Re: [外電] Timberwolves Might Move Up For Turner

看板Timberwolves作者 (紫醉金迷~)時間14年前 (2010/05/22 06:47), 編輯推噓16(16030)
留言46則, 9人參與, 最新討論串3/5 (看更多)
※ 引述《jerod (KG4MVP)》之銘言: : 乳摸一則 大家看看 : : If the NBA's Draft Lottery played out true, the Timberwolves would have : landed the second overall pick. : However, they will pick fourth after the 76ers and Wizards leapfrogged them : in the draft order. : Minnesota would have likely taken Ohio State's Evan Turner with the No. 2 : pick, but ESPN's Chad Ford writes that general manager David Kahn might still : try to get Turner. : "But it's also possible Minnesota GM David Kahn will be looking to trade up : to No. 2 in an effort to still select Turner, who the team is very high on," : Ford wrote on Wednesday. 一、關於 Turner: 1.ESPN,Chad Ford 的原文是講: Look for the Minnesota Timberwolves to make a strong play to trade up to No. 2. The Wolves are very, very high on Evan Turner. They feel his combination of versatility, scoring ability and court presence is the perfect fit for their young club. The Philadelphia 76ers, on the other hand, aren't a perfect fit for Turner. Andre Iguodala and Jrue Holiday are versatile guards who can defend multiple positions and handle the ball. And, like Turner, neither is a lights-out shooter. With Minnesota pining hard for Turner, don't be surprised to see the Wolves offer up the No. 4 and either the No. 16 or the No. 23 pick to Philly to move up two spots.That would allow the Wolves to get the guy they've coveted all along in the draft and give the Sixers an extra pick and a shot at another guy they're high on: Kentucky's DeMarcus Cousins or Syracuse's Wesley Johnson. 節錄自:Lottery order sparks trade talk 2.他剛剛一點多發的這篇 Sixers shopping No. 2 pick? 又說: A number of teams have already looked into the availability of the Philadelphia 76ers' No. 2 pick in the June 24 draft. The asking price? Several sources said they were told that the Sixers want their trade partner to take Elton Brand off their hands. Good luck with that. With Brand set to earn $51 million over the course of the next three years, he's virtually impossible to trade. As much as teams like the Minnesota Timberwolves, for instance, love Evan Turner, I don't think they love him that much. 我也覺得名牌快變水餃股了,沒順便補到其他東西吃他的 合約整個不划算。 3. 這篇中:Turner 覺得他比 Wall 更該被選為第一順位,但被七六人選到的話也是雙贏局 面,七六人方面除了他還面試了包括 John Wall、Der- -rick Favors、DeMarcus Cousins 等人。 二、Draft Express、College Hoops、Hoops Hype、真GM 認為灰狼會選的 DeMarcus Cousins: 1.被問到 Wall 跟他之間球隊該選誰,他回答道:「那要 取決於球隊的需要。」(Depending on what the team needs.)展現了旺盛的企圖心。 2.他本人也認為灰狼會選他,當被問到三角進攻時他答: "I know of it, but I've never played it.""You saw a lot of back to the basket (from me) this year, because that's how I was told to play," said Cousins. "But I have a lot more aspects to my game." 最後一句也許可以解讀為他覺得適應上不成問題? 3.在減重上做了努力的他看起來變瘦了。 以上皆來自: 4.Christopher Reina 認為如果不打算重組陣容的話,那 麼灰狼很可能選 Wesley Johnson。 如果打算解決陣容重疊問題的話,他認為用 AL 交易一 名已經證明自己的小前鋒接著選 Cousins比選 Wesley Johnson 再將 AL 交易一名次等潛力的球員更能解決陣 容重疊的問題。 另外他也認為 Cousins是 2010 年選秀未來為一有機會 能夠跟 Wall 相提並論的球員。 來源: 5.Love 認為如果灰狼選 Cousins 或 Derrick Favors 那 他和 AL 有一個會說再見~ 來源: 6.數據魔人 John Hollinger 他在 Draft Rater: Most pro potential? 中也提到Cousins 是他認為最有潛力的球員,另外他預測了新秀的 per: Rank Player Team Projected PER 1 D.Cousins Kentucky 16.14 2 E.Turner Ohio State 14.79 3 J.Wall Kentucky 14.68 4 G.Monroe Georgetown 14.39 5 D.Favors Georgia Tech 13.98 6 X.Henry Kansas 13.52 7 L.Babbitt Nevada 13.35 8 A.Aminu Wake Forest 13.30 9 W.Johnson Syracuse 13.03 三、、ESPN、SportsNews提到可能會選的 Wesley Johnson: 1.有點過期的消息且話很多的 Chad Ford繼續在他自己的 模擬 2.0中說灰狼(有更新過)會選Wesley Johnson: Analysis: The Timberwolves have a need at small forward, and if they couldn't get Evan Turner, Johnson is the next best thing. He's an athletic swingman who can shoot, run the floor and rebound. He may not have star potential, but I think Johnson can come in and immediately contribute to the Wolves. 2. 這篇提到他還算善於應付媒體。 3.有消息說灰狼也可能將第四順位向下交易第六順位讓火 箭去選 Cousins,自己拿到 Wesley Johnson 加未來其 他選秀權,儘管這方案看起來無法讓人感到興奮,但以 過去的歷史來看也不是不可能。 來源: 4.對於人們質疑他的年紀太大,他解釋道:「那表示我處 事更加的成熟,而且在八年級前我並沒有參加比賽(他 練六年就要進 NBA 了= =),這表示我是個大器晚成 (還有潛力)的球員。」 來源: *Draft Exprexx 的身體測量(未完) -- ◢█◤ ◥ ──馬尾 +25 臥蠶 +10 喜歡甜食 +10 愛講髒話-41 \ \ \白皙 +15 腿漂亮 +10 158~163CM +10 政治魔人-10 ▍│ ︽ ︽ 鎖骨 + 5 小於C +10 講話沒腔調 + 5 粉紅布鞋-10 ▍│ 〃 〃 長的像 +100 ▍│ 我可以要求六十分嗎? ◣│ ──────────── ─╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/22 07:38, , 1F
Brand有過以往功績 是會讓人還有些遐想 不過他的約確實讓人
05/22 07:38, 1F

