Re: [情報] L Word 眾家演員的近況

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※ 引述《modjo (modjo)》之銘言: : Clementine Ford : 登上了10月號的Curve雜誌封面並接受專訪 : 裡面談到她媽 女友Linda Perry 還有演出L Word的一些感想 : 其中一個問題是在現實生活中她有沒有跟Shane那樣的人約會過 : 她的回答: : That's funny [because] I think I have. I think we have all dated someone like : Shane — and been someone like Shane at some point. There's people out there : who would have some stories about me that are not great. : 這很有趣 因為我覺得我有 我認為我們都曾經跟某個很像Shane的人約會過 甚至我們自己 : 在某些時候也會變得像Shane 所以有些人可能會有關於我的不好故事 : 另外一個問題是問她閒暇時刻在幹嘛? : 她的回答: : I'll tell you a secret — and she might get mad at me but I don't care, print : it — Elizabeth Keener who plays Dawn Denbo, loves America's Next Top Model. : We text each other about it. : 告訴你一個秘密 -- 雖然某人可能會生氣 但我才不管 把這件事PO出來吧! -- 在L Word : 飾演Dawn Denbo的Elizabeth Keener很愛看美國名模生死鬥 所以我們老是跟對方聊這個 : 這個網站連結有CF拍攝封面的影片 : 完整訪問: On The L Word, her character Molly Kroll was one of the few girls who didn't fall apart when Shane ended their relationship, earninb Molly the respect of lesbians everywhere. In real life, Clementine Ford's coming out was steeped in controversy. After the U.K. lesbian magazine DIVA featured her on its cover with the tagline "Clementine Ford Comes Out," and suggested in the accompanying article that she'd had real sex on-set with her co-star Kate Moening, Ford told TV Guide she'd been misquoted and had not come out to DIVA. This statement led to a backlash from the queer community. A few months on, she talks to Curve about "that" interview, working with her famous mom ( Cybill Shepherd, who played her on-screen mother, Phyllis Kroll, in the cult dyke drama ), her new role on The Young And The Restless and her passion for strong women and bad reality TV shows. Q: Well, first pf all, thanks for talking to Curve, especially since you've not had the best experience with lesbian magazines. Your coming out was pretty rough. Now that you've had time to reflect on the whole thing, what are your thoughts on it? A: I should have known better. There were some clues, definitely, in the con- -versation. [ The DIVA writer ] kept saying, "Thanks for coming out" and and I'm like, "But I didn't." I've learned my lesson - my gut said some- -thing was wrong. Q: The really bizarre part was the inference that you had real sex on-set with Kate Moenning, who plays Shane. A: That was ridiculous, just silly. Q: After doing an interview with TV Guide in which you denied coming out to DIVA, some thought that you'd gone back into the closet. The Advocate then reported you as saying that you're gay, but just so we're super clear , can you clarify that you are a lesbian? A: We're clear on that! Q: Let's talk about your time on The L Word. What impact did it have on your life? A: Well, not to be all crazy feminist and whatever, but there is something really incredible.....take the lesbian thing aside - so much of the crew were women, and being in that environment, working with so many strong women, was so empowering. It made me feel really positive. Q: Not all actors have had a great experience on the show. How was yours? A: It is scary, going into that situation. You're going into a group of people who are close, personally and professionally, and I think you get back how go in. I had the warmest welcome, from day one, from everybody. Q: How was it playing mother-daughter with your actual mom, Cybill Shepherd? A: I feel I got to learn so much. To work with someone who is my mum in real life made it easier to play and gave me something else to work with for future roles. Q: Did she give you any acting tips? A: No! We work in very different ways. We didn't work together all that much. I had my own dynamic with how I worked with the crew and cast. We stayed out of each other's way. Q: How did you feel about the way Shane and Molly's relationship ended? A: I think it's a shame, but it's good to see someone not completely fall apart over Shane, because so many girls did. It would have been more inte- -resting and fun if we hadn't broken up and I would have been there more in season 6! People do change. I think people are capable of making those changes. I know people who are like Shane, and when you see them make that change it's extraordinary. Q: Would you ever date someone like Shane? A: That's funny [ because ] I think I have. I think we have all dated someone like Shane - and been someone like Shane at some point. There're people out there who would have some stories about me that are not great. Q: Out of all the L Word characters, who would you most like to date? A: Probably, I would have to say, [ as ] me, Clementine, picking a random character, I'd probably date Shane. Q: What kind of women are you attracted to? A: I'm a big fan of strong women who can hold their own, are not easily swayed or pished and have really strong opinions. My girlfriend is [ musician and songwriter ] Linda Perry. Not exactly a wet noodle! Because I'm very - I hate to