[題目] 0324郭易考前滿分真題~全對多拿100分!

看板TOEIC作者 (郭易滿分英文)時間12年前 (2012/03/24 16:38), 編輯推噓9(902)
留言11則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
以下真題引用自滿分天書: http://0rz.tw/DTmzP 1. 由創造許多滿分跟應考世界紀錄作者親撰寫 2. 全球唯一有公信力實證每題都真題改編題目 3. 題本格式比官方OG還符合目前最新規格趨勢 4. 全球唯一免費分享全部的[版權所有]題目:) 5. 裡面題目都實證會一考再考 建議大家專攻這些題目 投資報酬率最高! 6. 感謝多家大學/企業/兩岸網友指定使用:) 歡迎免費善意使用, 祝大家都考滿分 :) ========================================== 這次有25題: 1. Applicants for the position of research assistant must have ------- laboratory experience. (A) extend (B) extensive (C) extensions (D) extending 2. Passengers should call the airline ------- confirm their flights 24 hours before departure. (A) for (B) to (C) so (D) when 3. ------- did the lamps arrive two weeks late but they were also badly damaged. (A) Not only (B) In addition (C) Over and above (D) Nevertheless 4. The designers were fully ------- to answer questions about the new line of automobiles at the press event. (A) prepare (B) prepared (C) prepares (D) preparation 5. The Far East Asian Business Association hopes to have its new Web site operational ------- the end of next week. (A) by (B) up (C) of (D) among 6. ------- the temperature is getting cooler, it is important to remember to keep doors and windows shut in order to conserve energy. (A) However (B) Whatever (C) Because of (D) Now that 7. According to the magazine Aviation Tracker, World Sky Airlines canceled more flights ------- any other North American airline. (A) as (B) while (C) than (D) whether 8. When preliminary studies are -------, Leni Contracting Group will make a bid on the project. (A) complete (B) completion (C) completeness (D) completely 9. Payment on the latest shipment is due and must ------- within ten days. (A) to receive (B) receive (C) be received (D) received 10. The assembly lines at the new industrial plant in Tokyo use the ------- technology and serve as a model for other plants in the city. (A) latest (B) immediate (C) shortest (D) constant 11. The more we work with Mr. Yang, the more ------- we are by his outstanding project management skills. (A) impression (B) impressed (C) impress (D) impresses 12. ------ his wife was being transferred to Holland, Mr. Woo requested a transfer too. (A) Whether (B) For (C) Since (D) Which 13. New employees ------- wish to attend the welcoming banquet must sign up before May 5. (A) when (B) what (C) whom (D) who 14. Century Shipping takes every ------- to ensure that your items arrive at their destination safely and in top condition. (A) precaution (B) idea (C) advice (D) rule 15 Ms. Watson has said that it is not ------- to discuss the report outside the committee because it contains materials of a sensitive nature. (A) appropriateness (B) appropriate (C) appropriately (D) most appropriately 16. The monthly meeting will begin at noon, and everyone is invited to stay for the ------- being held afterward in honor of Ms. Thomson's promotion. (A) progress (B) celebration (C) approval (D) encouragement 17. When Mr. Poon ------- to Shanghai next month, he will stay at the Oriental Garden Hotel. (A) goes (B) to go (C) was going (D) going 18. Itron Technology Company is committed to providing ------- products at an affordable price. (A) skilled (B) earnest (C) tactful (D) reliable 19. ------- in the retail industry is expected to increase in the years ahead. (A) Competition (B) Competitor (C) Competitive (D) Compete 20. ------- a report in the Lisbon Financial News, Capital Bank posted a net profit of $9.5 million for the second half of the year. (A) According to (B) Nevertheless (C) Even though (D) As if 21. The City Council is taking ------- measures to improve the public facilities in the city. (A) significantly (B) significant (C) signify (D) significance 22. The launch of the Smartphone was delayed due to a problem that ------- when the software was tested. (A) emerged (B) engaged (C) revealed (D) reacted 23. Last week, sales associates from all over the world ------- at the Robertson Business Center for the annual international sales conference. (A) convened (B) convenes (C) convening (D) convene 24. Many ------- economists, including Edward Prescott and Joan Robinson, have published articles in The Sullivan Review. (A) define (B) customary (C) elaborate (D) notable 25. Last year's annual report suggests that the company has been ------- concerned with the short-term profits. (A) excess (B) excessive (C) excessively (D) excessiveness -- 大家好 我是郭易滿分助教◎歡迎參觀訂閱郭易老師的Blog跟Facebook:) ◎多項托福/多益/全民英檢等國際英檢滿分/背題/學生進步世界紀錄保持者且唯1多次實證 ◎榮幸師訓上百位教師暨感謝兩岸大學/企業/政府機關/媒體邀請講座及國際專訪 ◎郭易滿分英文 http://tinyurl.com/3caczfg --

03/24 16:55, , 1F
有請版上高手給個答案 感謝^^"
03/24 16:55, 1F

03/24 17:52, , 2F
03/24 17:52, 2F

03/24 20:45, , 3F
03/24 20:45, 3F

03/24 22:48, , 4F
03/24 22:48, 4F

03/24 22:49, , 5F
03/24 22:49, 5F

03/25 00:55, , 6F
我的跟K大e大一樣 那應該就OK了~
03/25 00:55, 6F

03/25 08:39, , 7F
03/25 08:39, 7F

03/26 00:45, , 8F
25題 命中2題 恩......................
03/26 00:45, 8F

03/29 22:25, , 9F
03/29 22:25, 9F

03/29 22:27, , 10F
12. 請問 “for“ 不能當連接詞 because 意思嗎?
03/29 22:27, 10F
※ 編輯: pttEnglish 來自: (09/22 08:37)

12/02 20:40, , 11F
25題 命中2題 恩 https://noxiv.com
12/02 20:40, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1FROVzZJ (TOEIC)
文章代碼(AID): #1FROVzZJ (TOEIC)