree Politicians promise you the world, and a preacher cries All he ever wanted was your money, and a bitch on the side What went wrong? Did society twist him? 看電視時你在新聞上看到什麼 假上帝之名發動的戰爭,殺戮遊戲的遊樂場 政客允諾會有更美好的世界,傳教士激昂地大吼 但想要的不過是你的錢,和找個路邊的婊子 出了什麼錯?是社會扭曲了他嗎? What do you see in the center of the public eye Rock stars on smack, and a serial killer fries Radicals blame suicide and murder on our from of art Brainwash the youth, you know they claim we all play a part What a shame that they can't think for themselves 而大眾的目光都注意些什麼呢? 嗑藥的搖滾明星,坐電椅的連續殺人狂 衛道人士把自殺和兇殺怪在我們玩的音樂上 說我們教壞小孩,把錯怪在我們大家身上 多可惜啊,原來青少年都不會獨立思考 Past tense to future tense let history unfold So ends a decade now what will the nineties hold You know we're verging on the edge of an age Then another century will turn the page 過去更迭到未來,讓歷史證明自己 又一個十年結束,九零年代擁有些什麼? 你知道我們在時代變換的邊緣 另一個世紀將翻開新頁 What do you think they will say when they look back on this Were the eighties just a time of spoiled innocence We leave our legacy like dust in the sands of time Let's hope the seeds we plant can carry the weight of our crimes 當未來的人回顧這一切,你想他們會怎麼說? 八零年代真的是一段天真爛漫的時代嗎? 我們的所作所為像光陰之漏裡的細砂 希望這些種下的因,將來能背負我們的罪惡 Past tense to future tense let history unfold And when we're old and gray these stories will be told You know we're verging on the edge of an age Then another century will turn the page 過去更迭到未來,讓歷史證明自己 當我們白髮蒼蒼,這些故事將被訴說 你知道我們在時代變換的邊緣 另一個世紀將翻開新頁 We sail an ocean, a sea of doubt Skeptics make no sense, can't work things out I'll choose optimism, scream its name Look to the future, a burning flame 我們航行在充滿迷惘的汪洋 滿心懷疑的人,什麼也做不成 我選擇樂觀以對,呼喊它的名字 看向未來,面對那片火海 Past tense to future tense let history unfold So ends a decade now what will the nineties hold You know we're verging on the edge of an age Then another century will turn the page Turn the page 過去更迭到未來,讓歷史證明自己 又一個十年結束,九零年代擁有些什麼? 你知道我們在時代變換的邊緣 另一個世紀將翻開新頁 翻開新頁 (高仕艷 譯) -- 我真的想用比較正面的態度面對這些鳥事,一個人懷恨這麼久太不健康。 不幸的是,有時候放下屠刀最好的方式就是把它砍進你敵人的頭骨--Dave Mustaine -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/18 00:13, , 1F
10/18 00:13, 1F

10/18 00:20, , 2F
10/18 00:20, 2F

10/18 00:29, , 3F
10/18 00:29, 3F

10/18 00:52, , 4F
10/18 00:52, 4F

10/18 12:47, , 5F
10/18 12:47, 5F

10/18 12:58, , 6F
Sanctuary已正式復出並開始表演了 期待新專輯
10/18 12:58, 6F

10/18 18:45, , 7F
10/18 18:45, 7F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Ed5Eh4W (RockMetal)