[討論] 冰雪奇緣之關於Hans

看板movie作者 (慕華)時間10年前 (2014/02/12 23:33), 編輯推噓13(1305)
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防雷頁 沒看過電影的請做好心理準備再往下拉 這是對導演Jennifer Lee做的訪談 不才挑一段出來翻譯,關於導演眼中的Hans是什麼樣子的角色 有些地方我自己也不確定 所以翻得不是很精準的部分請多見諒,有誤的部分也歡迎提出 不管是想要解毒還是繼續中毒的人都可以參考看看XDDD Jennifer: 上段略,So, I had to literally walk through every scene, what's going on in his head for real, and at least I could — like when he says, the first time when he finds out she's princess and drops to his knees. Before that she's just a girl. But the key moment is when she says, 「It's just me.」 And he goes, 「Just you?」 And that's like inside he's going, 「Ooh, you don't think very highly of yourself, do you? Well, I'm gonna…」 Jennifer: 上段略,所以我需要一一走過每幕,什麼才是Hans腦中真正的想法, 至少我可以知道,就像他說的,當他第一次發現Anna是公主並落下他的膝蓋。 在那之前Anna就只是一個女孩而已。 但是關鍵的一幕是當Anna說「就只是我。」然後Hans說「只是你?」 而Hans內心的想法就像是「喔,你對自己沒什麼自信,是嗎?那麼我就要....」 Aline: Terrific. Great news for a narcissist. Aline: 太棒了! 自戀狂的大新聞。 Jennifer: It's all very sick and twisted deep down. Jennifer: 本質上是深深的病態且扭曲。 John: But clearly he's a very talented sociopath. John: 但是Hans很顯然是個有才能的反社會人士。 Jennifer: He's very talented. He's charming. He mirrors everyone. And actually the original story had a lot to do with mirrors. And in many iterations of the story we talk about mirrors and we bring them up. And so I held on a little to that, what Hans is is a mirror as a lot of charming, but hallow or sociopathic. Jennifer: 他非常有才能也是迷人的,他反射了所有人。事實上在原著故事中鏡子做了 很多事情,很多童話故事中所講的鏡子我們也把他們提出,所以我從那取用了一點, Hans是很迷人的鏡子並且有著神聖的或是反社會的性格。 Aline: And she's also so lonely. Aline: 而Anna也是孤單的。 Jennifer: She's lonely. Jennifer: 她是孤單的。 Aline: That it's like she's falling in love with her reflection in the pond, yeah. Aline: 這就像是Anna對著她池塘中的倒影墜入愛河,是嗎? Jennifer: Yeah, exactly. And he mirrors her and he's goofy with her. He's a little bit more bold and aggressive with the Duke, because the Duke is a jerk, so he's a jerk back. And with Elsa he's a hero. Jennifer: 是的,恰恰是這樣。Hans反射她並且跟著她一同愚蠢(?), 他跟公爵一起時有一點大膽和積極,因為公爵是個怪人, 所以Hans也怪人回去,跟Elsa一起時他是個英雄。 有興趣的人以下是 音源:http://ppt.cc/UB~5 逐字稿:http://ppt.cc/q8FY -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/12 23:39, , 1F
02/12 23:39, 1F

02/12 23:40, , 2F
原來是反社會人格 那就說得通了
02/12 23:40, 2F

02/12 23:41, , 3F
02/12 23:41, 3F

02/12 23:42, , 4F
推 原來如此 或許Hans這樣的個性跟他要應付12個皇兄有
02/12 23:42, 4F

02/12 23:42, , 5F
02/12 23:42, 5F

02/12 23:43, , 6F
02/12 23:43, 6F

02/12 23:56, , 7F
冰與火之歌小指頭那一類的人 不過心計差了許多
02/12 23:56, 7F

02/13 00:04, , 8F
....怎可能跟冰與火之歌比 這是給小孩子看的-.-
02/13 00:04, 8F

02/13 00:08, , 9F
02/13 00:08, 9F

02/13 00:08, , 10F
他若這樣勾搭彌賽拉公主 不用一天瑟曦就把他斃了XD
02/13 00:08, 10F

02/13 00:08, , 11F
http://ppt.cc/gUSK 的確蠻有意思的 有興趣可以看看
02/13 00:08, 11F

02/13 00:33, , 12F
02/13 00:33, 12F

02/13 00:38, , 13F
02/13 00:38, 13F

02/13 00:48, , 14F
02/13 00:48, 14F

02/13 00:58, , 15F
02/13 00:58, 15F

02/13 01:18, , 16F
所以說Hans等於原作中諸惡的根源 讓Kai變成死小孩的鏡子?
02/13 01:18, 16F

02/13 01:42, , 17F
02/13 01:42, 17F

02/13 13:00, , 18F
02/13 13:00, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1I-vHT6q (movie)
文章代碼(AID): #1I-vHT6q (movie)