Re: [新聞] 案情大逆轉!強尼戴普才是家暴受害者 被打到逃出門求饒已刪文

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※ 引述《haha98 (口合口合九十八)》之銘言: : 新聞網址: : : 案情大逆轉!強尼戴普才是家暴受害者 被打到逃出門求饒 : 2019/03/06 11:48 : 強尼戴普(右)和前妻安柏赫德已離婚。(美聯社) 為了避免大家被假新聞帶風向,決定回文。 美聯社原文網址: AIRFAX, Va. (AP) — Actor Johnny Depp is suing his ex-wife, actress Amber Hear d, in a $50 million defamation lawsuit, citing a piece she wrote for The Washi ngton Post about domestic abuse. The complaint, filed Friday in the Circuit Court of Fairfax, Virginia, said th at, while Depp was not named in the Post article, it was clear Heard was talki ng about him. The lawsuit called her ongoing allegations of domestic abuse “c ategorically and demonstrably false.” “They were part of an elaborate hoax to generate positive publicity for Ms. H eard and advance her career,” the lawsuit said, claiming that “she is the pe rpetrator.” The suit said Depp, 55, has suffered financial losses because of the accusatio ns, including being dropped from his role as Capt. Jack Sparrow in the “Pirat es of the Caribbean” films. In her article, published in the Post in December, Heard also said she lost an acting role and contract with a major fashion brand because went public with her claims of abuse. “I spoke up against sexual violence — and faced our culture’s wrath,” the 32-year-old actress wrote, adding that she felt as those she was “on trial in the court of public opinion.” 自由時報另一篇比較接近原文 外遇部份也有回應了 先不討論 新聞網址: 強哥告安柏求償15.4億 加碼爆偷腥 〔記者許世穎/綜合報導〕「強哥」強尼戴普和安柏赫德的離婚官司已於2016年和解,不 過昨傳出他再度提告長期妨害名譽,索賠5000萬美金(約台幣15.4億元)。起因為安柏去 年12月在《華盛頓郵報》一篇以「家暴受害者」身分撰寫的文章,強哥團隊指安柏說謊, 「她本人才是加害人,卻多次扮演受害者編故事」。 : 〔娛樂頻道/綜合報導〕「強哥」強尼戴普和安柏赫德的離婚官司已於2016年和解,但 2? : 至今仍糾纏不斷,女方曾指控遭前夫施暴,但現案情卻大逆轉,根據曝光的法院文件顯 示 : ,強尼戴普才是家暴受害者。 : 強尼戴普控訴前妻安柏赫德的法院文件曝光。(翻攝自網路) : 根據外媒報導,強尼戴普狀告前妻安柏赫德的法院文件中顯示,事實上遭家暴的人其實 是 : 強尼戴普,文件中更詳述這段婚姻中,安柏赫德多次對強尼戴普施暴的事蹟,像是2人 簽? : 離婚資產協議時爆發口角,女方朝強尼戴普怒砸酒瓶,導致其右手中指遭噴濺的玻璃碎 片 : 弄傷、骨頭破裂,「幾乎將手指完全割斷」,必須手術縫合。此外,某次安柏赫德舉行 生 : 日派對,強尼戴普因工作會議晚到,事後竟遭女方多次毆打臉部,直到逃出家門求饒。 : 強尼戴普也在文件中表示,安柏赫德先前的家暴指控,只是為了博版面,實際上根本是 假 : 的,且指控已被警方駁回,並稱安柏赫德也私下承認遭家暴並非事實,「都是我的律師 叫 : 我做的」,強尼戴普因女方的家暴指控導致聲譽受損,甚至慘遭《神鬼奇航》最新系列 : 影換角,讓他氣得痛批「他們精心策畫騙局,為安柏赫德積極宣傳,實際上只是為了推 : 她的事業發展」,因此向女方求償5000萬美金(約新台幣15億元)。 強尼戴普告安柏赫德是覺得被誹謗,並不是因為被女方家暴。還有,除了最後一段和美聯 社原文有關以外,想請問這篇文章的其他部份是在哪個外媒看到的?上網搜尋外媒新聞中 強尼戴普沒有一篇提過被安柏赫德家暴,懷疑記者又亂抄文章(可能是粉絲寫的那種)寫 假新聞。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:
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