[情報] Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17093

看板WOW作者 (我不是鬼塚英吉)時間11年前 (2013/06/20 08:23), 編輯推噓46(46015)
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轉自:http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/3284 Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17093 0.新的聲音檔(有劇情洩漏) 納茲格寧姆 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=92RLDwomx8k
洛索瑪 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=D44mqQGejaM
珍娜 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=XRgCfePkvLs
卡爾洛斯 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvoBUMlSUkk&feature=player_embedded
0.5此版本開始移除了所有裝備上,5.0/5.1的聲望限制。 1.新模組 奧格瑪超級士兵(為什麼我覺得像兔子) http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2013/june/OrcSuperSoldier.jpg
攻城工程師 http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2013/june/SiegeEngineer.jpg
2.新地圖(SOO團隊副本地圖) http://media.mmo-champion.com/images/news/2013/june/orgrimmarraid00.jpg
3.新物品 三隻聖獸寵物(看來每個聖獸都會有) http://ptr.wowdb.com/items/102145-essence-of-chi-ji http://ptr.wowdb.com/items/102146-essence-of-niuzao http://ptr.wowdb.com/items/102147-essence-of-yulon 柯爾克隆牢籠鑰匙(大概是單人事件用) http://ptr.wowdb.com/items/102144-korkron-cage-key S14精英裝(522) http://ptr.wowdb.com/items/102138-grievous-gladiators-copperskin-boots 沒有屬性,單純不同外觀 彈性團隊副本裝備目前裝等為536 4.成就更動 http://ptr.wowdb.com/achievements/8398/#17056-17093 偉業"領先群雄:卡爾洛斯‧地獄吼" 達成可以獲得柯爾克隆戰狼 http://ptr.wowdb.com/achievements/8448/#17056-17093 "加摩爾會保護大家的!" 與加摩爾一起作戰打敗納茲格寧姆 副本四區(4/4/3/3隻王)的成就跟H成就也已經更新 5.法術更動 Item Set Bonuses Death Knight (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) Item - Death Knight T16 Blood 2P Bonus Every 4 Heart Strikes, Rune Strikes, Death Coils, Soul Reapers, or Blood Boils will add one charge to your next Bone Shield. Item - Death Knight T16 Blood 4P Bonus Dancing Rune Weapon will reactivate all Frost and Unholy runes as Death Runes, and make your next 4 Death Strikes free. 2 Death Strikes free. Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) Item - Druid T16 Balance 2P Bonus Arcane spells cast while in Lunar Eclipse will shoot a single Starfall Lunar bolt at the target. Nature spells cast while in a Solar Eclipse will shoot a single Sun bolt at the target. Solar bolt at the target. Item - Druid T16 Feral 2P Bonus Omen of Clarity increases damage of Shred, Mangle, and Ravage by 20% for 6 sec. 50% for 6 sec. Item - Druid T16 Guardian 4P Bonus Activating Frenzied Regeneration and Savage Defense will cause a heal over time on yourself for 10% of your maximum health over 8 sec. based on 25% of your Attack Power over 8 sec. Item - Druid T16 Restoration 2P Bonus Ironbark increases your critical chance by 20% for 12 sec. Rejuvenation ticks have a 5% chance to grant a Sage Mender, reducing the mana cost and cast time of your next Healing Touch by 20%, stacking up to 5 times. Item - Druid T16 Restoration 4P Bonus Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, and Wild Growth critical heals have a chance to cause all cast time heals for Casting Ironbark grants you Spark of Life, causing all cast time spells within the next 12 sec to cause grant a Living Seed on the target for 80% of the amount healed. Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) Item - Hunter T16 2P Bonus Arcane Shot and Multi-shot reduce the cooldown of Rapid Fire by 2 seconds per cast. 12 seconds per cast. Item - Hunter T16 4P Bonus Explosive Shot casts have a 40% chance to increase the number of charges your next Lock and Load effect has not consume a charge of Lock and Load. Instant Aimed shots reduce the cast time of your next Aimed Shot by 50%. Offensive abilities used during Bestial Wrath increase all damage dealt by 2% you deal by 2% and all damage dealt by your pet by, stacking up to 15 times. Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) Item - Monk T16 Windwalker 2P Bonus Combo Breaker: Tiger Palm now generates 1 Chi. Combo Breaker: Blackout Kick now generates 2 Chi. increases the damage of Tiger Palm by 5%. Combo Breaker: Blackout Kick increases the damage of Blackout Kick by 5%. Paladin (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) Item - Paladin T16 Protection 2P Bonus and Item - Paladin T16 Protection 4P Bonus have swapped (4P is now 2P and vice versa). Item - Paladin T16 Retribution 4P Bonus Holy Power consumers have a 25% chance to make your next Divine Storm free.and deal 50% more damage. Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) Item - Priest T16 4P Bonus Circle of Healing and Prayer of Mending casts increase the effect of your next Holy Word spell by 50% 15%, stacking up to 10 times. While Spirit Shell is active, you gain 10% haste and 3,500 mastery. 15% haste and 3,500 mastery. Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) Item - Shaman T16 Elemental 2P Bonus Fulmination increases all Fire and Nature damage dealt to that target from the Shaman by 4% 10% for 2 sec per Lightning Shield charge consumed. Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator) Item - Warlock T16 2P Bonus Conflagrate has Conflagrate critical strikes have a 20% chance to increase the critical strike chance of Immolate and Incinerate by 15%. Unstable Affliction critical hits have a 40% chance to increase all damaging effects of Malefic Grasp and Drain Soul by 30% for 10 sec. Soul Fire has a 20% chance to increase you and your pet's damage dealt by 20%. Item - Warlock T16 4P Bonus When a Burning Ember fills up, your critical strike chance is increased by 15% for 5 sec. Haunt has a 20% 8% chance to refund its shard when expiring. Shadow Bolt and Touch of Chaos have a 20% 8% chance to also cast Hand of Gul'dan at the target. Death Knight (Forums, Talent Calculator) Icebound Fortitude The Death Knight freezes his blood to become immune to Stun effects and reduce all damage taken by 20% for 12 sec. 1 Frost. Instant. 3 min cooldown. Instant. 3 min cooldown. Talents Anti-Magic Zone Blood, Frost: Places a large, stationary Anti-Magic Zone that reduces spell damage done to party or raid members inside it by 75% 40%. The Anti-Magic Zone lasts for 10 sec or until it absorbs at least [ 136,800 + 400% of Strength ] spell damage. Unholy: Places a large, stationary Anti-Magic Zone that reduces spell damage done to party or raid members inside it by 75%. The Anti-Magic Zone lasts for 10 sec or until it absorbs at least [ 136,800 + 347.8% of Strength ] spell damage 3 sec. Death Knight - LvL 30 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 2 min cooldown. Death Siphon Deal [ 7,478 + 34% Deal [ 8,226 + 37.4% of AP ] Shadowfrost damage to an enemy, healing the Death Knight for 150% of damage dealt. Death Knight - LvL 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. Blood Dark Command Commands the target to attack you, but has no effect if the target is already attacking you and increases threat that you generate against the target by 200% for 3 sec. Death Knight - Blood Spec. 30 yd range. Instant. 8 sec cooldown. Riposte (New) When you dodge or parry any attack, you gain 50% of your Parry and Dodge as additional Critical Strike for 20 sec. Death Knight - Blood Spec. Sanguine Fortitude Your Icebound Fortitude reduces damage taken by an additional 30%, and costs no Runic Power to activate. Death Knight - Blood Spec. Death Knight - Blood Spec. Druid (Forums, Talent Calculator) Growl Taunts the target to attack you, but has no effect if the target is already attacking you and increases threat that you generate against the target by 200% for 3 sec. Requires Bear Form. 30 yd range. Instant. 8 sec cooldown. Talents Dream of Cenarius The Emerald Dream grants a benefit which varies by your combat specialization. Balance Increases healing from Healing Touch by 20% and casting Healing Touch increases the damage bonus of your next Eclipse by 10%. Feral Increases healing from Healing Touch by 20% and casting Healing Touch causes your next Rip to deal 15% 30% additional damage. Guardian Increases healing from Healing Touch by 20% and your Mangle (Bear) critical strikes have a 20% 30% chance to make your next Healing Touch or Rebirth instant, free, and castable in all forms. If Healing Touch is cast, its heal is increased by your Attack