Re: Pre-Grammy Party 表演最新評論...

看板Whitney作者 (練舞功)時間15年前 (2009/02/08 21:54), 編輯推噓0(000)
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曲目: 1.IWALY(No big climax) 2.IBIYAM 3.INRBIO 4.IEW 嘖嘖 都是些會暴的哥 粉斯Karly會在明天上傳檔案 just got off the phone with Karly. She said WH did IWALY (no big climax) before going into IBIYAM. She then did INRBIO and finished with IEW. Karly did record it with her camera but has never used the record function on her camera, but she has watched it on her camera to ensure it recorded. She's been on her feet since about 6 p.m. tonight till 2 a.m. and she's on her way home right now and it's gonna take her an additional hour to get home from the venue. She will NOT be uploading video or audio tonight, so those of you (like myself) who had planned on staying up, go get some rest. She will do it tomorrow after she's had time to rest; she is VERY tired right now and just wants to sleep and for what she's done for us this evening, she deserves it! DO NOT PM her for the video, audio, or a review before she posts it on youtube or on You will be ignored. If you harass her for it and she tells me about it (and I have asked her to), I will handle it accordingly and you won't like it. She's only asking that we be patient and understand that she needs to rest since she's been on her feet for Whitney and this board for 8 hours straight. Rest assured she will not flake out on us for the video and audio. Again, DO NOT PM her for the video, audio, or a review before she posts it on youtube or on You will be ignored. If you harass her for it and she tells me about it (and I have asked her to), I will handle it accordingly and you won't like it. /quote] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #19ZkGJ3a (Whitney)