call myself strong but I've been told I can bulldoze over people if they let me, so I need someone who can stand up and not let me walk over them. Q: You've become a bit of a lesbian icon now. How does it feel? A: I think that's the funniest thing I have heard all week. I've never thought of myself as a lesbian icon before. One thing I can say - forget the "icon" thing - but one thing I learned from The L Word is that there is a big separation. I have had straight come up to me in public. But if you go to a lesbian bar, you're going to get the famous thing, but when you're not in that environment, people kind of don't care. I'm a huge loser and I don't go out much anymore to bars. Lesbian icon - now I feel pressure! Q: What political or social issues do you feel strongly about? A: We don't even need to talk about Prop. 8, right? I have friends that rescue animals and I do little things for them, and I volunteered at a cancer support center. Little quiet things. I don't so much stand out on the forefront waving flags. I'm fascinated to see what Obama will do and bring out in me. Part of the problem with my generation is we haven't really had to fight for anything, so we'll see what happens with the abortion issue and gay marriage. Q: What's your take on same-sex marraige? A: I feel like there should not be discrimination or segregation in that way. I wouldn't want to stop my sister getting married if she wanted to, so I don't understand how someone down the street would want to stop me getting married. I think marriage is outdated and kind of silly, but at the same time, if they get to do it, I want to do it, too. Q: Did you have any concerns that coming out might adversely affect your career? A: Yes, after I had already done it! My grandmother called my mom and said, "She's never going to work again, Cybill. Why did she do that?" and I was like, "Oh, what have I done?" Then I thought about it and, really, I'm on The Young And The Restless and I'm playing opposite a couple of men. To me, I'm playing that part, and if you don't buy it, either I'm not doing my job or you're looking for something to be wrong. I know there are people my mum has worked with, and they didn't have any attraction to each other, but you buy it on screen. Q: What appealed to you about the role of Mackenzie "Mac" Browning on The Young And The Restless? A: The producers said they loved Molly and her dry attitude. Mac is not as snarky but she's really strong and it's fun to play someone who is strong and can stand up to so much and be this rock. it's very close to me. Q: How similar was Molly to you? A: It was funny because the first few episodes, you find your way, then you spend time with the writers and a few things I suggested ended up in the script. A lot of my attitude, and me, ended up being written in. Kate [ Moenning ] and I had great chemistry. We had the ability to play off each other because of the way the characters were written. Q: There's a real dearth of strong women on TV. They're usually victims. A: Yeah, and it's so boring. I've been the put-upon wife. I've been a poison- -ous character. I've been left, and chased after some guy, but it's so boring because it's not real. I don't think the weepy, whiny women are representative of what's out there. If I take a cross-section of my very best friends, they are so strong and incredible and can take care of them- -selves, and we don't see enough of that. Q: When I interviewed Lorna Luft a while ago, she spoke about how difficult it could be as Judy Garland's daughter, and how she had problems with her self-esteem and identity from having had such a famous mom. Is that some- -thing you can relate to? A: Yeah, it's hard. I've got a lot of opportunityies because of who my mom is. I've been lucky but.....we have stopped doing a lot of stuff together for the most part. There comes a point in your career where you're going to be known as Cybill Shepherd's daughter or I'm going to fail at being me. I'd rather succeed or fail as being me. Q: So what do you do in your downtime? A: I spend a lot of time with my dogs. I don't drink, so I don't go out much. I've done a lot of bowling lately, which I'm not good at, but I like it. I do write and draw and make little things for my friends that are kind of like comic strips. I watch a lot of really bad reality TV. I used to give interviews and make up things, saying I've been reading Dickens all week- -end, but the truth is, I watch bad TV. I watch The Biggest Loser. Q: What about America's Next Top Model? A: That's my favorite! I'll tell you a secret - and she might get mad at me but I don't care, print it - Elizabeth Keener, who plays Dawn Denbo, loves America's Next Top Model. We text each other about it. BTW, 裡面的照片很可愛. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/06 14:48, , 1F
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10/06 14:48, 1F
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