Power instead of your Spell Power. Restoration Increases Wrath damage by 20% and your Wrath spell causes a nearby ally to be healed for 100% of the damage done. Druid - LvL 90 Talent. Soul of the Forest Aessina's blessing grants a benefit which varies by your combat specialization. Balance Your Wrath, Starfire, and Starsurge casts have a 8% chance to cause your next Astral Communion to instantly advance you to the next Eclipse grant 100 Lunar or Solar Power. Feral Your finishing moves grant 4 Energy per combo point. Guardian Mangle now generates 8% 30% more Rage. Restoration You gain 100% haste for your next spell when you cast Swiftmend. Druid - LvL 60 Talent. Hunter (Forums, Talent Calculator) Distracting Shot Distracts the target to attack you, but has no effect if the target is already attacking you. Lasts and increases threat that you generate against the target by 200% for 6 sec. Requires Ranged Weapon. 40 yd range. Instant. 8 sec cooldown. Talents Wyvern Sting A stinging shot that puts the target to sleep for 30 sec. Any damage will cancel the effect. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on the target at a time. Requires Ranged Weapon. Hunter - LvL 30 Talent. 35 8-40 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. Pets Growl Your pet growls at the target, generating threat and taunting the target to attack the pet, and increasing threat that your pet generates against the target by 200% for 3 sec. Basic Ability. Melee range. Instant. 8 sec cooldown. Mage (Forums, Talent Calculator) Frost Bomb Places a Frost Bomb on the target. After 4 sec, the bomb explodes, dealing [ 4,600 + 344.68% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to the primary target, and [ 2,301 + 172.5% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all other targets within 10 yds. All affected targets are slowed by 70% for 2 sec. Frost Bomb's countdown and cooldown are reduced by haste. Unlimited range. Instant. This spell is strongest when it can hit 5 or more targets with the explosion. Unlimited range. Instant. Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking [ 4,288 + 80.36% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 12 sec. When this effect ends, or the target dies, it explodes to deal an additional [ 429 + 8% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and all other enemies within 10 yards. Limit 3 targets. This spell is strongest when applied to 1 or 2 targets. This spell has a 1.0 sec global cooldown. Unlimited range. Instant. Nether Tempest Places a Nether Tempest on the target which deals [ 3,900 + 24.36% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 12 sec. Each time Nether Tempest deals damage, an additional 50% of that damage is also dealt to a random target within 10 yards. Unlimited range. Instant. This spell is strongest when applied to 3 or 4 targets. Unlimited range. Instant. Talents Frost Bomb Places a Frost Bomb on the target. After 4 sec, the bomb explodes, dealing [ 4,600 + 344.68% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to the primary target, and [ 2,301 + 172.5% of Spell Power ] Frost damage to all other targets within 10 yds. All affected targets are slowed by 70% for 2 sec. Frost Bomb's countdown and cooldown are reduced by haste. This spell is strongest when it can hit 5 or more targets with the explosion. Mage - LvL 75 Talent. 1.25% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. 10 sec cooldown. Living Bomb The target becomes a Living Bomb, taking [ 4,288 + 80.36% of Spell Power ] Fire damage over 12 sec. When this effect ends, or the target dies, it explodes to deal an additional [ 429 + 8% of Spell Power ] Fire damage to the target and all other enemies within 10 yards. Limit 3 targets. This spell is strongest when applied to 1 or 2 targets. This spell has a 1.0 sec global cooldown. Limited to 3 targets. Mage - LvL 75 Talent. 1.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. Nether Tempest Places a Nether Tempest on the target which deals [ 3,900 + 24.36% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage over 12 sec. Each time Nether Tempest deals damage, an additional 50% of that damage is also dealt to a random target within 10 yards. This spell is strongest when applied to 3 or 4 targets. Mage - LvL 75 Talent. 