Re: 邁阿密名人賽四強

看板Federer作者 (sherman)時間15年前 (2009/04/04 12:15), 編輯推噓47(48112)
留言61則, 40人參與, 5年前最新討論串7/8 (看更多)
※ 引述《Dolce (April in Paris)》之銘言: : 賽後訪談來了 : N. DJOKOVIC/R. Federer : 3-6, 6-2, 6-3 : An interview with: : ROGER FEDERER : THE MODERATOR: Questions, please. : Q. Obviously quite frustrated. It was 2-3 in the second seat set, about five : breakpoints. You held at 4-2, and then after that it seemed like the wheels : came off. Couldn't keep the forehand on the court? Any explanation? Wind? : Focus? 明顯你很挫敗。在第二盤,2-3的時候,你有大概五個被破發點。然後你挺住了4-2。 但在那之後好像一切都走調了。正手拍無法奏效?有什麼解釋嗎?風?專注力? : ROGER FEDERER: No, I mean, I definitely struggled with my timing after that, : so it was a tough finish for me, you know. I thought I was playing okay in the : first set, but it was always going to be tough in the wind. : I already felt it in the warm up. It was coming across the court. Yeah, I : struggled heavily today. It was tough. RF:不,在那之後我的確對於時間點的掌握感到苦惱,所以結果對我而言很難受。 第一盤的時候我覺得我打得還好,但在風勢中打球總是很困難的。 其實在熱身的時候我就感受到了,風整個灌到球場裡。 你說的沒錯,我今天打得很苦手,相當苦手。(人家納豆在INW的時候可不是這樣呢..) : Q. When fired your racquet into the court, did that feel good? 你摔拍的時候,爽嗎? : ROGER FEDERER: Not really. Not really. RF:不怎麼爽 X 2 : Q. Do you remember the last time you broke a racquet, Roger? 你記得你上一次摔拍是啥時嗎? : ROGER FEDERER: Could have been here against Rafa. RF:可能是在這裡對上納豆吧。 : Q. It was here? 是在這裡? : ROGER FEDERER: Maybe. I don't know. RF:有可能啦,我哪知。 : Q. It's obviously very tough for you to come in so soon after a defeat like : that. The emotions are obviously very strained. Is it getting tough to just : appreciate the matches like this sort of drifting away? We watch them and we : can't believe sometimes. I suppose it's even more difficult for you. 對你而言,這場失敗來得這麼快,一定很痛苦吧。你的情緒顯然非常緊繃。 看著一場比賽就這麼溜走,對你來講是不是越來越難受勒? : ROGER FEDERER: You kind of try hard and then it's just not working. Today it : is different just because there's so much wind, as well. Once you start : feeling bad, it's kind of tough to regroup, you know. : On top of that, it made it more difficult as well from the one end because you : had the sun in your eyes. It was really tough on the ball toss, you know. : Between 1:30 and 2:30 it's really tough. : But, I mean, it's the same thing for both players. Once one guy gets the : upper hand, the other guy is a bit uncertain. It's tough, but he struggled : bigtime in the first set. : So, you know, I finished worse than him. He played so bad in the first set, I : had a great effort by finishing even worse than him. It was good. RF:我其實還滿努力的,但結果不如預期。 可是今天特別不同,因為風太大了。一旦你開始覺得不爽,情緒就如脫疆的野馬了... 除此之外,太陽很刺眼也是個問題。在發球拋球的時候,尤其是一點半到兩點半, 我他X的超難受的。 但明顯的,對場上的兩名球員而言,情況是相似的。一旦其中一個人上手了, 另一個人就開始搖擺不定了。但是他(Nole)在第一盤相當苦手。 所以,你也知道,我的結果比他差。 他第一盤打超差的,但我他X的很努力地打得比他更差,讚,超讚(酸自己酸很大)。 : Q. Do you feel like he managed the win better than you did? 你覺得他對風勢的掌控比你好嗎? (我覺得應該是wind而不是win) : ROGER FEDERER: Well, I guess so. The result shows it, yeah. RF:阿不然勒,我都輸了... : Q. Did you find yourself sort of pressing because of that and going for shots : that you might have waited a little bit longer on? 你有沒有覺得因為風勢問題而開始想要對對手施壓,並且對於一些等待稍久的球 仍然強勢攻擊? : ROGER FEDERER: Not really. Just trying to keep the ball in the court. So it's : not like I was chasing the lines too much. RF:還好勒,我只是想把球留在球場內而已。我並沒有狂打邊線球。 : Q. How much pressure are you feeling out there? 