[情報] 6/1 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間10年前 (2014/06/02 01:09), 編輯推噓10(10041)
留言51則, 15人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
- apparently there is a rare random bug, where when you put full cruise control forward, the tank starts going backwards, Storm states he hasn’t heard of this bug 有個罕見且隨機出現的錯誤:當前進檔開到頂的時候車子反而後退;Storm 表示他還沒聽 說過。 - the are no plans for now to rework the tank damage system (SS: a player is complaining for example about full damage penetrations of commander copula etc.) 沒打算重製傷害系統。(SS: 有人在抱怨被打車長塔不應滿傷之類的) - more complex (different?) damage system could appear in some form of hardcore mode, but Storm states that in WG internally there is no agreement on such a mode (SS: as in, no plans for now) 更複雜的傷害系統可能在硬派模式中出現,但 Storm 表示連要不要做這模式都未獲 WG 內 部認同。(SS: 目前免肖想) - tier 8 tank MM will not be modified (SS: some player was complaining that tier 8′s get too much in battles with tier 10′s and so on) 不會更改八階車的分房。(SS: 有人在抱怨碰到太多十階車之類的) - no plans to buff T28 and T95 沒打算 buff T28 和 T95。 - the fact that Soviet gun S-54, S-54S and several US 76mm guns have different gold and silver ammo damage is a mistake, it will be fixed 蘇聯 S-54、S-54S 主砲以及幾門美國 76mm 主砲的金彈和銀彈傷害值不同,這是錯誤,會 修正。 - after battletier 12 was removed, Storm currently considers the MM situation as normal (SS: some player wanted to remove battletier 11 as well, this will not happen) 十二階場移除後,Storm 認為目前的分房是正常的。(SS: 有人希望把十一階場也廢掉, 這不會發生) - the 9.1 Test 2 sound volume is the same as in 9.0 9.1 二測的音量會跟 9.0 相同。 - Storm states that the drop in online playerbase on RU server is the same as last year, it is influenced by the start of holidays and good weather (SS: as in, no real drop due to War Thunder) Storm 表示今年俄服的玩家人數下滑量跟去年相同,主因是假期開始以及天氣轉好。 (SS: 也就是說,跟 WT 陸戰公測沒啥關係)(譯者:這兩款玩法差異很大…) - Q: “What are you planning to do with too many TD’s on tier 10?” A: “ Nothing. Such cases (SS: as in, a player showed a screenie with like 8 TDs in each team) are not systemic. (SS: as in too common) We will balance individual vehicles.” Q:「十階 TD 太多的問題你們打算怎麼解決?」A:「(兩手一攤)這狀況並未系統性地發 生。我們只會針對個別車輛調整。」 - there will not be a “global rebalance of all vehicles” – there will be changes, but not “global ones” 不會有影響「所有車輛」的調整。 - tank rebalances will come “when it’s done it’s done”, and “no promises ” 車輛重新平衡?「WIDID」且「不做承諾」。 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/06/01/1-6-2014/ -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1401642540.A.BC8.html

