Re: [情報] Megatallica?

看板RockMetal作者 (]v[EGADET]-[)時間12年前 (2012/05/13 07:16), 編輯推噓5(501)
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Dave的回應: Dave說他為提出supergroup這件事向James道歉了 如果James不想再跟他一起演奏,沒關係 如果James不喜歡這個Idea,也無妨,他不會再提了 他沒有說過組supergroup這件事會成真,只是他希望可以成真而已 不過他現在已經把它從想做的事清單上刪掉 他補充說,他想自己大概不該說這樣的話(組supergroup) 因為別人可能會覺得他用這件事炒知名度 所以他可以理解別人可能會覺得不是很開心 然而他並沒有那個意思 MEGADETH singer/guitarist Dave Mustaine has apologized to METALLICA's James Hetfield for publicly discussing the fact that Dave wanted to assemble a "supergroup" combining Mustaine and MEGADETH bassist David Ellefson with Hetfield and METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich. Hetfield laughed off talk of a possible collaboration between members of his band and members of MEGADETH in a new interview, calling it "crazy" talk on the part of Mustaine. An original member of METALLICA before being kicked out in early 1983, Mustaine has jammed with his ex-bandmates on several occasions over the past couple of years during "Big Four" shows and at METALLICA's 30th anniversary concerts last December. Hetfield told So What!, METALLICA's fan club magazine, "I see [Mustaine] healthier now. I see him as less of a bitter guy. But I do see a lot of stuff in the press with him talking about jamming with us and making an album. All this other crazy stuff. I read it and say to myself, 'Hold on. This is the Dave that we kind of wanted to forget about. You know, the big-mouth that wants to just go-go-go." Hetfield added, "But there is an authenticity about him when he speaks. He doesn't think too much before he does. He just goes off the cuff. Plus, when he says stuff like that, it's well-intended." In an interview with Artisan News conducted on Friday, May 11 (see video below), Mustaine was asked about Hetfield's comments. "I already sent [James] a text message and said I apologized to him for saying that and that I won't ever mention it again," Mustaine said. "I like James and I thought what he said was flattering, and then it kind of went the opposite way, and then it kind of came back again. And you know, that's OK. I guess my whole thing was I just wanted them to know that I loved them and that I missed them and I enjoyed playing with them. If that's not mutual, then I understand. I still respect him, and I still care about the guy. If he doesn't wanna play [with me] anymore, that's cool. If he doesn't like the idea of what I said, that's OK, too. It wasn't like I said it was gonna happen, it was something that I kind of wished would happen. But you know, it's OK now, since it doesn't seem like it's gonna happen. And you know what?! It's off my bucket list." He added, "The thing is that I probably shouldn't have said stuff like that, 'cause, I guess, to some people, they may think that I'm trying to use that as a way to get publicity, so I can see where there would be some feelings about it, and that wasn't my intention." Mustaine feuded with the members of METALLICA for more than two decades before finally patching things up over the last couple of years. METALLICA is currently on a European tour, during which it is playing its self-titled 1991 fifth album, also known as the "black album," every night in its entirety — but in reverse order. METALLICA will play both the complete "black album" and, for the first time, its entire 1984 effort, "Ride The Lightning", at its own Orion Music + More festival, scheduled for June 23 and June 24 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. -- 「既擇之則愛之。你永遠不會看到他媽的Yngwie Malmsteen彈Les Paul,但那個 狗娘養的大概可以拿撿把刺刀來彈,照樣彈得很神。懂我的意思嗎?伊金變態! 要是出現一張他彈Les Paul照片,那真是超詭異的。假如你看到Angus Young 彈Les Paul,你心裡的os大概會是:『趕羚羊咧!世界末日要到了!』」 ──Zakk Wylde -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/13 07:33, , 1F
05/13 07:33, 1F

05/13 09:08, , 2F
05/13 09:08, 2F
說到這個...Jeff的手傷不知道什麼時後才能痊癒...希望他早日康復 ※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (05/13 09:58)

05/13 13:50, , 3F
05/13 13:50, 3F

05/13 23:08, , 4F
Dave Mustaine!!!
05/13 23:08, 4F

05/14 03:50, , 5F
Jeff hates us, but we love him. 上天保佑他
05/14 03:50, 5F

05/22 23:35, , 6F
老是感覺dave有腦的多了, 不用再去跟james, lars他們攪和了啦
05/22 23:35, 6F
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