1.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. Temporal Shield Envelops you in a temporal shield for 4 sec, reducing all damage taken by 15%. 100% of the. Damage taken while shielded will be healed back over 6 sec. This spell is usable while stunned, frozen, incapacitated, feared or asleep, and is not on the global cooldown. Mage - LvL 30 Talent. 3% of Base Mana. Instant. 25 sec cooldown. Frost Mastery: Frostburn All your spells deal 16% increased damage against Frozen targets Fingers of Frost now increases the damage of Ice Lance by an additional 16%, and Brain Freeze increases the damage of the instant Frostfire Bolt by 16%. Increases the damage done by your Water Elemental by 16%. Mage - Frost Spec. Monk (Forums, Talent Calculator) Healing Elixirs Every 18 sec, you gain Healing Elixirs, causing your next Brew or Tea to also heal Healing Elixirs heals you for 15% of your total health. Instant. the next time a damaging attack brings you below 35% of your maximum health, or you drink a Brew or Tea while injured. Instant. Talents Chi Brew Brewmaster: Instantly restores all of your Chi, and generates 3 stacks of Elusive Brew. Mistweaver: Instantly restores all of your Chi, and generates 3 stacks of Mana Tea. Windwalker: Instantly restores all of your Chi, and generates 3 stacks of Tigereye Brew. Monk - LvL 45 Talent. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. Healing Elixirs Every 18 sec, you gain Healing Elixirs, causing your next Brew or Tea to also heal Healing Elixirs heals you for 15% of your total health. Monk - LvL 75 Talent. the next time a damaging attack brings you below 35% of your maximum health, or you drink a Brew or Tea while injured. Monk - LvL 75 Talent. Power Strikes Every 20 sec, you gain Power Strikes, causing your next Jab, Soothing Mist, Spinning Crane Kick, Expel Harm, Keg Smash, or Crackling Jade Lightning to generate 1 additional Chi. If you are already at maximum Chi, a Chi Sphere will be summoned near you. Monk - LvL 45 Talent. Ring of Peace Forms a sanctuary around the friendly target, instantly silencing and disarming all enemies for 3 4 sec. In addition, enemies who attack or cast spells on allies within the ring of peace will be disarmed and silenced for an additional 3 4 sec. Ring of Peace lasts for 8 sec. Monk - LvL 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown. Paladin (Forums, Talent Calculator) Reckoning Taunts the target to attack you, but has no effect if the target is already attacking you and increases threat that you generate against the target by 200% for 3 sec. 3.5% of Base Mana. 30 yd range. Instant. 8 sec cooldown. Talents Eternal Flame Consumes up to 3 Holy Power to place a protective Holy flame on a friendly target, which heals them for [ 5,538 + 49% [ 3,876 + 34.3% of Spell Power ] and an additional [ 508 + 5.85% of Spell Power ] every 3 sec for 30 sec. Healing increased per charge of Holy Power. The heal over time is increased by 100% if used on the Paladin. Replaces Word of Glory. Paladin - LvL 45 Talent. 1 Holy Power. 40 yd range. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown. Sacred Shield (New) Holy: When you or your Beacon of Light target falls below 30% health, that target gains Sacred Shield, absorbing 30% of their maximum health. Sacred Shield can only occur once every 2 minutes. Protection, Retribution: When you fall below 30% health, you gain Sacred Shield, absorbing 30% of your maximum health. Sacred Shield can only occur once every 2 minutes. Paladin - LvL 45 Talent. 40 yd range. 