Re: [劇研] 102 (幕後花絮)

看板wearefriends作者 (閒祭秋)時間13年前 (2011/08/21 00:28), 編輯推噓6(602)
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01.This is the first episode to establish Monica's childhood obesity. 這是第一個建立莫妮卡童年過胖的單元 02.This is the first episode to show Jack and Judy Geller showing more affection to Ross than to Monica, which becomes a running gag throughout the series. 這是第一個表示蓋勒夫婦對羅斯偏心的單元,後來成為全劇主軸之一 03.This is the first episode to reveal that Monica is a clean freak, which becomes a running gag throughout the series. 這是第一個表露莫妮卡潔癖的單元,後來成為全劇主軸之一 04.The name of Carol's doctor is Dr. Oberman. In "The One Hundredth" one of Phoebe's doctors is also named Dr. Oberman. 卡蘿的醫生名叫「歐博曼」在第100集(503)也是菲碧醫生的名字 05.Ugly Naked Guy is mentioned for the first time in this episode. This guy lives in an apartment on an adjacent building, which can be seen directly from Monica's apartment. He is mentioned a number of times throughout the show's first five seasons. [edit] 在本單元第一次提到醜裸男,住在對面的公寓,從莫妮卡家可以直接看到。 他在前五季被提到好幾次。(直到羅斯搬進去) (才第二集當然很多第一次啊...) 06.In Monica and Rachel's living room, there is a different lamp on the coffee table compared with the one from the first episode. 莫妮卡和瑞秋的公寓裡,咖啡桌上的檯燈和第一集不同。 07.When Rachel begins to look for her ring under the couch, Monica mentions eating ice cream while holding a spray bottle and towel. The bottle disappears then reappears in her hand before the conversation is concluded. 當瑞秋開始在椅子下找戒指,莫妮卡提到冰淇淋時,手上拿著清潔劑和抹布。 在對話結束之前,瓶子反覆消失出現了好幾次。 08.In the opening credits of the cast in the fountain, they all open umbrellas. If you look closely the colors allude to early relationships. Ross and Rachel are both holding red umbrellas and are the first love interests. Joey and Chandler are both holding blue umbrellas and are roommates. Monica and Pheobe are both holding yellow umbrellas and were roommates before anyone else. 片頭曲噴泉前面的演員們都拿著傘,顏色正好反映了最初的角色關係。 R&R 紅傘 互相曖昧 J&C 藍傘 室友 P&M 黃傘 前室友 09.An entire month has passed since the pilot episode. 與第一集中間相隔了一個月 (劇中時間?) 10.Anita Barone received the "With" credit. Anita (Carol1) 拿到 「與」的字卡 (有人可以幫忙解釋一下這個用法的意義嗎?) 11.This is the first appearance of Mitchell Whitfield as Barry Farber. Barry was in 6 episodes of Friends. 這是巴瑞第一次出現的單元,巴瑞在本劇共演了六集 12.This is the first appearance of Jessica Hecht as Susan Bunch. Susan was in 13 episodes of Friends. 這是蘇珊第一次出現的單元,她在本劇共演了13集 13.David Schwimmer and Elliot Gould were both in Picking Up the Pieces, a 2000 comedy film. 14.Courteney Cox and Christina Pickles were both in Masters of the Universe, a 1987 science fiction/fantasy film. 15.This is the first appearance of Christina Pickles and Elliot Gould as Ross & Monica's parents, Jack & Judy Geller. They are 2 of the 4 non-Friends that appeared in all ten seasons. (Gunther and Janice are the others.) Jack Geller was in 20 episodes of Friends and Judy Geller was in 19 episodes. 16.This episode is the first to show clips during the opening credits. In the DVD commentary for the pilot episode, the creators noted that they preferred just to show the characters playing in the fountain, but network executives felt it made the characters look standoffish, as if the audience members weren't good enough to "play" with them. The creators compromised by mixing series clips with the fountain scene; with each season, the episode clips change, but the fountain clips remain the same through all 10 seasons. (Exceptions: "The One with the Flashback," "The One That Could Have Been," and "The One with Ross's Wedding.") 17.This episode runs 24:15 on DVD (a typical sitcom runs about 22:00). 18.In the tag scene, Rachel tells Mindy that she hopes Mindy's children have her old nose. It's ironic that Jennifer Grey, an actress who is known to have had a nose job after rising to fame, would go on to play Mindy later in "The One with the Evil Orthodontist." 19.Anita Barone had auditioned for one of the three female leads in the show, but didn't get the part. The producers then offered her the recurring role of Carol. However, after only one episode as Carol, Barone decided that she was looking for a more full-time role and left to look for other opportunities, being replaced by Jane Sibbett beginning in "The One Where Underdog Gets Away." This is the first of two times a character on Friends has been played by two different actors. The other is Mindy, Rachel's maid of honor. 20.This is the first appearance of James Michael Tyler as Gunther, although he has no lines. He remains an uncredited extra until "The One with Phoebe's Dad." Gunther was in 96 episodes of Friends. -- 先po上來 以後有空再翻譯 或者其他人有空也可以翻一下 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: samchiu 來自: (08/21 21:47)

08/22 19:20, , 1F
8 太酷了,之前都沒注意到這個區別
08/22 19:20, 1F

08/23 01:18, , 2F
08/23 01:18, 2F

08/23 01:18, , 3F
08/23 01:18, 3F

08/23 19:36, , 4F
08/23 19:36, 4F

08/24 15:31, , 5F
我只知道cAROL有換人 沒注意到Mindy也有換人
08/24 15:31, 5F

08/24 15:39, , 6F
原來Carol有換人.. 難怪... 我以為我眼花
08/24 15:39, 6F

08/24 15:53, , 7F
重放第一集 臉真的完全不一樣
08/24 15:53, 7F

08/25 20:16, , 8F
08/25 20:16, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #1EJ-3509 (wearefriends)