[內幕]King admits personnel mistakes were m …

看板Sixers作者 (不再是 Sicksirs)時間18年前 (2006/04/12 12:39), 編輯推噓16(1606)
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Sixers: Scoop: King admits personnel mistakes were made 獨家內幕:老王承認他犯了一些錯。 PHILADELPHIA -- As the 76ers have struggled over the last five weeks, team president Billy King has been as upset as any fan by what he’s seen. "It’s the most frustrating year in my involvement in basketball," King said before Monday’s game against Washington. 過去的五個禮拜,七六人苦苦掙扎。而老王跟球迷一樣心煩意亂。禮拜一對華盛頓比賽前 ,他說:「這是我籃球生涯裡最挫敗的時刻。」 http://0rz.net/d71ew Caryl Kauffman, Special to the Times 04/11/2006 That many of the team’s failings can be laid at his feet hasn’t made it easier. 能讓一支球隊千瘡百孔是不太容易的。 "After the trade deadline, I looked in the mirror and said I’ve got to do a better job," King said. 老王說:「交易截止日後,我看著鏡子,對自已說我必須做得再好一點。」 King added he’s identified some of the problems and that there will be changes made in the offseason. 他又補充說他發現了一些問題,球季結束後將會有一番變動。 "There’s some guys I know for sure won’t be back," he said. 他說:「有幾個人確定不會留下來。」 The lack of defense has been a particular problem for the 76ers this season, and King said part of the problem was his decision to jettison veterans like Marc Jackson and Aaron McKie and replace them with inexperienced players. 本季七六人貧弱的防守已經是一個大問題。老王說部份原因是因為他放走了像 Marc- Jackson 和 Aaron McKie 這樣的老手,然後找了一些經驗不足的球員來取代他們。 But he’s also been disturbed by the way teams have scored layups with impunity against the Sixers this season. He’s wondered why pride didn’t kick in for some of his players. 本季七六人的對手一切入就如入無人之境的窘況,他也表示他看到快瘋了。他很納悶為什 麼有些球員不會覺得羞愧,他們的自尊跑哪去了? That it hasn’t will lead to some roster revamping this summer. 這還不至於導致暑假時會有陣容上的變動。 "I think we’ve got to say, ‘OK, we’ve got enough scoring,’" King said. "Now we’ve got to get as many defensive guys as we can -- and not just defensive guys, guys with an attitude that’s gonna be tough. If a guy’s going for a layup, he’d rather put him in the stands than give him a layup. Somebody’s gonna break somebody’s leg, if they have to, to win the game. Not that I want somebody to get hurt, but that’s what we’ve got to get back to." 老王表示:「我認為我們都想說我們已經夠會得分了,我們必須去找幾個防守型的球員, 當然不只是要會防守,還要有強硬的態度。如果有人要上籃,他寧可把他放倒,也不願看 他得分。他們想贏球,如果有必要,對手的腿有可能被打斷。我不是想要有人受傷,而是 這是我們迫切需要找回來的精神。」 King also has questioned the job he’s done. 老王也對他所做的事感到疑惑。 "I think I’ve got to be willing to make tougher decisions," he said. "Sometimes it’s easy to make a decision like, ‘I’m gonna re-sign this guy or sign that guy.’ The tougher decision, maybe, is like, ‘I’m gonna roll the dice and sign-and-trade this guy to go get that guy.’" 他接下來說:「我很樂意做一些困難的決定。有時候做一個決定是很容易的,就像『我要 續簽這個球員,或者簽下那個傢伙。』而困難的決定也許就像是『需要擲骰子才能決定簽 下這個球員然後交易去換取另一個球員。」 Despite his mea culpas, King is fairly secure in his job, as he’s got Comcast-Spectacor chairman Ed Snider’s confidence. 儘管犯了一些錯,老王的飯碗還是捧得很穩,因為老闆 Ed Snider 還是很信任他。 "I know the decisions he’s made," Snider said last week on "Daily News Live." "I know the reasons he’s made them. I know why they turned out a certain way. I ’m not about to second-guess because I personally went along with those decisions. Our entire organization was be-hind those decisions. It hasn’t jelled." 上個禮拜 Snider 在 Daily News Live 上說:「我知道他所做的決策,也知道為什麼要 這樣的理由,我還知道他們為什麼會導致這種結果。我不想馬後砲,因為這些決策都有經 過我的同意。我們整個組織都支持這些決定,沒有黑箱作業。」 Snider also said he thought King was "a very good executive." Snider 接著說他認為老王是「一個非常好的經理。」 -- 有錯請指正,感謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/12 15:26, , 1F
04/12 15:26, 1F

04/12 15:36, , 2F
04/12 15:36, 2F

04/12 16:01, , 3F
04/12 16:01, 3F

04/12 16:01, , 4F
04/12 16:01, 4F

04/12 16:04, , 5F
他是說「我必須做得更好...」。I've got to = 我必須。
04/12 16:04, 5F

04/12 16:04, , 6F
老王終於醒了(驚) 大家馬都知道不應該放大馬克的
04/12 16:04, 6F

04/12 16:07, , 7F
04/12 16:07, 7F
※ 編輯: PhillyMars 來自: (04/12 16:36)

04/12 16:51, , 8F
現在才承認自己的錯 ...
04/12 16:51, 8F

04/12 16:51, , 9F
我只希望他的 病也跟著好了 = =
04/12 16:51, 9F

04/12 16:52, , 10F
04/12 16:52, 10F

04/12 17:25, , 11F
04/12 17:25, 11F

04/12 17:39, , 12F
04/12 17:39, 12F

04/12 17:43, , 13F
04/12 17:43, 13F

04/12 17:43, , 14F
看來需要換個 新腦袋了
04/12 17:43, 14F

04/12 17:55, , 15F
04/12 17:55, 15F

04/12 18:40, , 16F
有可能喔 因為McHale也很糟 搞不好欣賞老王(?) XD
04/12 18:40, 16F

04/12 18:59, , 17F
04/12 18:59, 17F

04/12 20:34, , 18F
04/12 20:34, 18F

04/12 22:04, , 19F
04/12 22:04, 19F

04/12 23:28, , 20F
04/12 23:28, 20F

04/13 01:29, , 21F
建議老王找華陀開腦 醫一醫
04/13 01:29, 21F

04/13 10:46, , 22F
老王快去搞些防守刑的球員吧 不然就去吃屎
04/13 10:46, 22F
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