6 sec cooldown. Sanctified Wrath Avenging Wrath lasts 50% longer and grants more frequent access to one of your abilities while it lasts. Holy Reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock by 50%. and increases the critical strike chance of Holy Shock by 20%. Protection Reduces the cooldown of Judgment by 50% 100%. Avenging Wrath also increases healing received by 20%. Retribution Reduces the cooldown of Hammer of Wrath by 50%. Paladin - LvL 75 Talent. Selfless Healer Holy: Your successful Judgments reduce the cast time and mana cost of your next Flash of Light or Divine Light by 35% per stack and improves its effectiveness by 20% per stack when used to heal others. Stacks up to 3 times. Protection, Retribution: Your successful Judgments reduce the cast time and mana cost of your next Flash of Light by 35% per stack and improves its effectiveness by 20% per stack when used to heal others. Stacks up to 3 times. Paladin - LvL 45 Talent. Holy Divine Plea You gain 12% of your total mana over 9 sec, but the amount healed by your healing spells is reduced by 50%. Paladin - Holy Spec. Instant. 2 min cooldown. Protection Sacred Shield Protects the target with a shield of Holy Light for 30 sec. The shield absorbs up to [ 343 + 117% of Holy Spell Power ] damage every 6 sec. Can be active only on one target at a time. Limited to 1 target. Paladin - LvL 45 Talent Protection Spec. 40 yd range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown. Major Glyphs Glyph of the Alabaster Shield Your successful blocks increase the damage of your next Shield of the Righteous by 20% 10%. Stacks up to 3 times. Major Glyph. Priest (Forums, Talent Calculator) Talents Divine Insight Discipline: When you cast Penance, there is a 100% chance your next Power Word: Shield will both ignore and not cause the Weakened Soul effect. Holy: When you cast Greater Heal or Prayer of Healing, there is a 100% 40% chance your next Prayer of Mending will not trigger its cooldown, and will jump to each target instantly. Shadow: Periodic damage from your Shadow Word: Pain has a 5% chance to reset the cooldown on Mind Blast and cause your next Mind Blast within 12 sec to be instant cast and cost no mana. Priest - LvL 75 Talent. From Darkness, Comes Light Discipline, Holy: Surge of Light You have a 15% chance when you Smite, Heal, Flash Heal, Binding Heal or Greater Heal to cause your next Flash Heal to be instant cast and have no mana cost. Limit 2 charges. Shadow: Surge of Darkness Periodic damage from your Vampiric Touch has a 15% 20% chance to cause your next Mind Spike to not consume your damage-over-time effects, become instant cast, cost no mana, and deal 50% additional damage. Limit 2 charges. Priest - LvL 45 Talent. Minor Glyphs Feathers (New) Minor Glyph. Instant. Glyph of Feathers (New) Your heal spells momentarily grant you angelic wings. Minor Glyph. Shaman (Forums, Talent Calculator) Far Sight Changes the caster's viewpoint to the targeted location. Lasts 60 sec. Only useable outdoors. 3.5% of Base Mana. 500 1,000 yd range. 60 sec cast (Channeled). Talents Conductivity When you cast Healing Wave, Greater Healing Wave, or Healing Surge, allies within your Healing Rain share healing equal to 30% of the initial healing done. If your Healing Surge, or Chain Heal, your Healing Rain's duration is increased by 1 sec. When you cast Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Earth Shock, or Stormstrike damages an enemy, allies within your Healing Rain share healing equal to 50% of the initial damage done. Shaman - LvL 75 Talent. use Stormstrike, your Healing Rain's duration is increased by Rs1 sec. Shaman - LvL 75 Talent. Healing Tide Totem Summons a Water Totem with 10% of the caster's health at the feet of the caster for 10 sec. The Healing Tide Totem pulses every 2 sec, healing the 5 most injured party or raid members within 40 yards for [ 4,932 + 48.4% [ 7,398 + 72.6% of Spell Power ]. Shaman - LvL 75 Talent. 8% of Base Mana. Instant. 3 min cooldown. Stone Bulwark Totem Summons an Earth Totem with 10% of the caster's health at the feet of the caster for 30 sec that grants the caster a shield absorbing [ 164.1% of AP or 262.5% [ 218.8% of AP or 350% of Spell Power ] damage for 10 sec, and up to an additional [ 54.7% of AP or 87.5% of Spell Power ] every 5 sec thereafter. Shaman - LvL 15 Talent. 8% of Base Mana. