Re: [新聞] 叭一聲遭4煞砸車 BMW怒撞豐田ALTIS

看板car作者 (妳會釋放負離子嗎?)時間8年前 (2016/11/03 13:08), 8年前編輯推噓0(004)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串7/7 (看更多)
英國《每日鏡報》也報導了此新聞 內容與台灣各媒體報導大致相同,全文轉貼如下 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Raging dad ploughs his BMW into vehicle behind after driver rear-ended his car with his child in backseat The dad told his wife and child to get out before chasing after the driver and slamming his 7 series BMW into the Toyota An angry dad whose car was rear-ended by an young man got his revenge by rever sing his BMW into the car more than half a dozen times. The violent scenes played out on the streets of west Taiwan, where the white T oyota Corolla was found to be illegally parked in the middle of the street. Toyota舚orolla was found to be illegally parked in the middle of the street. The BMW driver, 40-year-old Mr Guo who was with his wife and five-year-old chi ld, sounded the car horn to try make the Toyota move, but its irate driver, Mr Peng crashed into him and fled the scene. The furious Mr Guo made his wife and child get out of the car and gave chase i n his old臶MW 7 Series?, quickly catching up with Mr Peng and slamming his c\ ar into the Toyota. Mobile phone footage taken at the scene shows Mr Guo reversing his car and cra shing into the Toyota a number of times, causing serious damage to the front e nd of the white car. Eye-witnesses said Mr Peng and a few of his friends later exited the Toyota wi th bats and sticks and whacked the BMW, but Mr Guo locked his doors and window s and remained inside the vehicle, which he continued to drive into the alread y driver-less Toyota. After local residents called police, Mr Peng and his friends ran into a nearby bakery to hide and were later arrested by police. Mr Guo was also detained as part of the investigation, and both parties were f ound to have broken the law. Charged with illegally occupying the road and double parking, Mr Peng was fine d 3,600 Taiwanese dollars (about £93). Mr Guo, who claimed he was exercising self-defence after Mr Peng hit his car a nd frightened his wife and child, was fined a total of 25,800 TWD (about £665). 心得:下的標體寫「憤怒的老爸」,跟台灣媒體不太一樣,不同角度的標題這還蠻有趣的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: ImprezaWRX (, 11/03/2016 13:10:57

11/03 13:26, , 1F
11/03 13:26, 1F
※ 編輯: ImprezaWRX (, 11/03/2016 13:31:55

11/03 13:32, , 2F
11/03 13:32, 2F

11/03 13:34, , 3F
11/03 13:34, 3F

11/03 15:01, , 4F
11/03 15:01, 4F
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