[報告] C65 johnnybuz要投降

看板TribalWars作者 (cc)時間18年前 (2006/09/24 01:44), 編輯推噓8(800)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
Subject let me join? Sender johnnyBuz Recipient evaleeat Sent Sep 23,2006 19:39 yo. so apparently FTR doesnt give a shit about their members on the outer rim of the world, only the players in the middle. so what i'm asking is, can you cancel the nobles and give me an invite to PTT? -jb 不過貴族應該是取消不了了^0^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/24 01:47, , 1F
09/24 01:47, 1F

09/24 01:48, , 2F
邀請他的(村子)加入PTT吧 A__A"
09/24 01:48, 2F

09/24 01:51, , 3F
有一就有二 如果貴族沒打死他的話 可以考慮收編他
09/24 01:51, 3F

09/24 01:52, , 4F
09/24 01:52, 4F

09/24 01:58, , 5F
09/24 01:58, 5F

09/24 02:02, , 6F
真的假的 = =? 如果真的要收編請大頭們明示一下~
09/24 02:02, 6F

09/24 02:04, , 7F
呃...讓他在FTR板亂可以影響他們士氣 XD
09/24 02:04, 7F

09/24 02:06, , 8F
09/24 02:06, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #155NA1It (TribalWars)
文章代碼(AID): #155NA1It (TribalWars)