Re: [歌詞] My girlfriend 聽寫版

看板TVXQ作者 (喜新厭舊)時間17年前 (2007/11/05 15:29), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
我也來寫寫我聽到的喔...好像有點點不一樣... 不足的部分請大家多多包涵 幫忙補上吧 感覺我家大米跟麥克風感情很好都黏在一起囉...XD ----------------------------------------------------------------- Oh no no ya ya You are my girlfriend. You know the way I do. Ya~ Ya~ do lu do do do do do do do~ Ya~ First time when I kiss your lips you were loveable. Was the bright snowing day and love began. They just don't understand, not even a clue. So girl I won't stop. I'm the one who will be right there. (Let's stay together) Ya~ You are my girlfriend. I do love you so. Ya~ Just let me please you. *RAP*(我完全不行...這真的不管聽幾次都只有片段阿...) I'm just trying to say how much I do love you. ............................................... All my future ???? are getting so sure. So girl you see,my heart won't change a bit. My love's bigger than the ???????????????? You guys ready? Ya~ Baby morning(good morning),every day you woke up with a lovely call. I didn't know what I could but I can make a song. Girl,they just don't understand, not even a clue. So girl I won't stop. I'm the one who will be right there. (Let's stay together) Stay~ You are my girlfriend. I love you so~ I love you so~ (Just follow me until the)End of time Ya~ So let me be off your mind. (Just let me please you) Ya~Let'go~ Everything will gonna be fine. God give me a strong new life. Look at me girl, you're lovely I can tell, so, one day it will come true. Baby never gonna make you cry. (Let's stay together)Let's stay together. Girlfriend~ (It feels like ??? )Hold on together. Everything's alright. (Just walk with me until the)Until the end of time, Ya~ Baby~ (So let me be off your mind)Leave the past behind. (Let's stay together)You're always my girlfriend. (It feels like ???)Ya~ I do love you. So much I do, Baby~ (Just walk with me until the)Just walk with me. Follow me. (So let me be off your mind)Off your mind. Just let me please you~ Um~~Ya~~ I love you... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 真的是超Sweet的~~ 當然 Always your girlfrind 啦!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ilovedavis 來自: (11/05 15:30)

11/05 15:57, , 1F
應該是ON YOUR MIND~不是OFF啦! 大家的英文都很利害耶!
11/05 15:57, 1F

11/05 16:43, , 2F
(It feels like ??? )→是It feels like"heaven"嗎?...猜的
11/05 16:43, 2F
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