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. Restoration Purification Increases the effectiveness of your healing spells by 25%, and the healing done by your Water totems Healing Stream Totem by an additional 50%. In addition, heals you cast increase allies' maximum health by 10% of the amount healed, up to a maximum of 10% of their health. Shaman - Restoration Spec. Warlock (Forums, Talent Calculator) Fel Flame (Affliction) Deals [ 801 + 75% Deals [ 908 + 85% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage to an enemy and increases the duration of Corruption and Unstable Affliction by 6 sec. Fel Flame (Demonology) Deals [ 801 + 75% Deals [ 908 + 85% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage to an enemy and increases the duration of Corruption by 6 sec. Generates 15 Demonic Fury. Generates 0 Demonic Fury. Fel Flame (Destruction) Deals [ 801 + 75% Deals [ 908 + 85% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage to an enemy and increases the duration of Immolate by 6 sec. Fel Flame 5% 3% of Base Mana. Voidwalker: Suffering Grants your Voidwalker the ability to cast Suffering. The Voidwalker taunts the target to attack it, but has no effect if the target is already attacking the Voidwalker and increases threat that it generates against the target by 200% for 5 sec. Auto-Cast: Taunts the current target if it is not attacking the Voidwalker and taunts any target who attacks its master. (Right-Click to toggle) Passive. Talents Mannoroth's Fury Increases the area of your area of effect damage spells by 500% by 500% and damage by 100% of your Seed of Corruption, Hellfire, Immolation Aura and Rain of Fire for 10 sec. Warlock - LvL 90 Talent. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. 60 sec cooldown. Demonology Metamorphosis: Void Ray While using Metamorphosis, your Fel Flame spell transforms into Void Ray. Deals [ 561 + 21% 24% of Spell Power ] Shadowflame damage to all enemies in a 20 yard line and increases the duration of Corruption by 4 sec. Warlock - Demonology Spec. Warlock - Demonology Spec. Warrior (Forums, Talent Calculator) Impending Victory (Arms) Instantly attack the target causing [ 1,558 + 70% of AP ] damage and healing you for 30% of your maximum health. 20% of your maximum health. Killing an enemy that yields experience or honor resets the cooldown of Impending Victory and causes your next Impending Victory to heal for 20% of your maximum health. Impending Victory (Fury, Protection) Instantly attack the target causing [ 1,246 + 56% of AP ] damage and healing you for 30% of your maximum health. 20% of your maximum health. Killing an enemy that yields experience or honor resets the cooldown of Impending Victory and causes your next Impending Victory to heal for 20% of your maximum health. Taunt Taunts the target to attack you, but has no effect if the target is already attacking you and increases threat that you generate against the target by 200% for 3 sec. 30 yd range. Instant. 8 sec cooldown. Talents Impending Victory (Arms) Instantly attack the target causing [ 1,558 + 70% of AP ] damage and healing you for 30% of your maximum health. 20% of your maximum health. Killing an enemy that yields experience or honor resets the cooldown of Impending Victory and causes your next Impending Victory to heal for 20% of your maximum health. Impending Victory (Fury, Protection) Instantly attack the target causing [ 1,246 + 56% of AP ] damage and healing you for 30% of your maximum health. 20% of your maximum health. Killing an enemy that yields experience or honor resets the cooldown of Impending Victory and causes your next Impending Victory to heal for 20% of your maximum health. Protection Riposte (New) When you dodge or parry any attack, you gain 50% of your Parry and Dodge as additional Critical Strike for 20 sec. Warrior - Protection Spec. -- 一家人家生了一男孩,滿月的時候,抱出來給客人看,大概自然是想得一點好兆頭。 一個說:「這孩子將來要發財的。」他於是得到一番感謝。 一個說:「這孩子將來要做官的。」他於是收回幾句恭維。 一個說:「這孩子將來是要死的。」他於是得到一頓大家合力的痛打。 說要死的必然,說富貴的許謊。但說謊的得好報,說必然的遭打。要不謊人又不遭打, 那麼你得說:「啊呀!這孩子呵!您瞧!多麼...阿唷!哈哈!嘿嘿!嘿,嘿嘿嘿嘿!」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/20 08:28, , 1F
加摩爾拯救世界 四色龍王表示:
06/20 08:28, 1F

