[轉錄]Re: [新聞]如果你朋友胖 你肥胖機會大增

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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板] 作者: piatigorsky (為什麼暱稱都不會變) 站內: Gossiping 標題: Re: [新聞]如果你朋友胖 你肥胖機會大增 時間: Thu Jul 26 20:44:52 2007 ※ 引述《piatigorsky (為什麼暱稱都不會變)》之銘言: : 看看國外的新聞怎麼寫吧 : BBC報導的 : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6914397.stm : NBC電視新聞的報導 : http://www.pixnet.net/photo/piatigorsky/59978540 : 很抱歉我現在在忙 沒有時間翻譯上面的內容 : 要是忙完後還有需要的話我會再過來翻 我只是覺得看到台灣的報導 怎麼跟今天下午看國外的報導差那麼多 所以才把國外的新聞連結轉過來 以下是BBC那篇的翻譯 Obesity 'contagious', experts say Having a friend, sibling or spouse who is overweight raises a person's risk of being obese too, US researchers say. 美國的研究人員說,有體重過重的朋友、兄弟姊妹或配偶,會增加自己肥胖的機率。 They said data on more than 12,000 people suggested the risk was increased by 57% if a friend was obese, by 40% if a sibling was and 37% if a spouse was. 他們說,從超過12000人的資料來看,如果一個人的朋友過重,自己體重過重的可能性 會增加57%。如果是兄弟姊妹或配偶,則分別增加40%和37%。 They argued this showed social factors, such as the body sizes of other people, were important in developing obesity. 研究人員認為,這樣的數據顯示社會因素(如他人的體型)是造成肥胖的重要因素。 Experts said the New England Journal of Medicine study was not conclusive as other hidden factors could be to blame. 新英格蘭醫學雜誌的專家說,這項研究結果並不是決定性的,因為有可能成因於其他 隱性的因素。 Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the University of California, in San Diego, looked at data collected over 32 years as part of a heart study. 哈佛醫學院和加州大學聖地牙哥分校的研究人員,為了一項關於心臟的研究,分析了 32年以來收集的資料。 Participants gave personal information, including their body mass index, and the names of friends who could be contacted. 參與這項研究的人提供了他們的個人資料,諸如BMI指數,以及可聯絡的友人名字。 'Causal relationship' The authors were able to map social connections including both friends and family members. 這份報告的作者便能用這些資料勾勒出朋友與親戚間的社交關係。 The effects were generally larger between people of the same sex. 這樣的效應通常在同性別的人之間較顯著。 And their analysis suggested that the links could not be solely attributed to similarities in lifestyle and environment, for example the impact of friends existed even where friends lived in different regions. 他們的分析結果暗示,這樣的關聯並不只和生活模式和環境有關:比方說,即使朋友 住在不同的地方,友人間的影響仍舊存在。 Author Professor Nicholas Christakis said: "It's not that obese or non-obese people simply find other similar people to hang out with. 報告的作者Prof. Nicholas Christakis說:「這並不是說,肥胖的人或瘦的人只是去 找跟他們類似的人去相處。 "Rather, there is a direct, causal relationship. What appears to be happening is that a person becoming obese most likely causes a change of norms about what counts as an appropriate body size. 「這代表的是一種直接、具有因果關係的人際關係。似乎是因為,當一個人變肥胖後, 很可能造成觀念的改變,會對何種才是適當的體型有不同的看法。 "People come to think that it is OK to be bigger since those around them are bigger, and this sensibility spreads." 人們會開始認為變胖是可以接受的,因為周遭的人也變胖,而這樣的意識會在社交圈 中散佈開來。」 Moral support Dr Richard Suzman, director of the National Institute of Aging's Behavioral and Social Research Programme, said the finding could have important implications. 國家老年化行為及社會研究計畫主持人Dr. Richard Suzman說,這項研究結果可能有 相當重要的含意。 He said: "This seminal study breaks important new ground in showing how social networks may amplify other factors and help account for the dramatic increase in obesity across the [US] population." 他說:「這項有發展性的研究開拓了新的研究領域,因為它顯示社交網可能會讓其它 的因素擴增,也有助於解釋美國肥胖人口何以大增。」 Dr Ian Campbell, medical director of charity Weight Concern, said it was no surprise that people who are obese tended to be friends with others who were obese, but that the fact that the link was more important between friends than siblings was "very interesting". 慈善組織「肥胖關懷」的醫學主任Dr. Ian Campbell說,胖子較容易與其他胖子交朋友 並不讓人意外,但這種作用在朋友之間比在兄弟姊妹之間影響更大,倒是「非常有意思 的事。」 He said this suggested that social factors were even more important than physical ones in obesity. 他說,對肥胖來說,這暗示社交因素可能比身體因素還來得更重要。 He added that, on the positive side, if overweight people had friends who were obese, they could offer moral support to help each other lose weight. 他還說,就正面的層面來說,如果過重的人有著同樣肥胖的朋友,他們可以相互成為對 方減重的精神支柱。 'Speculation' But Professor Andrew Hill, of the University of Leeds, said it was purely speculation to suggest that people's body images change because their friends become obese. 但里茲大學Prof. Andrew Hill說,人們對體型的理想隨友人增重而改變,是純屬臆測。 And he said it was important not to forget things which are known as key factors in obesity, such as diet and exercise. 他也說,不能因此忘掉其它已知造成肥胖的關鍵因素,如飲食與運動。 "The statistics may be meaningful, but in real life this is not very helpful to people who are overweight. 「這些數據可能很有意義,但在現實生活中這當已經過重的人沒什麼幫助。 "We don't have an understanding of what is really causing the relationship - it might be very complicated." 「我們並不了解造成這種效應的真正原因是什麼--這有可能非常複雜。」 ---------- NBC的電視新聞報導裡,開頭三位婦女所說的,正是我上面畫黃線的部份所描述的 總之 不要被台灣斷章取義甚至亂編的新聞唬了 ---------- 以下是感想文 板上常常有人在罵 怎麼有一堆奇怪的研究結果(很多都是英國的) 如果每天都看國外的新聞報導 就會發現 超過十成都是台灣女支者自己沒把外電看清楚 斷章取義再加一個聳動的標題就送出去播報再被鄉民幹 看看國外的新聞媒體怎麼報 才能比較了解是怎麼一回事 我每天早上看BBC和CNN的時候 常常都會想 國內的爛女支者會下什麼樣的聳動標題去報導同樣的事 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: piatigorsky 來自: (07/26 20:54)

07/26 20:57,
07/26 20:57

07/26 20:57,
才剛要寄給你審閱 你就翻好了 厲害  ̄﹁ ̄....
07/26 20:57

07/26 21:06,
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07/26 21:31,
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07/26 22:01,
八卦界的清流呀!!! 你不當記者校正風氣太可惜了XDD
07/26 22:01

07/26 22:04,
07/26 22:04

07/26 22:14,
差超多的 那一篇跟本在誤導人....
07/26 22:14

07/26 22:36,
07/26 22:36

07/26 23:03,
又不是media-chaos版 有需要m嗎??
07/26 23:03

07/26 23:27,
07/26 23:27

07/27 02:19,
07/27 02:19
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/27 09:05, , 1F
07/27 09:05, 1F

07/27 09:56, , 2F
07/27 09:56, 2F
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