Re: J1簽證到期後 想再申請觀光簽

看板VISA作者 (Alaska cruise)時間17年前 (2007/02/06 14:41), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《ikillemall (Vic)》之銘言: : I am a J1 visa holder. My visa expiration date is due to May 8 2007. I : want to go to central America and reenter in US on June 6 2007. According to : the rules, I have 30 days to stay in US after my visa expiration date. I : think it means I can stay in US for 30 days but it doesn't mean I can reenter : in US again. Please tell me am I right? In this case, in order to enter in : US, I have to apply another tourist visa. My visa show that I am not subject : to section 212(E) two year rule. Does it mean I can apply a tourist visa : directly or should I apply a waiver for this rule? If I want to apply a : tourist visa, where should I contact and send all the documents since I am in : Georgia,US now? If I successfully apply a tourist visa and reenter in US, do : I need to stay for couple of days in order to leave? If so, how many days : should I stay in US. Thanks for your patience. Please help me. Have a good : day! : 爬完文以後我知道我是一定要再申請觀光簽 : 其他問題請大家幫幫忙 這個問題不難,之前就有人在板上問過一模一樣的情形 你的確要去辦B簽證(觀光) 最理想的辦簽證地點,是台灣的AIT,成功率最高,所以建議你趁早回台灣辦 (事先預約,只要回台灣2~3天即可搞定) 如果不想回台灣,可以去加拿大(要加簽)或墨西哥辦美簽,成功率「不高」,不建議 你不受J2限制,不必擔心waiver,其實這個限制也不影響觀光簽證,免擔心 美國沒有規定你至少要觀光多久,入境幾個小時就走人也沒關係 如果你沒辦法回台灣辦,另一個選擇是想辦法從中美洲經加/墨回台灣,完全不經美國 但也要有加簽,墨西哥則航線較少,不單純。 結論: 趕快安排回台灣辦美簽,它比你想像中快很多, 就算你要工作/上課,也只要請假2~3天,並不困難 不然只好打消出國旅行計畫,改在美國境內旅行 或是在你的J1結束前就出國旅行,旅行完再繼續J1一陣子再結業 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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