Re: [小威] 表演賽訊息

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A day in the life of Serena By Paul White and Vicki L. Friedman Serena the diva never hit Hampton Roads. No brassy attitude. No ear-splitting grunting. No catsuit. 沒有令人刺耳的態度 沒有震耳欲聾的吼叫 沒有貓女裝 “I’m so glad you invited me,” said a soft-spoken Serena Williams, the co-headliner of the fifth annual Anthem Live! tennis exhibition Thursday at ODU’s Ted Constant Convocation Center. “This is a beautiful event. I love people.” "我真的很榮幸被邀請 這是個很棒的表演賽 我喜歡所有觀眾" “You’re the only reason I watch tennis,” said Floyd Langford, who skipped work Thursday when he heard Serena was signing autographs at the Achievable Dream Tennis Center in Newport News. "你是我唯一看網球的原因" 當Floyd Langford知道小威要辦簽名會的時候他就翹班了 “Serena!” fans squealed as the eight-time Grand Slam champion and France’s Tatiana Golovin walked onto the Constant Center court. 當Serena跟Golovin進場時 球迷們瘋狂的喊著小威的名字 “Her enthusiasm, her personality, the way she plays, her fashion. … I like everything about her,” a giddy Nicole Butler said after having her photo snapped with the star at a pre-event meet-and-greet. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing.” "他的熱情 他的性格 他的球風 他的時尚 他的每件事" Nicole Butler在跟小威合照後說 "這是個千載難逢的機會" Serena’s face is as likely to be seen in People magazine as it is in Inside Tennis. She hawks computers and her own clothing line in a commercial that never uses her face or her last name. Serena被刊在時人雜誌的機會就像被刊在網球雜誌的一樣多 他可以在廣告中結合電腦與他設計的衣服 並不需要拋頭露面或利用他的姓氏就能達到宣傳 Neither is necessary. She’s simply Serena. 沒什麼是必須的 他就是小威 “Jay-Z, Pharrell, there’s a lot of one-name stars out there,” Serena said. “I’m honored they felt they could use me that way, too.” "很多明星都只用單一個名字 我很高興HP覺得我也可以在廣告中只用我的名字" It’s not just tennis fans who are into her. A recent Harris survey revealed she has replaced her sister Venus as America’s most popular female athlete, in any sport. 近來Harris雜誌公布Serena已經超過Venus成為全美人氣最旺的女運動員 In the case of Langford, who doesn’t play tennis, Serena’s physical beauty, often accentuated by eye-catching outfits, is what drew him in. 例如對Langford這位沒有打球的人來說 小威的運動美經常被他引人注目的球衣所強調 這也讓他開始進入網球世界 “That catsuit. Man,” Langford said, referring to the black skintight outfit she debuted at the 2002 U.S. Open. "特別是那套貓女裝" Langford 是說小威2002美網穿的那套 Local fans were introduced to the caring, sensitive Serena, instead of a larger-than-life personal. This Serena has been helping the cause to fight cancer for years, though she hasn’t been personally touched by the disease. The Avon Foundation presented her with the Celebrity Role Model Award in 2003 for her work promoting breast cancer awareness. In 2004, she teamed with Jennifer Capriati and Anthem Live! for a charity exhibition in Richmond. 小威已經對於對抗癌症有數年的貢獻 雖然他本人並沒有經歷過 Avon在2003年因為他對於推廣乳癌防護的貢獻頒給他名人模範獎 2004年他跟Jennifer Capriati也一起打過這個表演賽 This year when James Blake was looking for a headliner, he knew whom to call. 今年當James Blake在想表演賽的邀請對象 他知道該找誰 “Last year I got Andre Agassi,” Blake said. “This time, I got an even bigger star.” "去年我邀請到了Andre Agassi 今年我甚至找來了更閃亮的一位明星" Serena began her day, clad in a simple white Nike sweatsuit, trading forehands and backhands on the indoor courts at Achievable Dream. 小威首先穿著白色的Nike熱身裝在Achievable Dream俱樂部分享正反拍的秘訣 Asia Thomas couldn’t believe she was on the same court as Serena. “I’m shaking,” the 16-year-old said. “This is so surreal.” Asia Thomas不敢相信他跟小威竟然站在同片球場 "這真是太不可思議了" Said 17-year-old Shakira Norville: “My stomach is in knots.” Shakira Norville說"我的胃正在抽動" Later, she chastised herself as she struggled with the proper spelling of names as she signed autographs. 稍後 他責怪自己竟然拼不出球迷的名字 “I’m 0 for 9!” a laughing Serena said as she butchered another one. “ Justice? J-u-s-t-i-c-e. Now I’m one for 10!” "天啊 竟然九個全錯" 他問另外一位球迷"Justice? 噢 現在我至少拼對一個了" Afterward, she handed out pre-signed autographs, studying each child with a wide-eyed fascination as he or she walked by. “Ooh, I love your hair!” she said to a blushing Taeonna Wansel. 然後他拿出先簽好的照片 睜大眼睛看著球迷們走過來 "噢 我喜歡你的髮型" 他對一位球迷 Taeonna Wansel說 It turns out the clinic reminded Serena of herself years ago, when she was the talented youngster marveling at the skills of a tennis legend. “I remember in Los Angeles I went to a clinic by Billie Jean King,” she said. “ It was so inspiring.” 這個網球營讓小威想起幾年前的自己 那時他還是個新星 對於網球傳奇的球技感到驚奇 "好幾年前我曾去過Billie Jean King辦的網球營 我真的收穫很多" It is this Serena, the kinder, gentler version, that the star insists is the real deal. The snarling, ultra-aggressive persona is reserved for the court. The attention that comes with her style and skill, she said, is simply a matter of people liking what they see. 這就是更溫柔版的Serena 那個咆嘯 攻擊力強的小威是留給場上的 對於他球技跟球風的討論 小威覺得那只不過是球迷們喜不喜歡的問題而已 “I guess some of the things I do get people excited,” she said. “But I’m just being me.” "我想我可能做了一些讓大家感到興奮萬分的事 但我只是努力做我自己而已" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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