你在場上感到多少壓力? : ROGER FEDERER: Not a whole a lot. I haven't been winning twenty tournaments : in a row, so nobody expects me to win really. : No, look, it's been a tough last year or so, especially in the hardcourts. : My game never really clicked, you know, except for the Open where I thought : I played great. : I think when I was finding my form again, you know, it hit me with the back : problem. It was unfortunate, you know, but thank God the hardcourt season is : over. RF:沒多少啦~(騙人) 我並沒有連贏二十個巡迴賽,所以也沒多少人期待我贏(我很期待啊!!) 話不是這樣說,你聽著,去年整年對我而言很難過,尤其是在硬地上。 我沒有真的找到我打球的感覺,除了在澳網,當時我覺得我打得非常好。 阿結果等我覺得我找到感覺了,該死的背傷又來了。 我覺得很衰,但好險硬地球季結束了.... : Q. How do you evaluate your play in the first part of the hardcourt season? 你自己給今年球季第一部份的硬地賽事打幾分? : ROGER FEDERER: It's the end. It's the end of the hard court season. I don't : care anymore. I'm moving over to clay, a new chapter. RF:結束了,硬地結束了。我不管了! 我要到紅土上去開創我新的人生! : Q. On the clay, you are only entered into two events prior to Roland Garros? 在紅土場地,法網之前你只有兩個紅土賽事? : ROGER FEDERER: Yes, it's going to stay that way. RF:對,大致是這樣。 : Q. Sorry? 哩公蝦? : ROGER FEDERER: What's the question? RF:阿某哩洗爹公蝦? : Q. Is that set in stone, or might you change that? 就你自己的賽程安排,鐵了心的不變,還是有可能改變? : ROGER FEDERER: Nothing is set in stone. You never know. I don't know. RF:沒有什麼事情是不能改變的啦,不要問我。(不然問Mirka嗎?) : Q. Did you feel like he almost let you back in at 4-Love where he double : faulted twice? Did you feel there was a little opening there? 在4-0的時候他雙誤兩次,你有沒有感覺到有機可乘? : ROGER FEDERER: It was tough to hold serve, and, you know, the wind was : swirling. From the one end when you didn't have the sun in your eye, you : were playing against the wind, so you always actually had sort of a chance : to break. : So I knew I wasn't out of it, but I should have held to go 3-1, I think. : Maybe. In the third set, I had a game point there. I think I could have : actually almost smashed it, but didn't read it quick enough and ended up : losing the point there. : I think that was my biggest opportunity I had. RF:保發真的很難,而且,他X的那根本就是龍捲風。 一方面來說你有見光死的問題,另一方面你有風勢問題,所以破發的機率是比較高的。 我知道我還是身陷泥淖,但我應該可以搞成3-1的。 在第三盤的時候,我有一個局點,當時我想我應該可以強力扣殺, 但我的預測不夠快,結果那一分就掉了。 我想那是我最大的機會。 : Q. You've had other matches where things aren't going as well and you don't : get as upset about that particular moment. What was different about today : that you just lost it there for that moment? 你之前有其他比賽也滿不順的,但你沒有像今天一樣暴走。 為什麼你今天突然就失控了(指摔拍)? : ROGER FEDERER: I didn't lose it. I was just frustrated. Just because I smashed : the racquet doesn't mean I lose it. Didn't feel great. Didn't feel -- it's : just a natural thing I did. RF:跟著我念一遍,我‧沒‧有‧失‧控! 我只是很挫折。摔拍不代表我失控啦!只是不爽,而且我不爽的時候那樣做是很正常低~ : Q. Do you feel you can overcome the problems you have at the moment, or you : feel that you may need some help from a coach or from somebody else? 你覺得你可以自己克服現有的問題,還是你覺得你可能需要教練或其他人的幫助? : ROGER FEDERER: I've had like five coaches in the last two years. RF:過去兩年我找過大概五個教練(意思是教練也沒比較厲害) : Q. Did you feel like the crowd got behind you after you smashed the racquet? 你摔拍的時候,有沒有覺得觀眾超愛你的? : ROGER FEDERER: That was great. Great, they got behind me after smashing the : racquet. RF:有啊,靠,超爽的,摔拍還有觀眾愛你,爽。 (不負責任翻譯至此) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/04 12:24, , 1F
04/04 12:24, 1F

