Re: [閒聊] 明清時期歐洲對中國人道主義救援的歷史

看板historia作者 (劍膽琴心)時間15年前 (2009/05/03 11:37), 編輯推噓0(000)
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不好意思忘了參考文獻,特此補充。 National Library of China, Introduction of Matteo Ricci, Dataset of Foreign Sinologists, National Library of China Pfister, Louis, (1997) Notices biographiques et bibliographiques sur les Jes uites de l'ancienne mission de Chine, 1552-1773, translated by Mei Sehgnjun, Shanghai: Catholic Shanghai Li, Yuwei, Catholic Kingdom and Anti-Catholic Movement, Xinhua News Agency, available at: Jartoux, Petrus, (2008) “Conflict between Bouvet and Qing Prince”, in Bouv et, Joachim, etc., Emperor Kangxi: A Perspective of Elder Foreigners, Beijin g: People Daily Press Chen, Jianming, (2007) “Brief Discussion of the Conflict and Adaptation bet ween Christian and Chinese Society”, Religious Studies, No. 4, 2007 ?※ 引述《waidozen (劍膽琴心)》之銘言: : 注:小弟即將重新回到大學,目前正在研究明清時期歐洲對中國的人道主義救援的基本 : 歷史,目前正在資料搜集過程中,這篇小短文是小弟自己整理的,現在請教于各位鄉民 : 大家,還請多多給予評論和指導。非常感謝。 : 也希望就這個問題和各位展開討論。比較有野心的是,可能未來研究不僅僅關注明清時 : 期,而要擴展到近代大陸的汶川地震。 : 同時,兄弟也對臺灣的相關方面比較感興趣。。 : 很抱歉,是用英文寫的。抱歉,抱歉。 : 題目:Go With Empire: Missionary Involvement and Church Charity : Catholic and Christian charity was the first approach that accessed into Chi : nese humanitarian arena, which has been functioning till now with different : forms or organizations however. It is necessary to note preaching lies on th : e top of missionary agenda and their relief actions are often regarded as th : e byproduct and instrument of preaching. From 16 to 18 century, there were m : ore than 800 missionaries to come to China, which is argued that China and w : est communication moved to "Missionary Era". In the missionary era, Missiona : ry staffs took the responsibility as the humanitarian technician, church act : ed as the humanitarian agencies, and catholic communities are the humanitari : an vector : Matteo Ricci was the first person who attended to organize humanitarian reli : ef in China. Michele Ruggleri and Matteo Ricci built their first church in 1 : 583. And they demonstrated the first relief attempt in 1586, that is, Matteo : Ricci provided the shelter service for the victims who were trapped in the : flood in Zhaoqing. When he moved to Beijing, the capital of Ming Dynasty, Ri : cci with other missionaries assisted the governments to deliver relevant rel : ief to the flood victims in 1604. : A more organized relief by missionary happened in 1634, when a serious famin : e hit Shanxi. Alfonso Vagnoni tried his best to help the affected people and : even built an orphan asylum which was financed by missionaries and local Ch : ristians. Compared with charity action provided by Matteo Ricci, Father Vag : noni contributed a larger-scale and more organized relief in China. : Juan Adam Shall von Bell and Ferdinand Verbiest were the most well-known peo : ple about Sino-Europe communication except Matteo Ricci. As the missionaries : , they all were appointed the official positions in Qing Dynasty and had ver : y close relationship with the emperors. They had the advanced knowledge abou : t astronomy and earthquake. Emperor Kangxi once revised the Chinese calendar : s and related earthquake measurement policies according to their introductio : n of western knowledge, which provided a foundation of Qing's disaster respo : nse. In addition, Ferdinand Verbiest once provided minor relief in Inner Mon : golia. : A larger scale humanitarian action dominated by Europeans with the official : appointment of Emperor Kangxi, Joachim Bouvet, Petrus Jartoux, Dominique Par : ennin and Jose Suarez started their humanitarian actions in Beijing after a : serious flood and subsequent famine in Shandong, when millions of displaced : people flowed to the capital. Jartoux thought this appointment indicated the : emperor's trust on foreign missionaries. The fathers designed a good proced : ure about relief signal and delivery address. With the money from government : and collection, they made a good job to deliver food for the victims and me : anwhile provide sanitation service. These hungry people were in a good order : , which made Chinese officials a little jealous, argued by Jartoux. Finally, : this action last for 4 months and deliver the food for more than one thousa : nd : than one thousand victims。 : Timothy Richard was an epoch-making figure in the Chinese humanitarian actio : ns, who had lead a largest-scale relief actions with John Nevius in the drou : ght-famine-plague disaster in nine provinces of North China, especially in S : hanxi Province. This drought last more than 3 years and finally led to a mos : t serious famine, which was named "Dingwu Qihuang". "Dingwu" stands for year : s of 1877-1878; "Qi" means most unusual, most surprising and incredible, and : most serious, etc; and "Huang" is a complex of many disasters including nat : ural and human-made. In this drought and famine disaster, there were 200 mil : lion people affected and 13 million killed. 1/3 population in Shanxi Provinc : e lost their lives. In this misery disaster, Qing government was incapable t : o handle it as a result of fragile governmental capacity, internal and exter : nal threats. In order to deal with the catastrophe, they had to take foreign : assistance by the catholic missionaries into a relief system. This relief i : s the first "organized and planned" disaster relief activities that took for : eign missionaries into account in China. During the relief, on the one hand, : Richard urgently called for the money collection in Britain and "London Maj : or Disaster Relief Foundation" was built, which provide millions of money fo : r the disaster victims. On the other hand, he advised Qing government to mig : rate people to some places with low food price and recommended the measureme : nt, i.e. Food for Work (Yigong Daizhen), meaning give people work in place o : f relief subsidies。 : In sum, social welfare and charity events by Catholic and Christians were ma : inly focus on three aspects, i.e. medical service, children and elderly char : ity, and relief service. Triangle aspects are interrelated in fact and provi : ded technical conditions and experiences for Chinese humanitarian actions, d : irectly and indirectly. By 1937, there are about 70 hospitals built by Catho : lic organizations of France that provided 5000 sickbed. Meanwhile Christian : organizations of Britain and United States built 300 hospitals with 21,000 s : ickbeds. In addition to these hospitals, there were about 600 clinics in Chi : na. The building of European medical facilities promoted the development of : medical technology in China and raised Chinese public health awareness. Som : e of marginalized groups like infants, orphans and elders are the target gro : ups of European churches, especially for the Catholic organizations. In 1930 : , there were 306 orphan asylums with 74,752 orphans or abandoned infants. At : that time, there were 232 Catholic welfare homes for the elder. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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