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http://xination.pixnet.net/blog/post/24047051 melon n.瓜 [the fruit of any of various plants of the gourd(葫蘆) family, as the muskmelon(哈蜜瓜) or watermelon.] watermelon n.西瓜 pineapple n.鳳梨 membrane member-an-e n.薄膜[ A thin, pliable layer of tissue covering surfaces or separating or connecting regions, structures, or organs of an animal or a plant.] ps. 細胞膜也是用這個字「membrane」 字源:來自於 L. membra-na "skin",是從 L.membrum「member of the body」而來 ---------------------------------------- 字根 mon mem 有remind, remember的意思 monument n.紀念碑 monumental a.紀念碑的、極大的 字源:L monumentum= mon- (mone-re to remind, warn) + u + -mentum mem-ory n.記憶、紀念 mem-ori-al n.紀念物 (ex.紀念碑 mounument) a.紀念的 memory的字源:L. memoria, = memor "mindful, remembering" + ia"y" memoir n.回憶錄 [與memory同樣都是來自L. memoria ] memento n.紀念物 [想成 moment ] /*an object which you keep because it reminds you of a person or a special occasion*/ ---------------------------------------- memorial memory-al n.紀念物 [something designed to preserve the memory of a person, event, etc., as a monument or a holiday.] ex. 像紀念碑 monument或者是紀念日、紀念活動等等的,具有回顧性質的,都可以稱memorial. adj.紀念的 [ preserving the memory of a person or thing] ex. memorial arch memoir n.回憶錄 [ a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation.] 字源:L. memoria , = memor "mindful, remembering" + ia 與memory同樣都是來自L. memoria Monga (艋舺 電影原聲帶) OST - 15. Monga-memoir menace n.威脅 [A possible danger; a threat] ex.the menace of nuclear war v.威脅 [To utter threats against.] 音: 賣你死 /*men + ace 拆成這樣記也不錯*/ baleful:menace 有害的東西帶來危害 mend v.修改、改正 [To reform or correct] v.恢復健康 [To improve in health or condition] ex. The patient is mending well. ps. 如果衣服哪裡破掉了,縫衣服也可以說mend唷 ps. mand == 命令 /*一個人下命令 */ mend == 修改 /*兩個人修改 */ mendacious mend-acious (acy-ous) adj.說謊的 [ telling lies, esp. habitually; dishonest] 字構:mend是修改的意思(而最原始有錯誤fault的意思), 你可以想成因為遭後人修改,所以失去了原本的真實性,也就是說謊的。 mendacious:truth 虛假的不是真實 mendacity mend-acity (acy-ity) n.謊言 [the quality of being mendacious; untruthfulness; tendency to lie.] mendicant mend-ic(ac,act)-ant adj.行乞的 [Depending on alms for a living; practicing begging.] n.乞丐 [A beggar] ps. 也可以當"托缽僧" 音:面地啃的乞丐(mendicant) 字源:也是來自於mend,mend最原始有錯誤的意思,也象徵「 physical defect」 所以之後就被拿來形容乞丐。 menthol n. 薄荷醇 (被放在香煙、牙膏、化妝品、一些治療咳嗽的藥物中) ps. 薄荷 = mint mentor ment(mental; to think)-or n.良師益友、導師 [a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.] v. [to act as a mentor] ex. She spent years mentoring to junior employees. 字源:mentor原本是一位神的名字,其中的ment是mental,to think的意思。 在希臘神話中,他是 Odysseus的朋友,當 Odysseus赴身Trojan War時,他將他的兒子與皇宮託給Mentor照顧,而Mentor很努力的幫他們渡過難關,因此後來他的名子就成了「良師益友」的同義詞了。 mentor:guidance 導師給予指導 mercantile mercant(=merchant)-ile adj.商人的;貿易的 [ of or pertaining to merchants or trade; commercial.] ex. mercantile law 商法 ps. merchant n.商人 他的字源來自 L. mercari "to trade" ,其中的merc是從L. merx "goods, 貨物"的意思 market 也是同樣的來源唷 mercenary merc(goods)-en-ary adj.唯利是圖的 [ working or acting merely for money or other reward; venal.] ex. mercenary motives 貪圖錢財的動機 n.雇兵(服務於外國的士兵) [ a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army.] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/26 21:22, , 1F
03/26 21:22, 1F

03/26 23:21, , 2F
邁向307了耶!!! 感謝你
03/26 23:21, 2F

03/27 14:18, , 3F
03/27 14:18, 3F

03/27 17:19, , 4F
03/27 17:19, 4F

03/27 19:23, , 5F
支持 :D
03/27 19:23, 5F
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