Re: [疑問] 想請大家幫個忙

看板Cheer作者 (大頭寶)時間18年前 (2006/11/27 18:55), 編輯推噓2(314)
留言8則, 3人參與, 最新討論串5/6 (看更多)
My Favorite Artist Cheer Today I would like to introduce my favorite artist, Cheer. Her Chinese name is 陳綺貞. She is a creative singer and she always carries her guitar and plays it. She also composes songs and writes lyrics, sometimes she would write songs for other artists. Cheer has published 4 albums, one best collection and numerous EPs and singles, most of the latter have become rarely precious commodities! Many people regard she as their angel when she performes on stage. 伍佰, the famous artist, once said,“Cheer's singing sounds just like a picture”. Cheer likes to take pictures and travel around the world to get inspired, that is how the famous song “Travel with Sound” came from. She is also a talented writer and the product of the combination of her two interests is the book ”Unweariedly". Sometimes, she just writes some casual articles on her blog. Her easy and simple writing style makes everybody feel that she is writing our life. Recently she acts one of the advocates of Simple Life Festivals and she says “Do what you want to do and make it valuable.” I can’t agree it more. Last year whenever I was preparing for the college entrance exam, I used to listen to Cheer's music. It is just like we studied together and sang out our feelings about life. I love her voice. Cheer's voice comforts me and her songs are best for listening in midnight. I love Cheer so much. Hope you like her, too. And now, let me play the song “Travel with Sound” for you. PS1.獻醜了 PS2.旅行的意義單曲第一版封面有英文名喔 PS3.自己打個廣告: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: opheius 來自: (11/27 19:01)

11/27 19:53, , 1F
推一個 不過我覺得有幾句太長 不好唸
11/27 19:53, 1F

11/29 11:25, , 2F
這已經是改寫 不是修改了吧?
11/29 11:25, 2F

11/29 19:54, , 3F
rarely precious 表示大部分是不珍貴的...
11/29 19:54, 3F

11/29 19:57, , 4F
The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simpl
11/29 19:57, 4F

11/29 19:57, , 5F
11/29 19:57, 5F

11/29 19:59, , 6F
第六行 regard "her"
11/29 19:59, 6F

11/29 19:59, , 7F
第二段第三行 where... comes from
11/29 19:59, 7F

11/29 20:01, , 8F
11/29 20:01, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #15QiGxZc (Cheer)
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文章代碼(AID): #15QiGxZc (Cheer)