[電磁] 96台聯大

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96年台聯大第六題 附上網址 http://www.lib.nthu.edu.tw/library/department/ref/exam/96t/pdf/96A3A4A7.pdf (C) 6. A charge q sits at the back corner of a cube, as shown. The length of the edge of the cube is L and the permittivity constant is ε. What is the flux of electric field E through the shaded surface of the figure? (A) 1 q (B) 1 q (C) 1 q (D) 1 q (E) 1 q ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 4 ε 6 ε 8 ε 10 ε 12 ε 我知道這題要用高斯來算 Q Φ = --- ε q 1 解答上是寫說Φ = (---)(---) ε 8 但是想了老半天終究還是不懂為什麼要乘上1/8阿?? 百思不得其解 懇請大大解惑~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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