Re: [問題] Lucic

看板SRB-CRO作者 (阿更)時間17年前 (2007/03/08 23:58), 編輯推噓4(400)
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比賽照一張﹕ 她第二盤曾經領先4-1,在搶七前也曾經有過賽末點 幸好最好沒有崩盤!第二輪加油啊~ (不知以後是否有機會和Hingis再搭檔雙打呢:p) Croatia's Mirjana Lucic finds control of game, life Patti Myers The Desert Sun March 8, 2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIAN WELLS - She was once the No. 1 junior player in the world, won the Australian Open doubles title in 1998, was ranked as high as No. 32 in singles as a teenager, then dropped out of sight. Today, Croatia's Mirjana Lucic is back, but realistically she says she feels she never left. After falling to No. 335 in the world in 2003, facing financial ruin, an escape from claims of her abusive father and now a lawsuit against International Management Group, Lucic is back where she feels she belongs. "I had difficult times and that made it difficult to play well,'' said Lucic, who beat American Lindsey Nelson in a first-round wild card match Wednesday at Indian Wells Tennis Garden. "I kept playing, training with my brothers. In my head, I never left. It was the other problems that didn't allow me to play." She turns 25 on Friday and is a world away from crisis, now living in Florida and taking one tournament at a time. The 1999 Wimbledon semifinalist didn't play in a Sony Ericsson WTA Tour event last year, and only played once in '06 and once in '05. She played her first tournament of 2007 at Memphis and advanced to the Round of 16, but was ecstatic when she received a wild card into the Pac Life. "The other things (finances, lawsuit, playing without a coach), were difficult but I want to focus on my comeback," said Lucic, who took a hard-fought 6-4, 7-6 (5) triumph and still has her big serve. "I was a little kid with too many problems and now I am an adult and I have control." She's been away from the courts for more than three years and hasn't been to Indian Wells since she lost to Emannuelle Gagliardi in 2002, but remembers playing at the old Hyatt Grand Champions when she was recognized as a teen phenom. "I don't feel like it's been 10 years out here," she laughed. "I'm starting (back) at 25, but I plan to be here for a few more years." Lucic focuses on the positive side of her game. She doesn't talk about never having enough money to travel to tournaments or sponsors to help her with coaches, training and equipment or her father, who she claims has enormous power and sabotaged her career. She said family and tennis are her top priority (she speaks highly of her mother, brothers and sisters). She no longer has a relationship with her father. Any time she steps on the court, she aspires to move forward. "I will play from tournament to tournament, but today I feel like I won a Grand Slam," she said. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

03/09 02:14, , 1F
她好美喔 期待她有好成績
03/09 02:14, 1F

03/09 10:46, , 2F
03/09 10:46, 2F

03/09 15:24, , 3F
幾乎認不出來了..... @@
03/09 15:24, 3F

03/10 09:44, , 4F
她五官好冷艷 但是個美人啊~~身材好豐滿~~~~~@ @
03/10 09:44, 4F
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