[ PT ] 賣書

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生理解剖 1.Introduction to human body(原版書) 2.Clinical oriented anatomy 5th(原版書) 物因、電療 3.Clinical Electrotherapy(原版書) 4.Brunnstrom’s clinical kinesiology 5th(原版書) 5.Physical agents intehabilitation from research to practice 3th(原版書) 神經 6.Spinal cord injury 7.Step to follow:the comprehensive treatment of patients with hemiplegia 8.Adult hemiplegia:evaluation and treatment 9.Neuro-Developmental Treatment Approach Theoretical Foundations and Principle s of Clinical Practice 10.Functional movement reeducation(售出) 11.stroke rehabilitation 骨科 13.Neuromusculoskeletal examination and assessment 小兒 13.Treatment of cerebral palsy and motor delay 14.PDMS2: Motor activities program 15.Pediatric physical therapy 4th 16.Handbook of pediatric physical therapy 2th(原版書) 其他 17.輔具:補習班國考整理 需要可以站內信拍照給你看 ps.為了不佔用版面太多,先刪除上一篇,沒賣出的併在這則,謝謝 https://i.imgur.com/t5J4jV0.jpg
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