[LE] Mandarin <--> English
Hello, I am Alucard. (26y/o)
I want to practice my English listening and speaking
just because I want to communicate with foreigner. (Not for tests)
I am a graduate student and vaterinarian (Ophthalmologist) in
National Taiwan University Animal Hospital,
so you could ask the problems of your pets with me if you have.
I am very easygoing, friendly and patient,
but my English ability maybe be a beginner to intermedeator. (Ha...)
If you are interested, don't hesitate to contact me.
You could contact me by the following methods that you prefer.
My Skype ID is "lichuan.yang"
Email and MSN are "vet0921521@hotmail.com"
QQ ID is "vet0921521@hotmail.com"
I also like to make friends despite you don't want to learn Mandarin.
That's ok.
Thx for your patience.
Best regards
※ 編輯: graybobo 來自: (03/05 11:35)
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