Re: [寫作班第五周]颱風-mingtai

看板ST-English作者 (Dee)時間17年前 (2007/12/05 00:46), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串2/6 (看更多)
※ 引述《mingtai1 (snake)》之銘言: : Typhoons, which are usually formed in summer and autumn, are typical natural : disasters that strike Taiwan about 5 times in average every year. Unlike : tornados or hurricanes which cause disasters mainly by their strong wind, ^, with winds 我想這裡應該要用with, by常用在被動句 example: If something was done by hand, someone did it with his or her hands. : typhoons usually carry a huge amount of water onto the land, sometimes : coupled with strong wind as well. Hence, typhoons usually cause serious : floods. Furthermore, the vegetation in Taiwan is not protected well and : landslides are very likely to occur whenever typhoons bring much : water. : Nevertheless, typhoons can also fill up the dams so that there will : be enough water storage for future usage. Despite of these serious issues, xx 前幾篇Hibaby寫到的方法(跳躍式思考那串),用條列式再更改順序,在這裡就很有用。 這邊既然寫說 "[Despite] these serious issues..." 那麼在這一句之前應該都是負面的影響。 所以 "Nevertheless, typhoons can also fill up the dams..." 應該挪到後面。 : some students or office workers like strong typhoons since it is likely that : strong wind enforce the government to announce suspension of schools and ^^^^^^^ 另一位板友的文章中也出現過enforce的錯誤用法,這似乎是個挺普遍的錯誤。 enforce是"執法"的"執",進行enforce這個動作的人或物是the government,受詞是事 example: The government enforces the law. The government enforces freedom of speech. The govenrment enforces the suspension of schools. 不用在法律方面的時候,規則還是一樣 example: I enforce my rights as a citizen. The Visual Basic compiler enforces explicit variable declaration. : offices. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

12/06 01:17, , 1F
我又把force, enforce搞混了Orz 感謝指正~~ :D
12/06 01:17, 1F
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