06/20 08:28, , 2F

06/20 08:32, , 3F
06/20 08:32, 3F

06/20 08:33, , 4F
加摩爾會拯救大家的! 這算是道地AFK的梗了吧@@?
06/20 08:33, 4F

06/20 08:35, , 5F
06/20 08:35, 5F

06/20 08:36, , 6F
06/20 08:36, 6F

06/20 08:36, , 7F
06/20 08:36, 7F

06/20 08:40, , 8F
防戰上一次PTR改動有提到 技能cri會觸發狂怒送你怒氣
06/20 08:40, 8F

06/20 08:40, , 9F
06/20 08:40, 9F

06/20 08:40, , 10F
06/20 08:40, 10F

06/20 08:41, , 11F
06/20 08:41, 11F

06/20 08:41, , 12F
06/20 08:41, 12F

06/20 08:41, , 13F
06/20 08:41, 13F

06/20 08:42, , 14F
06/20 08:42, 14F

06/20 08:42, , 15F
06/20 08:42, 15F

06/20 08:42, , 16F
6.0之前 打過普通或英雄難度的卡爾肉斯
06/20 08:42, 16F

06/20 08:46, , 17F
所以快要6.0了喔 不知道下一版是什麼東西...
06/20 08:46, 17F

06/20 08:47, , 18F
06/20 08:47, 18F

06/20 08:49, , 19F
我前陣子才在問說聯盟拿不到狼座騎 現在看來有機會了
06/20 08:49, 19F

06/20 08:51, , 20F
真不公平 部落都拿不到聯盟的坐騎 反觀他們易拿
06/20 08:51, 20F

06/20 08:52, , 21F
06/20 08:52, 21F

06/20 08:53, , 22F
06/20 08:53, 22F

06/20 08:53, , 23F
06/20 08:53, 23F

06/20 08:54, , 24F
哈哈 有戰狼騎了
06/20 08:54, 24F

06/20 08:55, , 25F
06/20 08:55, 25F

06/20 08:56, , 26F
06/20 08:56, 26F

06/20 08:56, , 27F
06/20 08:56, 27F

06/20 08:56, , 28F
06/20 08:56, 28F

06/20 08:57, , 29F
06/20 08:57, 29F

06/20 09:00, , 30F
06/20 09:00, 30F

06/20 09:02, , 31F
那個超級士兵..根本就是牛頭人的身材 + 哥布林的耳朵 +
06/20 09:02, 31F

06/20 09:02, , 32F
食人妖的牙齒 + 不死族的眼睛再加上厚厚的香腸嘴...
06/20 09:02, 32F
※ 編輯: ONISUKA 來自: (06/20 09:04)

06/20 09:07, , 33F
06/20 09:07, 33F

06/20 09:10, , 34F
肯定要的吧 BZ不會讓雷霆副本沒人打阿
06/20 09:10, 34F

06/20 09:12, , 35F
06/20 09:12, 35F

06/20 09:15, , 36F
Top Fail 背上的角讓超級士兵看起來超蠢
06/20 09:15, 36F

06/20 09:17, , 37F
聽說現在兔耳正夯 超級士兵也要萌萌的
06/20 09:17, 37F

06/20 09:18, , 38F
這樣你們這些英雄們就會捨不得殺我了 揪咪 >.*
06/20 09:18, 38F

06/20 09:22, , 39F
士兵: 小兔子 暗黑無限破~~~~~~~~
06/20 09:22, 39F

06/20 09:40, , 40F
06/20 09:40, 40F

06/20 09:41, , 41F
06/20 09:41, 41F

06/20 09:42, , 42F
06/20 09:42, 42F

06/20 09:42, , 43F
06/20 09:42, 43F

06/20 09:44, , 44F
DK IBF寫說要一顆冰啟動 血系那邊又說不用符能
06/20 09:44, 44F

06/20 09:45, , 45F
盜賊沒有消息 看來這職業再次完美無缺了!
06/20 09:45, 45F

06/20 09:46, , 46F
06/20 09:46, 46F

06/20 09:51, , 47F
喔喔喔 進擊的加摩爾 上啊!!
06/20 09:51, 47F

06/20 09:53, , 48F
06/20 09:53, 48F

06/20 09:57, , 49F
06/20 09:57, 49F

06/20 10:03, , 50F
Patch note要等明天0rz
06/20 10:03, 50F

06/20 10:30, , 51F
06/20 10:30, 51F

06/20 10:34, , 52F
06/20 10:34, 52F

06/20 10:39, , 53F
06/20 10:39, 53F

06/20 11:31, , 54F
06/20 11:31, 54F

06/20 12:37, , 55F
06/20 12:37, 55F

06/20 13:35, , 56F
06/20 13:35, 56F

06/20 15:27, , 57F
應該是用魔古的魔法 弄出的組合實驗生命體吧
06/20 15:27, 57F

06/20 16:42, , 58F
奧格瑪超級士兵 的髮量 好豐沛阿
06/20 16:42, 58F

06/20 19:23, , 59F
奇怪 我的PTR怎沒更新
06/20 19:23, 59F

06/20 19:24, , 60F
喔 原來還沒上XD
06/20 19:24, 60F

06/20 23:21, , 61F
靠杯 雷諾突擊隊
06/20 23:21, 61F
文章代碼(AID): #1HmakD3z (WOW)
文章代碼(AID): #1HmakD3z (WOW)