[新聞] 美國首例社區感染資訊

看板nCoV2019作者 (維吉爾)時間4年前 (2020/02/27 15:15), 4年前編輯推噓11(1103)
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完整標題:New Diagnosed Coronvirus patient being treated at UC Davis Medical Center 發稿單位 :Davis Enterprise 發稿時間:02/26/2020 PST 撰 稿 者:Anne Ternus-Bellamy 原文連結:https://reurl.cc/rlzk3k 摘錄一些重點: // Google翻譯,請多見諒 加利福尼亞公共衛生部周三報告說,該人是索拉諾縣的居民,該人沒有通過旅行或與已知 感染者的密切接觸而暴露於該病毒的已知途徑。 加州大學戴維斯分校的兩名官員在周三發送的一封電子郵件中說,該患者上週三到達薩克 拉曼多的醫療中心,但儘管醫學中心官員要求疾病控制和預防中心進行測試,但直到週日 才對該病毒進行了檢測。患者入院時。 “今天,疾病預防控制中心(CDC)確認患者的測試是陽性的,”來自人類健康服務副校 長大衛·盧巴爾斯基(David Lubarsky)和加州大學戴維斯分校醫學中心臨時首席執行官 布拉德·西蒙斯(Brad Simmons)的電子郵件說。 “入院時,我們的團隊詢問公共衛生官員此案是否可能是COVID-19。我們要求CDC進行 COVID-19測試,因為此時薩克拉曼多縣和加利福尼亞公共衛生部門均未進行冠狀病毒測試 。由於患者不符合COVID-19的現有CDC標準,因此未立即進行測試,”電子郵件中補充說 ,“ UC Davis Health無法控制測試過程。” ======= 事件爆發後民眾罵翻了, 川普大概臉真的要綠了... 美國就是這麼的佛心防疫, 跟日本比根本不輸. 1. 病人非華人. 無接觸史, 旅行史. 2. 上周三被轉院到US Davis Medical center 3. 周日測試病毒,這周三才出結果. (美國加州周三是台灣周四) 4. Travis 空軍基地(美國武漢撤僑民眾隔離地點)就在Solano County. 上周三病人因為不明病毒肺炎插管轉到UC Davis醫院.醫生要求測 COVID-19, CDC一直不准, 直到周日才同意, 周三才拿到陽性結果. 不曉得這個病人會不會是個超級傳播者.... 然後灣區事實上有數起類似,症狀為發燒,咳嗽,非流感,克流感+抗生素 無效的肺炎案例,重點就是CDC不給測. 有位華人家長還為他的小孩(青少年,機率應該比較低一些) 電話從IRR, CDC, State health department, County public health department 通通都打了,反正就是推來推去,最後還是說不符合檢查條件 (沒有接觸史,旅行史),強調整個Santa Clara County只有兩個case, 沒有社區感染,所以不給測.還好最後不是. 但重點就是CDC+政府那個態度, 像Santa Clara County早就因為之前案例宣布進入緊急狀態, 結果還是推來推去,一點都不緊急. 擺明了就是沒有檢驗,沒有確診. 這下子就真的出事了.... 感覺這次真的要世界大同了!!!! 但是台灣還是好好加油吧!! https://reurl.cc/rlzk3k Newly diagnosed coronavirus patient being treated at UC Davis Medical Center By Anne Ternus-Bellamy The UC Davis Medical Center is treating a patient who may be the first person in the country to have contracted the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) from community exposure. The California Department of Public Health reported Wednesday the individual is a resident of Solano County who had no known exposure to the virus through travel or close contact with a known infected individual. An email sent out Wednesday by two UC Davis officials said the patient arrived at the medical center in Sacramento last Wednesday but was only tested for the virus on Sunday despite a request made by med center officials that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conduct a test when the patient was admitted. “Today the CDC confirmed the patient’s test was positive,” said the email from David Lubarsky, vice-chancellor of human health services, and Brad Simmons, interim CEO of UC Davis Medical Center. “This is not the first COVID-19 patient we have treated, and because of the precautions we have had in place since this patient’s arrival, we believe there has been minimal potential for exposure here at UC Davis Medical Center, ” the email said. Nevertheless, a small number of medical center employees have been asked to stay home and monitor their temperatures. Lubarsky and Simmons said the patient was transferred to UC Davis from “ another Northern California hospital” on Wednesday, Feb 19. “When the patient arrived, the patient had already been intubated, was on a ventilator, and given droplet protection orders because of an undiagnosed and suspected viral condition,” the email said. “Since the patient arrived with a suspected viral infection, our care teams have been taking the proper infection prevention precautions during the patient’s stay. “Upon admission, our team asked public health officials if this case could be COVID-19. We requested COVID-19 testing by the CDC, since neither Sacramento County nor (the California Department of Public Health) is doing testing for coronavirus at this time. Since the patient did not fit the existing CDC criteria for COVID-19, a test was not immediately administered,” said the email, which added that, “UC Davis Health does not control the testing process.” On Sunday, the CDC ordered COVID-19 testing of the patient and the patient was put on airborne precautions and strict contact precautions. The positive test results were announced on Wednesday. “We are proud of our health care workers who have been working to care for this patient and are committed to saving this patient’s life,” the email said. “Just as when a health care worker has a small chance of exposure to other illnesses, such as TB or pertussis, we are following standard CDC protocols for determination of exposure and surveillance. So, out of an abundance of caution, in order to assure the health and safety of our employees, we are asking a small number of employees to stay home and monitor their temperature. “We are handling this in the same way we manage other diseases that require airborne precautions and monitoring. We are in constant communication with the state health department and the CDC and Sacramento County Public Health about the optimal management of this patient and possible employee exposures, ” the email said. “As we regularly handle patients with infectious diseases, we have robust infection control protocols in place to handle this patient and others with more frequently seen infectious diseases. In this case, we are dedicated to providing the best care possible for this patient and continuing to protect the health of our employees who care for them.” The CDC announced on Wednesday that a case of novel coronavirus of “unknown origin” — without a relevant travel history or exposure to another known patient — had been diagnosed in a patient in Northern California but did not indicate what city or county the case was in. In a press released issued Wednesday evening, the state Department of Public Health revealed the individual was from Solano County. “The health risk from novel coronavirus to the general public remains low at this time,” the release said. “While COVID-19 has a high transmission rate, it has a low mortality rate. From the international data we have, of those who have tested positive for COVID-19, approximately 80 percent do not exhibit symptoms that would require hospitalization. There have been no confirmed deaths related to COVID-19 in the United States to date. California is carefully assessing the situation as it evolves.” “Keeping Californians safe and healthy is our number one priority,” said State Public Health Officer Dr. Sonia Angell. “This has been an evolving situation, which California has been monitoring and responding to since COVID-19 cases first emerged in China last year. This is a new virus, and while we are still learning about it, there is a lot we already know. “We have been anticipating the potential for such a case in the U.S., and given our close familial, social and business relationships with China, it is not unexpected that the first case in the U.S. would be in California. That’ s why California has been working closely with federal and local partners, including health care providers and hospitals, since the outbreak was first reported in China — and we are already responding.” This would be the first known instance of person-to-person transmission in the general public in the United States, according to Angell. Previously known instances of person-to-person transmission in the United States include one instance in Chicago, Ill., and one in San Benito County. Both cases were after close, prolonged interaction with a family member who returned from Wuhan, China, and had tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by novel coronavirus. As of Wednesday, including this case, California has had seven travel-related cases, one close contact case and now one community transmission. -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nCoV2019/M.1582787707.A.2D8.html

