Re: [題目] 英文考卷

看板TOEIC作者時間14年前 (2010/10/23 16:03), 編輯推噓1(100)
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※ 引述《kobechi2000 (神)》之銘言: : ( )1.When stress or anger ___________ , maybe you feel like throwing : something. : (A)has your blood boiling (B) have your blood boiled : 答案是a 我自己認為是b 可以煩請了解的人解釋一下嗎? 其實我認為這題是在考or的觀念,只要判斷has 跟have or連接兩主詞時,其動詞與最接近主詞一致 ex.You or he have taken away my umbrella(誤) You or he has taken away my umbrella(正) ex.You or I are mistaken.(誤) You or I am mistaken(正) 結論: 判斷anger 是單數 所以選has : ( )2.Points are earned by beating on the games dinner table and then : ________ it over at the end. : (A)turn (B) turning : 答案是b 但我認為後面的動詞並非跟隨前句的points are earned by : 可以請高手幫忙回答嗎? THKS!! 解題: Points are earned by beating on the games dinner table and then (by) : ________ it over at the end. 其實這句省略了 by 所以要跟 beating 一致 點數被獲得 "藉著" beat on the games dinner table 與(藉著) turning it over at the end -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: prince101 來自: (10/23 16:04)

10/30 03:30, , 1F
我也看懂了 解釋好清楚
10/30 03:30, 1F
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