06/02 01:15, , 1F
06/02 01:15, 1F

06/02 01:18, , 2F
TierⅩ World of TDs
06/02 01:18, 2F

06/02 01:35, , 3F
看過WT的實況 真的差滿多的
06/02 01:35, 3F

06/02 01:45, , 4F
06/02 01:45, 4F

06/02 01:46, , 5F
06/02 01:46, 5F

06/02 01:47, , 6F
06/02 01:47, 6F

06/02 01:47, , 7F
06/02 01:47, 7F

06/02 01:47, , 8F
06/02 01:47, 8F

06/02 01:55, , 9F
WT很真實阿 撞到東西還會壞東西
06/02 01:55, 9F

06/02 01:56, , 10F
WT最鳥的地方大概就是碰撞物理... 很難以理解
06/02 01:56, 10F

06/02 01:56, , 11F
砲手死了 你就不用發砲了 就當個眼車吧
06/02 01:56, 11F

06/02 01:56, , 12F
沒有血量限制 所以 一發直接死很容易
06/02 01:56, 12F

06/02 01:57, , 13F
06/02 01:57, 13F

06/02 01:59, , 14F
06/02 01:59, 14F

06/02 02:00, , 15F
06/02 02:00, 15F

06/02 02:00, , 16F
06/02 02:00, 16F

06/02 02:04, , 17F
06/02 02:04, 17F

06/02 02:09, , 18F
06/02 02:09, 18F

06/02 02:10, , 19F
主要是對方如果都是老手的話 新手很容易死
06/02 02:10, 19F

06/02 02:10, , 20F
特別是 幾乎都會被一發入魂 這樣新手很快就沒興趣了
06/02 02:10, 20F

06/02 07:59, , 21F
WT的物理效果各種糟糕 但是最爛的還是WT對於玩家的感
06/02 07:59, 21F

06/02 07:59, , 22F
06/02 07:59, 22F

06/02 08:00, , 23F
06/02 08:00, 23F

06/02 08:00, , 24F
WT是不斷劣化 舉個例子
06/02 08:00, 24F

06/02 08:01, , 25F
06/02 08:01, 25F

06/02 08:02, , 26F
06/02 08:02, 26F

06/02 08:03, , 27F
再一個 選擇彈藥時 假設有3種彈藥 AP HEAT HE
06/02 08:03, 27F

06/02 08:04, , 28F
這次更新有個非常智障的BUG 假設選擇了30發AP
06/02 08:04, 28F

06/02 08:05, , 29F
20發HEAT 8發HE 進遊戲他可能會變成 30發AP 20發HEAT
06/02 08:05, 29F

06/02 08:05, , 30F
8發AP 或是30發HE 20發HE 8發AP 各式各樣智障
06/02 08:05, 30F

06/02 08:06, , 31F
這代表在更新的時候他們根本幾乎沒測過 智障BUG
06/02 08:06, 31F

06/02 08:07, , 32F
喔 對了 WT無法選擇第一發砲彈種類 會依車種可能是
06/02 08:07, 32F

06/02 08:08, , 33F
HE AP各式各樣 你要進場開砲打掉第一發砲彈才能換
06/02 08:08, 33F

06/02 08:51, , 34F
WT有各種的藍圖車嗎? 還是只有史實車在路上跑
06/02 08:51, 34F

06/02 09:26, , 35F
06/02 09:26, 35F

06/02 09:29, , 36F
06/02 09:29, 36F

06/02 09:32, , 37F
06/02 09:32, 37F

06/02 09:34, , 38F
06/02 09:34, 38F

06/02 11:28, , 39F
WT的UI介面做的很奇怪 還有他的打光其實有點詭異
06/02 11:28, 39F

06/02 11:57, , 40F
說真的很多人說WT物理設定不真實 不過你怎麼知道哪
06/02 11:57, 40F

06/02 11:58, , 41F
個遊戲比較貼近真實 這都是人因設定
06/02 11:58, 41F

06/02 11:59, , 42F
我電腦跑不動WT 所以很失望 不過也不會對他有敵意
06/02 11:59, 42F

06/02 12:05, , 43F
wt的硬體要求不是比較低嗎? 怎麼會跑不動?
06/02 12:05, 43F

06/02 12:06, , 44F
他最低需求 畫面跟90年代 毀滅公決一樣
06/02 12:06, 44F

06/02 12:06, , 45F
剩下光禿禿的模組 連皮膚都去掉
06/02 12:06, 45F

06/02 13:03, , 46F
06/02 13:03, 46F

06/02 16:52, , 47F
我也覺得很奇怪 空戰挺OK的(幾張圖會當掉) 陸戰完全
06/02 16:52, 47F

06/02 16:52, , 48F
06/02 16:52, 48F

06/02 17:07, , 49F
06/02 17:07, 49F

06/02 17:09, , 50F
06/02 17:09, 50F

06/03 09:03, , 51F
T95還buff? 這哪個美粉問的!!!
06/03 09:03, 51F
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