02/27 15:16, 4年前 , 1F
02/27 15:16, 1F
※ 編輯: VirgilAeneid ( 美國), 02/27/2020 15:17:27

02/27 15:17, 4年前 , 2F
02/27 15:17, 2F

02/27 15:24, 4年前 , 3F
02/27 15:24, 3F

02/27 15:25, 4年前 , 4F
川普不意外啊 共和黨不太注意這些
02/27 15:25, 4F

02/27 15:35, 4年前 , 5F
02/27 15:35, 5F

02/27 15:47, 4年前 , 6F
UCDavis 造反啦
02/27 15:47, 6F

02/27 15:50, 4年前 , 7F
02/27 15:50, 7F

02/27 15:51, 4年前 , 8F
02/27 15:51, 8F

02/27 15:58, 4年前 , 9F
02/27 15:58, 9F

02/27 16:00, 4年前 , 10F
CDC 美式維穩 沒有檢驗 沒有確診
02/27 16:00, 10F

02/27 16:01, 4年前 , 11F
02/27 16:01, 11F

02/27 16:39, 4年前 , 12F
02/27 16:39, 12F

02/27 18:02, 4年前 , 13F
哇 川普不能連任惹
02/27 18:02, 13F

03/17 10:14, 4年前 , 14F
03/17 10:14, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1ULsnxBO (nCoV2019)
文章代碼(AID): #1ULsnxBO (nCoV2019)