04/04 12:27, , 2F
04/04 12:27, 2F

04/04 12:28, , 3F
04/04 12:28, 3F

04/04 12:28, , 4F
04/04 12:28, 4F

04/04 12:32, , 5F
04/04 12:32, 5F

04/04 12:41, , 6F
04/04 12:41, 6F
※ 編輯: shermanmt 來自: (04/04 12:44)

04/04 13:02, , 7F
04/04 13:02, 7F

04/04 13:21, , 8F
04/04 13:21, 8F

04/04 13:23, , 9F
04/04 13:23, 9F

04/04 14:21, , 10F
摔拍還有觀眾愛你,爽。 XD
04/04 14:21, 10F

04/04 14:44, , 11F
04/04 14:44, 11F

04/04 15:01, , 12F
翻的超棒的 我喜歡
04/04 15:01, 12F

04/04 15:17, , 13F
有幽默到 但嘴硬王實在嘴硬第一名啊
04/04 15:17, 13F

04/04 15:34, , 14F
04/04 15:34, 14F

04/04 16:02, , 15F
當之無愧的嘴硬王 XD
04/04 16:02, 15F

04/04 16:05, , 16F 有一點點賽後訪問畫面
04/04 16:05, 16F

04/04 16:25, , 17F
04/04 16:25, 17F

04/04 16:47, , 18F

04/04 17:21, , 19F
好有畫面喔 超好笑XDDDDDDD 感謝翻譯
04/04 17:21, 19F

04/04 17:23, , 20F
04/04 17:23, 20F

04/04 17:29, , 21F
挖 真的摔爛了!! 難道要返老還童了嗎
04/04 17:29, 21F

04/04 18:37, , 22F
歷史時刻 快來看
04/04 18:37, 22F

04/04 18:38, , 23F
感覺全世界的體育記者終於逮到機會 哈哈
04/04 18:38, 23F

04/04 20:13, , 24F
原po翻譯的好有味道 XDDD
04/04 20:13, 24F

04/04 20:44, , 25F
04/04 20:44, 25F

04/04 21:11, , 26F
看這篇賽訪看到我笑翻 好high的賽訪!!翻譯+幽默 真強
04/04 21:11, 26F

04/04 21:37, , 27F
04/04 21:37, 27F

04/04 21:59, , 28F
04/04 21:59, 28F

04/04 22:21, , 29F
04/04 22:21, 29F

04/04 22:35, , 30F
我心目中有霸氣的ROGER!! 以後還要翻譯啦 他X的讚啦!
04/04 22:35, 30F

04/04 22:54, , 31F
他X的很讚的翻譯 Rogi真的是嘴硬王( ̄ー ̄;)
04/04 22:54, 31F

04/04 23:47, , 32F
"靠,摔拍還有觀眾愛你,爽" 酸到快哭了
04/04 23:47, 32F

04/04 23:56, , 33F
摔拍還有觀眾愛我 哈哈~
04/04 23:56, 33F

04/05 01:00, , 34F
04/05 01:00, 34F

04/05 01:24, , 35F
04/05 01:24, 35F

04/05 08:15, , 36F Rogi的賽訪片段,他應該是很失望又
04/05 08:15, 36F

04/05 08:15, , 37F
挫折,很想藏住情緒又藏不住 ><
04/05 08:15, 37F

04/05 08:45, , 38F
04/05 08:45, 38F

04/05 08:51, , 39F
04/05 08:51, 39F

04/05 08:54, , 40F
04/05 08:54, 40F

04/05 09:09, , 41F
04/05 09:09, 41F

04/05 09:56, , 42F
04/05 09:56, 42F

04/05 09:57, , 43F
04/05 09:57, 43F

04/05 09:57, , 44F
04/05 09:57, 44F

04/05 12:07, , 45F
為什麼比完後沒理主審啊??? 有發生什麼爭議嗎?
04/05 12:07, 45F

04/05 13:31, , 46F
04/05 13:31, 46F

04/06 02:36, , 47F
04/06 02:36, 47F

04/06 02:41, , 48F
04/06 02:41, 48F

04/06 12:50, , 49F
04/06 12:50, 49F

04/06 12:51, , 50F
不過 我有個疑問耶 Monte Carlo不是也是一千級的....
04/06 12:51, 50F

04/06 12:52, , 51F
我以為1000級 是一定要打的耶.... 不是嗎?
04/06 12:52, 51F

04/06 13:06, , 52F
04/06 13:06, 52F

04/06 13:08, , 53F
04/06 13:08, 53F

04/06 15:38, , 54F
因為他生涯比賽場數到600 所以可以再少參加1個~
04/06 15:38, 54F

04/08 12:16, , 55F
最後一句是不是摔拍之後 觀眾感覺怎樣也無所謂了?
04/08 12:16, 55F

04/08 12:30, , 56F
04/08 12:30, 56F

04/08 14:21, , 57F
我覺得最後一句根本是嘴硬王在耍任性= =
04/08 14:21, 57F

04/09 13:05, , 58F
04/09 13:05, 58F

04/09 13:39, , 59F
04/09 13:39, 59F

12/06 17:55, 5年前 , 60F
12/06 17:55, 60F

04/16 19:36, 5年前 , 61F
04/16 19:36, 61F
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