[外電]Fanfare:One fan's plan:Bring back Webber

看板Kings作者 (Sac,親情:LA,愛情)時間18年前 (2006/11/27 15:34), 編輯推噓5(503)
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Fanfare: One fan's plan: Bring back Webber Last Updated 12:37 am PST Sunday, November 26, 2006 Story appeared in SPORTS section, Page C2 Print | E-Mail | Comments (9) If the Kings could bring Chris Webber back by resending Kenny Thomas and Corliss Williamson, or anyone else who isn't a major contributor, to the 76ers, I wouldn't mind one bit. Sure, the Kings are a much different team now, with a supposed focus on defense (which hasn't shown up lately, mind you). But Thomas is doing very little, and Williamson is playing only because of injuries. A gifted passer and good mid-range shooter, Webber knows many of the Kings and can adjust very quickly. Webber has shown he still has a lot left and says he feels as good as he has since the knee surgery. Plus, with two years left on his deal, he's not nearly as big of a salary cap killer as he was two years ago. (I think Webber can replace the role of Miller now, Williamson can replace the role of KT; Webber's contract will be over after next season, so is Artest's; so we can have a big salary space(30M) after 2 years. KT Miller Potapenko for Webber lineup C-Webber Taylor PF-SAR Williamson SF-Artest Garcia SG-Martin JS PG-Bibby Price) PS.括號內的是另一個球迷的想法...都可以參考看看 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/27 18:31, , 1F
3換1嗎= =
11/27 18:31, 1F

11/27 19:14, , 2F
這或然輪太低呀... 想要Webber回來唯一辦法 只有76人用
11/27 19:14, 2F

11/27 19:16, , 3F
Finley條款放掉 再低薪回來 不然決不可能
11/27 19:16, 3F

11/27 19:30, , 4F
11/27 19:30, 4F

11/27 19:33, , 5F
11/27 19:33, 5F

11/27 20:25, , 6F
Webber已經離開了 就放他走吧 回來又是一大筆的薪資負괠
11/27 20:25, 6F

11/27 20:26, , 7F
擔 如果又受傷 國王就不用玩了
11/27 20:26, 7F

11/27 21:30, , 8F
11/27 21:30, 8F
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