Re: [情報] 免費portal

看板Steam作者 (Angel Beats!)時間14年前 (2010/05/16 20:00), 編輯推噓6(609)
留言15則, 3人參與, 最新討論串5/6 (看更多)
It doesn't take an Aperture scientist to piece together that GLaDOS resumes her role as the omnipresent antagonist in Portal 2. The lark-like melody "Still Alive" at the end of Portal was evidence enough. Chell's fate, however, remained a wildcard until the aforementioned update. Previously, we saw Chell catapulted to freedom following GLaDOS' demise. Assuming she avoided any grievous injures, her escape was fathomable. Now we know better. She's back in captivity once again. 在Portal 2的時間點前, GLaDOS不用耗費上任何一位光圈科學研究中心的科學家, 就讓自 機完全復原了. "Still Alive"就是最好的證據。 然而, 在我們知道更多關於上文所敘述的情報之前, Chell的命運仍是個未知的謎。 在GLaDOS掛掉之後, Chell重返了自由。如果她在逃脫之後並沒有受到任何重傷, 那麼她 的逃脫成功與否就非常明顯了。 現在我們知道了 -- 她又再次被關禁閉了。 While Chell appears relatively unscathed, the Aperture Science facilities haven't fared as well. Centuries after the explosion, no one has been around to repair sprawling campus. Overgrown areas are interspersed with cold and clinical test chambers, now in various stages of decay. As far as we (and Chell) can tell, no one has stepped foot in the derelict labs for decades. But loneliness won't overtake you, as a cast of slightly less organic characters has thrived in GLaDOS' absence. At the end of Portal, illuminated by a candle atop the tabled cake, rows upon rows of personality cores were awakened. These spheres are the same as those Chell ripped from GLaDOS' breast as she incinerated her captor one piece at a time. Introducing this new "species" allows Valve the chance to integrate unique AI personalities without introducing human peers. It also addresses the concern that returning to an isolated GLaDOS and Chell relationship would feel too much like a retread. 當Chell 毫髮無傷地出現時, 光圈科學設施並沒有運作得很好。經過大爆炸後的數個世紀 間, 沒有任何人起身修理這座研究所。在冰冷的空氣與一個個的實驗室間, 早已穿插著發 育過度的綠色植物。 目前我們(和Chell)僅能告訴你的是, 長久以來, 沒人曾踏入這裡。 但是孤單不會永遠的陪著你。 在GLaDOS不在的那段日子中, 某個有機物正悄悄茁壯著。 在Portal的結尾, 一個插在桌上蛋糕的蠟燭發出微微的火光, 一排又一排的人格零件醒 來了。 記得Chell在GLaDOS的房裡一個又一個抓去焚化的東西嗎? 這些球體就和它們一 樣。 用這段畫面來介紹新的"種類", 給了Valve一個機會, 讓他們不需再創造一個新的人類角 色,直接用這些零件就可以介紹它們那獨創的AI系統。而, GLaDOS和Chell兩者間的關係也 漸漸浮上檯面。 最後幾句不會翻..太恐怖了這個 請求支援 -- 平~唷夜~聖~善夜~萬暗中~光華射~   願唷唷保佑你。 照著唷母也照著唷唷,多少慈祥也多少天真。靜享天賜安眠,靜享天賜安眠。 平~唷夜~聖~善夜~比例人~在曠野~   May the Yoyo with you。 忽然看見了天上光華,聽見天使唱唷雷路亞,救主今夜降生,救主今夜降生。 平~唷夜~聖~善夜~神子愛~光皎潔~   卡哇唷嘎~ 貳柒比例的黎明來到,唷唷發出來榮光普照,唷唷我神降生,唷唷我神降生。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/16 20:31, , 1F
05/16 20:31, 1F

05/16 20:33, , 2F
nevermind 除了第一句翻的不正確以外 其他還好
05/16 20:33, 2F

05/16 21:22, , 3F
stiil= = 是still吧?
05/16 21:22, 3F

05/17 17:24, , 4F
第一句我實在不知道怎麼翻, 這篇文我硬翻的 抱歉我對英文
05/17 17:24, 4F

05/17 17:24, , 5F
05/17 17:24, 5F

05/17 17:24, , 6F
感謝回報, 我手滑XD"
05/17 17:24, 6F

05/17 18:42, , 7F
05/17 18:42, 7F

05/17 18:42, , 8F
那首歌Still Alive就可以證明了
05/17 18:42, 8F
謝謝 我把"to piece" 裝在一起翻了orz

05/17 21:20, , 9F
還是有一點不大對 不能翻在2代中... 應該是自己組裝起來
05/17 21:20, 9F

05/17 21:21, , 10F
之後 在第二代重返他的角色 我可能沒有表達的很清楚
05/17 21:21, 10F

05/17 21:22, , 11F
05/17 21:22, 11F
謝謝 雖然還是有點不懂 但還是硬翻了一下XD"

05/17 21:30, , 12F
第二段最後我猜是 這些生物(核心)的誕生讓Valve有機會
05/17 21:30, 12F

05/17 21:31, , 13F
介紹他們新的AI系統 且用非人類的方式呈現
05/17 21:31, 13F

05/17 21:35, , 14F
此外, 被孤立的GLaDOS跟Chell彼此的關係又浮上檯面上了
05/17 21:35, 14F

05/17 21:36, , 15F
personality cores是人格零件 不是私人零件
05/17 21:36, 15F
※ 編輯: star123 來自: (05/18 17:34)
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