[新聞] TESV:Special Edition將推出生存模式

看板Steam作者 (凡人皆有一死)時間7年前 (2017/09/28 00:46), 7年前編輯推噓28(29119)
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來源 https://goo.gl/xtHmB1 上古卷軸五特別版即將新增生存模式,目前測試中 簡單來說就是讓遊戲更接近真實 稍微翻譯一下改動有哪些,如有詞不達意的部分請不吝指正 Survival Mode changes Skyrim in the following ways: Hunger 飢餓 Over time, you will become hungry, which will impact your total stamina, as well as your ability to wield most weapons. As you become hungrier, your total available stamina will decrease, represented by a dark region inside the stamina bar. Eat food to restore your hunger. If you eat enough, you will receive the Well Fed bonus. Cooked food restores more hunger than uncooked food. If you eat raw meat, you may contract Food Poisoning, which can prevent you from receiving health benefits from food until the effect wears off. Hot soups can now be cooked by using fire salts, which restore your cold and also grant a bonus to your warmth rating. https://goo.gl/Pr232p (Skyrim Survival Famished) 會隨時間變得飢餓,會影響體力上限,還有使用武器的能力(應該是指攻擊效果?) 吃熟食增加飽食度效果比較好,吃生肉可能會食物中毒,對生命值會有影響 喝熱湯對暖和程度有幫助 Fatigue 疲勞 Even the most stalwart adventurers will need to rest from time to time. Fatigue decreases your total available magicka, represented by a dark region inside the magicka bar. As you become more fatigued, the effectiveness of potions will begin to decline, and your ability to recover magicka and stamina will begin to suffer. You will need to periodically sleep in a bed in order to restore your fatigue. In Survival, the Well Rested bonus is no longer granted automatically after sleeping. If you sleep outside, you will not be able to get a restful night's sleep, waking up Drained at best. If you sleep in a bed indoors, you will receive the Well Rested bonus. 疲勞度會影響MP上限 太疲勞也會讓藥水效果衰退,回復MP跟體力的能力也會受影響,所以大家要定時去睡覺啦 睡覺後已經沒辦法自動獲得充分休息的好處了 睡在外面也無法達到充分休息,睡在室內才行 Cold 寒冷 The frigid chill of Skyrim is now a formidable foe unto itself. Traveling in snowy or rainy areas will increase your Cold. Cold decreases your total available health, represented as a dark region inside the health bar. As you become colder, your movement speed and ability to pick locks and pick pockets will begin to suffer. If you reach the highest level of Cold, your health will be reduced to zero and you will die from exposure to the elements. You can warm up by standing near a fire, eating hot soup, or moving to a warmer location. A sun or snowflake icon will appear near the compass to note whether you are currently getting warmer or colder. https://goo.gl/stWNsp Skyrim Survival Cold 在下雪或下雨區域會增加受寒程度 受寒會影響生命最大值,也會影響移動速度跟開鎖跟偷竊能力 受寒程度到最高就會開始扣血,扣到0就會死掉 靠近火、喝熱湯、到溫暖區域可以讓你變得暖和 會有一個太陽或雪花圖案可以讓你知道現在是變冷還變熱 Warmth 溫暖 The higher your warmth rating, the more slowly you will feel the effects of cold environments. Most clothing and armor provide warmth, displayed on the item's description. Some armor is exceptionally warm, while others are ill-suited to protect their wearer from harsh climates. You can also temporarily increase your warmth rating by eating hot soup or holding a torch. 