05/22 07:39, , 2F
05/22 07:39, 2F

05/22 07:43, , 3F
如果想要Wes向下交易到無妨 只不過不要再出現Pich+cash這種
05/22 07:43, 3F

05/22 07:43, , 4F
05/22 07:43, 4F

05/22 07:59, , 5F
Kahn應該不會想要吃下Brand那張約 也有消息說Turner
05/22 07:59, 5F

05/22 07:59, , 6F
可能會掉下來 等Workout結束以後搞不好又會有變動
05/22 07:59, 6F

05/22 08:00, , 7F
Cousins最大的問題據說是他的態度 Realgm上面很多人都
05/22 08:00, 7F

05/22 08:01, , 8F
提到了同樣的問題 我是沒怎麼follow Cousins所以也不
05/22 08:01, 8F

05/22 08:01, , 9F
05/22 08:01, 9F

05/22 08:04, , 10F
就現在來看直接選Johnson的話也是不錯的選擇 但我比較
05/22 08:04, 10F

05/22 08:04, , 11F
傾向於拿Al去交易換Swingman 然後再看#4選的到誰
05/22 08:04, 11F

05/22 08:32, , 12F
應該在選秀會前會先決定選誰 然後才決定Al or Love的去留
05/22 08:32, 12F

05/22 08:32, , 13F
05/22 08:32, 13F

05/22 11:52, , 14F
要交易 Brand 幾乎就是會動到 AL 了,在教練可能走人而且練
05/22 11:52, 14F

05/22 11:53, , 15F
05/22 11:53, 15F

05/22 11:53, , 16F
幾乎是恐懼的總和,我寧願不要交易,直接用 Johnson 了Orz
05/22 11:53, 16F

05/22 11:54, , 17F
05/22 11:54, 17F

05/22 11:55, , 18F
1.四號籤+其他順位或未來選秀升級成二號選 Tuner >
05/22 11:55, 18F

05/22 11:55, , 19F
2.選 Cousins 交易 AL > 3.選 Cousins 交易 Love
05/22 11:55, 19F

05/22 11:56, , 20F
七六人這邊似乎也很認真在考慮 Brand + #2 的配套了 ...
05/22 11:56, 20F

05/22 11:56, , 21F
> 4.向下交易(類火箭那個) > 5.什麼都不做 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
05/22 11:56, 21F

05/22 11:57, , 22F
6.吃 Brand 合約 + 第二順位換 AL +第四順位
05/22 11:57, 22F

05/22 11:58, , 23F
我不知道那是 Chad Ford +記者鄉民單方面放話,還是七六人真
05/22 11:58, 23F

05/22 11:58, , 24F
的有考慮說。不過以灰狼的 Payroll 來說 Brand 的約很噁心。
05/22 11:58, 24F
※ 編輯: Kreen 來自: (05/22 12:05)

05/22 12:05, , 25F
當初 Ed 簽 Brand 這個大約 如果沒有傷病因素 其實算划算的
05/22 12:05, 25F

05/22 12:05, , 26F
現在就看灰狼要不要賭一個健康的 Elton Brand 了 ...
05/22 12:05, 26F

05/22 12:18, , 27F
05/22 12:18, 27F

05/22 12:19, , 28F
05/22 12:19, 28F

05/22 12:22, , 29F
保留薪資空間還有FA能找 吃下Brand就沒得玩了
05/22 12:22, 29F

05/22 12:24, , 30F
沒有傷病的話當然不錯啦,但有傷病加上年紀,乾脆留著 AL 比
05/22 12:24, 30F

05/22 12:24, , 31F
05/22 12:24, 31F

05/22 12:25, , 32F
而Brand即使沒傷病 狀態保持成這樣 絕對有問題
05/22 12:25, 32F

05/22 12:26, , 33F
05/22 12:26, 33F

05/22 12:27, , 34F
05/22 12:27, 34F

05/22 12:27, , 35F
05/22 12:27, 35F

05/22 12:28, , 36F
05/22 12:28, 36F

05/22 12:29, , 37F
現在瞄準的是今年跟明年的大魚 還有Rubio
05/22 12:29, 37F

05/22 12:30, , 38F
不然交易來Brand即使他能打 灰狼的狀況也難進季後賽
05/22 12:30, 38F

05/22 12:32, , 39F
不然要是Turner進步不夠快 不上不下的戰績還有不確定的未
05/22 12:32, 39F

05/22 12:32, , 40F
來 也沒比現在好
05/22 12:32, 40F

05/22 12:34, , 41F
季中球員就表明期待的是補強 而不是重建
05/22 12:34, 41F

05/22 13:05, , 42F
完全沒必要吃Brand 等隊伍重建好他年紀也老了 約更大
05/22 13:05, 42F

05/22 13:12, , 43F
Ed : 這裡有美味又可口的 Turner 喔 (招手)
05/22 13:12, 43F

05/22 19:52, , 44F
直接選cousins再用al換小前鋒比較簡單 吃下BRAND完全不划算
05/22 19:52, 44F

05/22 23:06, , 45F
......Cousins 完全不想要他來
05/22 23:06, 45F

05/22 23:09, , 46F
就算Brand明年恢復到快艇狀況的八成 三年長約還是重傷害
05/22 23:09, 46F
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