Re: [問題] MacArthur Communication Development …

看板sp_teacher作者時間17年前 (2007/02/06 02:29), 編輯推噓1(100)
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沒有中文的啦 我也只能硬翻譯,翻的非常爛 如果你是要交報告的話,還是要自己下點功夫比較好,我相信這不難 : It's a parent report forms assess language and communication skills : in infants and young children through words and gestures 1.評量嬰幼兒語言及溝通能力的測驗 2.瞭解施測對象對於語詞以及手勢、表情等非口語溝通的理解程度 3.由父母施測的量表(parent report form) 此測驗分成兩個部份: DCI-I:施測對象8~16個月,施測目的在於了解孩童對於早期語彙的理解程度 語彙內容可分為動物名稱 家庭常見用品 和動作 : The first part of the form is designed for use with 8- to 16- month old : children, and prompts parents to document the child's understanding of : hundreds of early vocabulary items separated into semantic : categories such as animal names, household items, and action words. DCI-II:施測對象為16~30個月大的孩童,或是年紀更大的語言發展障礙兒童 內容要求家長紀錄孩童語言以及非口語溝通之發展狀況(溝通的能力) : The second part of each form is designed for use with 16- to 30-month old : children. Either form may be used with older, developmentally-delayed children. : It asks parents to record the communicative and symbolic gestures : the child has tried or completed -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

02/08 19:09, , 1F
人真好..不是報告用 不過真謝謝你:)
02/08 19:09, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #15ntUAg_ (sp_teacher)
文章代碼(AID): #15ntUAg_ (sp_teacher)