溫暖度越高,受寒冷環境的影響就越慢 大部分衣服跟盔甲都會提供溫暖度,會顯示在物品敘述 有些盔甲是特別溫暖,其他的則是不適合用來禦寒 也可以喝熱湯或拿火炬提高溫暖度 Freezing Water 冰水 Taking a swim in an ice-cold river can make for a quick death. If you swim in a freezing area, you will immediately become colder and begin taking health damage. Exit the water as soon as possible in order to begin warming up and stop the loss of health. Using a Flame Cloak spell or the Dunmer Ancestor's Wrath ability can make you temporarily immune to the effects of freezing water. 在冰冷河水裡游泳會讓你瀕臨死亡 在寒冷地區游泳會馬上受寒,而且會扣血 使用火焰護甲或暗精靈的先祖之怒可以暫時免於冰水的影響 Fast Travel 快速旅行 Fast Travel is disabled. If you wish to go somewhere, you must do so on foot or by horseback. You can also take a carriage or boat to your destination, but note that you may arrive hungry, cold, and in need of rest after a long journey. https://goo.gl/dcvjsB Skyrim Survival Mountain 快速旅行被拔掉啦 如果想去某地,要走路或騎馬,或是搭馬車或船 提醒你,一段長途旅行後可能會覺得冷、覺得餓,而且需要休息 Health Regeneration 生命回復 You no longer regenerate health. You must use restorative spells, food, and potions to replenish your health. 不會再回血了,你要藉由回復性技能、食物、藥水把血補滿 Leveling Up 升級 To level up, you must now sleep in a bed. You may still spend your perk points later once they have been granted after sleeping. 現在要睡覺才能升級,可以睡覺後再點技能 Carry Weight 負重 Your carry weight has been significantly reduced. Becoming over encumbered also quickly drains your stamina and causes you to become fatigued much faster. Arrows and lockpicks now have weight. 負重能力明顯縮減 過重的話會快速耗盡你的體力值,且變得疲勞 箭跟開鎖器也有重量了 Disease 疾病 Creatures across the land now carry threatening new diseases, and previous diseases are now even more debilitating. Eating uncooked meat can now cause Food Poisoning. If you fail to cure a disease, it may progress into a more serious version over time. https://goo.gl/V3obmM Skyrim Survival Elements 現在路上的怪也會帶有疾病了,舊有的疾病會更具削弱效果 病沒治好可能會讓病情更惡化 Afflictions 痛苦 Time spent while unwell puts you at risk of contracting an affliction, which causes effects that can linger long after you have improved your condition. Afflictions will naturally wear off, or can be cured like other diseases. 把自己暴露在接觸這些痛苦的風險之中,雖已脫離險境,但這些效果還是會持續得更久些 這會自己消退,或者像其他疾病一樣被治癒 Some Afflictions include: Weakened: You are less effective at using melee weapons and blocking damage with your shield. 軟弱:會降低武器跟格擋的效果 Addled: All enchantments and spells cast are less effective. 混亂:所有技能都會受影響 Frostbitten: You are less effective at picking locks, picking pockets, and doing damage with a bow. 凍傷:降低弓箭傷害、開鎖及扒竊能力 Shrines 神殿 Shrines no longer cure diseases for free; you must now make a gold offering in order to receive the shrine's benefits. Shrines you craft in a house you have built can be used for free. https://goo.gl/xDhRsV Skyrim Survival Shrine 現在在神殿要付錢才能治癒疾病 或是可以在家建一個,可以免費使用 Perks & Standing Stones 技能跟立石 The Extra Pockets perk and The Steed Stone now grant 50 extra carry weight, instead of 100. 駿馬立石增加100負重被砍成50了 Vampires & Werewolves 吸血鬼與狼人 Both vampires and werewolves can restore their hunger by feeding on their victims. While transformed into a Werewolf or Vampire Lord, you will become colder much slower than normal. 吸血鬼跟狼人可以靠吃人來回復飢餓度 變身成吸血鬼或狼人,行動會變慢且較增加受寒程度 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1506530785.A.90A.html

09/28 00:48, 7年前 , 1F
09/28 00:48, 1F

09/28 00:50, 7年前 , 2F
幫補充,這是TESV: Special Edition的beta. w
09/28 00:50, 2F
謝謝 標題改一下 ※ 編輯: kimo6414 (, 09/28/2017 00:54:13

09/28 00:55, 7年前 , 3F
雖已脫離險境那句翻的怪怪的 應該是只要有曝露且發作 就
09/28 00:55, 3F

09/28 00:55, 7年前 , 4F
09/28 00:55, 4F

09/28 00:56, 7年前 , 5F
講起來跟fo4的生存差不多的...睡覺升級!? 我搞錯了(滾
09/28 00:56, 5F

09/28 00:56, 7年前 , 6F
09/28 00:56, 6F

09/28 01:04, 7年前 , 7F
09/28 01:04, 7F

09/28 01:06, 7年前 , 8F
09/28 01:06, 8F

09/28 01:24, 7年前 , 9F
我比較想要趕快玩到6代 或是高畫質的四代讓我體驗
09/28 01:24, 9F

09/28 01:29, 7年前 , 10F
09/28 01:29, 10F

09/28 01:29, 7年前 , 11F
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09/28 02:46, 7年前 , 12F
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09/28 02:59, 7年前 , 13F
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09/28 02:59, 7年前 , 14F
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09/28 05:58, 7年前 , 15F
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09/28 05:58, 7年前 , 16F
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09/28 06:47, 7年前 , 17F
09/28 06:47, 17F

09/28 08:15, 7年前 , 18F
我還以為是要一群龍裔從龍背上跳下來 大逃殺
09/28 08:15, 18F

09/28 09:59, 7年前 , 19F
09/28 09:59, 19F

09/28 09:59, 7年前 , 20F
09/28 09:59, 20F

09/28 10:02, 7年前 , 21F
負重變少 你道具還能拉一長串?
09/28 10:02, 21F

09/28 10:11, 7年前 , 22F
09/28 10:11, 22F

09/28 10:24, 7年前 , 23F
09/28 10:24, 23F

09/28 10:28, 7年前 , 24F
上古吃雞很困難der 摸毛就會有整座城的人找碴
09/28 10:28, 24F

09/28 10:28, 7年前 , 25F
09/28 10:28, 25F

09/28 10:45, 7年前 , 26F
以為是吃雞+1 奇幻大逃殺
09/28 10:45, 26F

09/28 10:52, 7年前 , 27F
隱刀流: 沒事沒事兒
09/28 10:52, 27F

09/28 11:20, 7年前 , 28F
跟frostfall有八成像 現在才加進來也太慢了
09/28 11:20, 28F

09/28 11:31, 7年前 , 29F
這個模式是Creation Club的內容,在正式上市的第一週會讓
09/28 11:31, 29F

09/28 11:31, 7年前 , 30F
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09/28 11:44, 7年前 , 31F
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09/28 11:44, 7年前 , 32F
09/28 11:44, 32F

09/28 11:45, 7年前 , 33F

09/28 12:29, 7年前 , 34F
sorry 晚了講 借轉巴哈
09/28 12:29, 34F

09/28 13:33, 7年前 , 35F
09/28 13:33, 35F

09/28 14:10, 7年前 , 36F
09/28 14:10, 36F

09/28 18:12, 7年前 , 37F
直覺想到 Frostfall 跟 iNeed 等 MOD。
09/28 18:12, 37F

09/28 18:23, 7年前 , 38F
09/28 18:23, 38F

09/28 18:50, 7年前 , 39F
09/28 18:50, 39F

09/28 19:11, 7年前 , 40F
09/28 19:11, 40F

09/28 19:11, 7年前 , 41F
選Creation Club進入後會有-100%的生存模式,購買就好了
09/28 19:11, 41F

09/28 19:40, 7年前 , 42F
09/28 19:40, 42F

09/28 21:12, 7年前 , 43F
09/28 21:12, 43F

09/28 21:16, 7年前 , 44F
生存模式還要花錢買 我反正信了
09/28 21:16, 44F

09/28 21:17, 7年前 , 45F
09/28 21:17, 45F

09/29 02:55, 7年前 , 46F
別害我 越虐我會玩越久
09/29 02:55, 46F

09/29 06:55, 7年前 , 47F
這些年玩過的 mod變成官方版了
09/29 06:55, 47F

09/29 07:49, 7年前 , 48F
09/29 07:49, 48F

09/29 09:12, 7年前 , 49F
09/29 09:12, 49F
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文章代碼(AID): #1PozNXaA (Steam)